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Everything posted by mista_me

  1. Hey congrats on winning the contest... the picture looks a lot like you but lets hope youre not in a funky get up! :D
  2. a little redundant but i understand mine is the same way back on topic uhh i think they're doin this bcs it will be revealed in the game or sumtin! :D
  3. yea but they usually dont like to answer threads that can usually be summed up in the game.. once you play it that is! :D at least thats wht i have noticed!
  4. interesting thanks for the info on the prestige classes! :D
  5. how do you know if a mandalor has been in rule for 7 years he could have died! :D
  6. that's the spirit, and not sucha bad idea either! :D
  7. Dood when one mandalore dies he is replaced by a new mandalore, usually by the person who killed him or if the first mandalore died of something "unknown" then he was replaced by the best solider! :D
  8. yeah right, Windu (accoriding to sources) is gonna have his assed kicked by little Ani. Of the prequel era Jedi only Obi Wan that matters in terms of power, because he wasn't wise back then since he was too young to take on an apprentice like Anakin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well you sure a thing or two, yea i cant wait to see ecil ani he better be a badass!
  9. America. America. America F@#k Yeah. Comin' again to save the motherf@#king day, yeah. America, f@#k yeah! Freedom is the only way, yeah. Terrorist your game is through 'cause now you have to answer to America, f@#k yeah. So lick my butt and suck on my balls. America, f@#k yeah. What ya gonna do when we come fo' you now? It's the dream that we all share, it's the hope for tomorrow. F@#k yeah. McDonalds, Wal-mart, the Gap, baseball, NFL, rock and roll, the internet, slavery, F@#k yeah, f@#k yeah. Starbucks, Disneyworld, porno, valium, Reebok, fake ****, sushi, Taco Bell, rodeo, Bed Bath and Beyond. Liberty, waxed lips, the Alamo, Band-Aids, Christmas, immigrants, Popeye, Democrats, Republicans, sportsmanship, books. I love that movie! :D
  10. Yay atleast we'll have some commedy relief b4 trying to kill the sith lords, and does anyone know if we'll have an influence effect on the droids, i bet we do but it doesnt seem logical
  11. omg thats the best idea ever you what are you going to be carring for everyone! :D
  12. Couldn't agree with you more, and I'm very happy to have joined the pinkside! :D
  13. ahh yes the al mighty pink side... almost! :D
  14. you're all wrong the side is where its at! :D
  15. Oh yeah they are <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very soxy indeed! :D
  16. Anywhere where they are selling the game on the sixth would be my guess
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