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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. It dawned on me a few days ago that I havn't seen a Resident Cynic article since E3. I went to Gamespy to try and find out what the deal was, only to find the old "email me the resident cynic at:" link replaced by a "gamespy comments link". SO I went to the source, the cynic himself, Christopher Buecheler. He has a SITE and I went there and sent him an e-mail. It's short but bitter: KQ3: I'm guessing that you get this ALOT, but is "resident cynic" dead? Chris: Yes. Just thought alot of you might be interested, considering the role Lucasarts might have had to play in this.
  2. The Revolution ::eyes roll and the sound of knowing smirks fill the air:: will have 512 megabytes of built in flash memory, which will be "expandable" via SD memory card slot. This info can be transfered to your computer. ::is hit by an egg:: :'(
  3. Congrats, a little late...but congrats I expect a positive review of my new game, Sam & Max & Kumquatq3: Hit the Road
  4. I saw Gromnir posted in the song lyrics thread, and I figured it had to be good. I have to say, I'm a little dissapointed, but it was entertaining.
  5. What does that have to do with anything? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Insanity = red states This on the same day someone in Texas ran over a memorial that the war protestors put up... Doesn't sound that morally corrupt you say? The memorial was make shift grave makers bearing the names of soliders KIA in Iraq. And they ran it over with a truck. and yes, I'm just messing around about the red state thing, but yesterday = not such a great day down south
  6. He's a mix of that and : The Nanny I don't really know what I am, suggestions?
  7. dogs (but that ferret was cool)
  8. wait, what director supposedly sucked? who are we talking about?
  9. ::cough:: ::oprah:: ::cough:: Well, that one lady is really hot
  10. I know what your trying to get at, and it sounds clever & witty, but I would suggest it's BS. After all, we are talking about the show in a thread about generally how great LOST is....
  11. but notice he didn't say he wouldn't have a one night stand with a wookie
  12. ::looks at his "orangutans with axes" task force and curses his lack of forsight:: back on topic tho: Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. president to have been born in a hospital The airplane Buddy Holly died in was the "American Pie." (Thus the name of the Don McLean song.) Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously
  13. QUIET! The neo-cons could be listening as we speak..... :ph34r: I hope it's a Hillary vs. McCain in 08. I like both for various reason, hence I can't lose.
  14. http://gprime.net/video.php/nintendothemesacappella the Zelda bit at the end is great
  15. didn't you make fun of me for sliders <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I made fun of you for giving Sliders as an answer. There's a difference. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can I still make fun or you for pimping desperate housewives?
  16. Tree Fight! First, lets be clear, you said oldest living organism, not specifically tree (which would still be incorrect) The first link: All it says is that the trees are over 2,000 years old. Not 12,000. All the info I can find only indicates 2,000 years old, about half of the record. The site you link also only calls it "one of the oldest". Not "THE" oldest. The second link: All it says is that the tree is the Oldest Living Tasmanian tree. The third link: You got that email form this site: http://www.nyu.edu/projects/julian/treetalk.html The thing is, that very site as a link debunking the "12,000" year old tree idea: http://www.nyu.edu/projects/julian/oldestliving.html So the tree ISN'T the oldest or even close to being 12,000 years old. What is old, is it's root system, which works by "cloning". So the single oldest organism, minus those that "clone" to stay alive, is the "Methuselah" at 4,767 years a bristlecone pine. but if you want to include cloning than your tree is FAR from the oldest thing, which you touched on, and I touched on in my 3rd link of my original post: .......................................... Not sure why you posted the 4th link, as that is a different plant (shrub, actaully) entirely from the one you called the oldest (remember you said "The oldest living organism", not tree or plant) and is what I origianlly assumed you accidently meant, but it isn't really the oldest. Even your link calls it just "the Oldest Plant Clone in the World" I actually already posted about this in my third link tho, that link incidently also meantions the huon pine as at least 2,000 years old, but ranks it below the 4,767 year old bristlecone pine. Tho all this might be for nothing as crustose rock lichens may in fact be many thousands of years old. Without "cloning"
  17. I don't think thats true http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/intro.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/listseason/28.html#2817 http://archives.cnn.com/2002/US/West/10/10....clone.pine.ap/ It's a tree on a mountain, but it doesn't take up the mountain, and it's in California Your "tree" is actaully a shrub, and isn't so much the oldest living thing, as the oldest living "clone", if you will. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ww0601.htm#oldest
  18. didn't you make fun of me for sliders
  19. well, glad this discussion is grounded in reality
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