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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. It's not the mods call nessasarily, hence why I'm trying to plead my case to the man who makes the call. Also, post your thoughts here rather than PMing, as I would think it would serve everyone better to get your thoughts into the open.
  2. That is essentially my point. It's so subjective as to almost be meaningless. But if I asked someone what a terrorist was, to break it down to it's core (not name names), I think you would get basically variations on the same answer. Hence, in our modern understanding of the word, I think you can be more specific and add the "with little or no concern about who that violence effects" to "Systematic use of violence, with little or no concern about who that violence effects, to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective". I think this better reflects what the majority of people would think the word actually means. Not that I'm for changing the meaning of words on a majority vote, but in this case it seems apt. It also draws a better line between acts of war and terrorism.
  3. The dictionary defines it as: Britannica goes a step further: A post that said "Americans are terrorists" (the way it was supposed to be taken aside) got me thinking about the meaning of the word terrorism again. Britannica lists some moments of time that are famous for their "terrorism":
  4. ahhh, anyways, the jenga was nifty
  5. yes, alot of it is just good ole' fashioned Anti-American stuff
  6. Ooooops, shouldn't have skimmed the article, i thought: meant it was one of those virtual reality or thought reading things. Like the bowling game you control just by thinking. but, heres my questions, how does that program (tho neat as it was) show in anyway what they are talking about with their new chip (hardware) they say themselves:
  7. might be splitting hairs here, but maybe we can get a single NWN2 forum for all disscussion about the game that happens here too.
  8. awwwww, come on, howabout some new material huh? :cool:
  9. Well I tell you this, the Bush "hippy" sig ain't helping you out besides, we're not anti-republican, were pro-truth (but yea, you are fighting an steep uphill battle, I think largely due to the large non-American population in these forums)
  10. They have been talkign about stuff like this for years. I'm sure it will happen, kinda like hybrid cars did after years of talk, but the question is when.
  11. 1 and 2 were clearly better and it's disgusting you would say otherwise I never tried 1 and 2 :ph34r: Now what would be proper atonement, I need to suffer for that outrage... playing Master of Orion 3 ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, but for speak "the name that shall not be spoken" you have to play it. Has anyone played bubble bobble? That has to be one of my favorites too.
  12. When the thread about the forum closing was made, I understood the reasons listed, tho I didn't nessasarily agree 100% with all of the reasons. Now I very much appreiciate the forums being left open, but I feel this new "more strict" moderation isn't doing exactly what you hope to accomplish. I understand that you don't like negitive press or responses (especially when it can effect your livelyhood), who does, but you will allow it (within reason). I appreciate that, but then wouldn't the mods be most effective dealing with the many threads in the K2 forum that are repeatedly posted on the same topic (more often than not a complaint of some sort)? I mean, there only needs to be one topic per legit complaint. Or even pruning spam out of serious discussion in the K2 forums. I don't think anyone can post a positive review in the K2 forums without someone flaming him or her. EXAMPLE EDIT: the mods have since edited the topic, but a poster said something along the lines of dragging the reviewer out and beating him with a bat to knock sense into him. It's just I've just noticed that there has been warnings being made about some of the topics disscussed in "Way Off-Topic". They havn't been because of foul language in a family forum or anything of that nature, but due to discussion (or in reality, the joking around with) political topics. I know the mods do this because they have been instructed to in some way, so I'm not blaming them, or anyone for that matter. I think there just has been a mix up in the clarification of what you actually want. Now, I've been in this forum since the start and have been involved in ALOT of political and religious, all very heated. The key thing is, most (if any) didn't need any moderation, much less closing. Passion about a topic doesn't mean there is something wrong. We have shown we can handle adult topics like adults and until someone proves otherwise, I think we should be able to "run on a lead" in "Way off-topic", so to speak. After all, I don't think political disscussion on these boards is why you considered closing them. That being said, I think most of us would appreciate a little extra breathing room in "Way off-topic" for good natured kidding around as well. As you can see "serious" topics mostly stay serious (The Lost topic, my book topic, political and religious, many a sports topic, etc.)and have stated on topic with no moderation. There is a little kidding around in every topic, but I doubt anyone gets many complaints (if any) about it. Just look at the "Lost" topic, it has been going strong for months, even if it gets side-tracked for a few posts now and then. We do a fairly good job self regulating in general, especially when a discussion gets going. When it comes to a "light" topics in "Way off-topic", unless it gets crued, I think everyone would appreciate mods looking the other way. I don't think our recent "Kumquat vs. chimp" topic hurt anyone and everyone involved had a laugh (and look, we even had a little bit of serious discussion ...kinda ). All and all, I hope you can see my point about "Way off-topic" and address our mods (who we need to thank more for dealing with the real problems) accordingly. Way off-topic is mostly filled with "regulars", those people who were around for all those weekend programmer posts. Most of us have said our peace about K2, positive or negative, and don't really discuss it as being "good or bad" anymore so much as what we would like to see done better in the future and what we enjoyed. I don't think these are the people you need to look after. If you don't see it as I do, I hope you will take the time to discuss this further. Thanks (sorry in advance for the many typos I am sure exist in this post) P.S. I think a community manager will ultimately prove to be a waste of your time and money, especially going forward. We didn't need one before and K2 discussion is easying down, as evident by the increasing K3 threads . Tho I think you might secretly :ph34r: agree with me on this one.
  13. I've noticed that our pals Phosphor and Fionavar have stepped it up a little...but not to the biowarish degree. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I suppose, when it gets sorted out what really needs to be modded and what doesn't, that even that increase will dwindle
  14. I understand, but as mods I'd hope you guys take things in context. As my bright yellow smiley with a halo indicates, I am clearly kidding about B5C being a terrorist for voting for bush. Nor, IMO, did I think Laozi was serious for declaring all Americans are terrorists. At least, not in the direct way the post would indicate. He might have gotten around to "The people you see as terrorists consider you terrorists" kinda of thing. We have had several heated but mostly controlled political debates on this forum. None of them I can remember were locked till they evolved from heated debate to basically fart jokes. Most of us know each other and get along here. No one is trying to make anyone else cry or anything. We have even tackled religious topics in, again heated, but responsible ways (the ten commandments topics). If a crack down is needed, it might be better severed by eliminating the dozens apon dozens of duplicate threads complaining about the same issues in the K2 forums rather than a forum that has never given anyone any real trouble. Tho I'm not the boss, and I know you guys are doing what your told, but thats how I see it.
  15. [*]Heroes of Might & Magic III (and expansions) 1 and 2 were clearly better and it's disgusting you would say otherwise
  16. playing it a 2nd time Et tu, Brute? EDIT: I cried I laughed so hard at parts of this thread. Or it's because Darque abandoned me. One of the two.
  17. This could go on forever and I have to get to bed, so let's just say I hope you never have to find out I'm right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dream of your chimp killing alpha male For my next trick I'll kill King Kong!
  18. I know, I'm half still arguing because of the comedic value. Tho I still think plenty of adult males can take a chimp.
  19. She called me an alpha male Seriously tho, I was arguing health adult males can take a chimp (lets say 8 times out of 10), not just me. And lots of things are very dangerous. People have killed lions multiple times one on one, no weapons. They out weigh us, are stronger, and have bigger teeth than chimps.
  20. Well, just Kumquat doesn't make people think you can take a chimp
  21. I say we Thunderdome this sucker and set up a Pay-Per-View event
  22. You pick the winner, :D : VS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You bastard
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