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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. I was watching Letterman awhile back when she was on and she told a story about how she wizzed (is "pissed" edited? <- testing) in the directors coffee thermos for making her do that scene.
  2. Favorite Pixies song? I havn't heard alot of them, but I never liked much other than "where is my mind". I'd like that to change. Dane Cook - retaliations
  3. Is that an urban myth or based on evidence? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://wired.com/news/20050620_chinablogs....tw=wn_tophead_1 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/06/13/ms_ban_freedom/ real
  4. O, and I'm still a Kate Beckinsale Fanboy
  5. does that fact that they are all pixels, minues one, matter?
  6. ok, well, duh. So are lots of various investors. Not all of them nessasarily bringing "American" values or having to answer to the American people. Like when Microsoft (I think it was MS) help the Chinese gov censor words like "freedom" on the internet. My point wasn't that US companies are solely driving the chinese market, but that US companies have a unique role to play in this. as I said, we're already there. Edit: to a degree Want to venture a guess who is number one in human rights violations and in the bottom five of press freedoms? I'm guessing China doesn't get "nicer" when it gets more powerful. Without, of course, some serious reforms. Those reforms would, of course, very likely hurt the chinese economy badly for some time to come. As I said, interesting, isn't it?
  7. Isn't it kinda already. I mean, Taiwan and what not? Them building nukes, us trying to build new tactical nukes. What I want to see is what part American corporations wnd up playing in all this. Not from a "corporations are evil" perspective, but just because they seem to play a very interesting role in all of this. They help support Chinese expansion in many regards while spreading american ideas.
  8. There aren't wannabe black rappers in Soviet, are there? Seriously, China is trying to copy the West so much, they are losing their own identity. The democratic ideas will eventually get there in this age of Internet, so be patient. China is not going to be a carbon copy of the USSR. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not saying they will be. My response was in reference of Groms question about what will Europe do when China rises in power. My thought: Align themselves closer with the US and vice versa.
  9. Lots of reasons. Just as there is lots of positive to it.
  10. What happened when Russia became a superpower? besides that scenario, while possible, isn't NEARLY as probable as the scared masses seem to believe.
  11. When they get more nukes, it just might be eldar Until then "Aluminum"
  12. Mine (minus the "Q3") Some funny ones: Feargus: Bush:
  13. Ain't it cool news has some info on the DVDs and it's contents Also, I thought Servant of Eru should get credit for having a 27 page on point thread ( One that is much older that the NHL thread and will likely continue to be on topic and strong when the show rolls around again in a few months
  14. Can anyone else hear "Pinball Wizard" by The Who play while reading this?
  15. The very original: Supreme Commander, iirc Hammer & Sickle Zelda: twilight princess Heros of Might and Magic 86 (or whatever number we're at now) Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion Neverwinter Nights 2 Empire at War Gothic 3 Freedom Fighters 2 (if it ever happens) Oblivion Fallout 3 Night Watch And where did everyone get this Farenheit demo? I read it's not out till sept, the demo, not the game.
  16. It's a great story, I think my favorite bits are near the end, when he talks about how he messes with people and what he wants to be LINKY
  17. 100 meters huh? Someone should just paint the whole island into a giant flag. How can you claim an island if the whole thing is literally a giant flag for the other side? Which gives me an interesting idea for my future invasion of England......
  18. Lost Rescue Me (tho it started) Galactica (tho it started) Deadwood season 3 Venture Bros Arrested Devolpment Penn & Teller: Bull****! season 4 and of course: Family Guy / Simpsons/ Southpark all of which I'll prolly download well after the actually air
  19. ANyone remember the T.V. show "Viper"? It was basically Knight Rider with a Dodge Viper. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0324452/
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