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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. But it's January 30th. Have fun anyway.
  2. Deraldin


    Just saw the replay on Sportscentre. That was awesome.
  3. I dunno, I live in Southern Ontario and I personally enjoy the lack of snow. But that's me. If you want more snow, might I suggest moving to Barrie? It's in the Snow Belt. They always have snow all winter long. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I get paid to remove snow and my favourite winter activity is skiing. No snow sucks for both of those activities. <_< Moving isn't really an option at the moment. Still have school to finish.
  4. It's 50 and no. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That depends on where you live... <_<
  5. I've seen a K2 AI match the player card total with a side card and then stand. Only seen it do this on a 19. I don't know what the cutoff is because it usually ends up with either a 19, 20 or bust.
  6. Last winter it was 16 degrees here in Vancouver. Thats 62 for you americans. I doubt they would in Winnipeg though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's 10 degrees here in southern Ontario. It's been like this most of the winter. Everynow and then it'll drop down to -20 for a day or two, but then it shoots back up above 0. Damn you Americans and your balmy weather! I want snow! :'(
  7. My computer can handle RTW with huge unit sizes with most of the settings turned off. It's still nearing the end of it's life though at 3.5 years old. It was already low-midrange when I bought it. <_< Can't wait for the game anyway. Was there a projected release date given? I don't recall seeing anything about it.
  8. My computer weeps for it knows that it will never see this game grace it's hard drive. I can only imagine what kind of system specs it will require for all those individual models.
  9. I only have an average of a single post per day here. On my most active forum I have 5 posts per day... 5 non spam posts an hour is more than I can make. <_<
  10. Except for dodge bonuses which do stack.
  11. No, it's simply your opinion. Mine happens to be that it totally failed to grab my attention for more than an hour. Granted I only got the game as a gift for christmas just over a year ago now, however coming off a Red Alert binge it was just missing that vital something to keep me interested. Hopefully Supreme Commander will have that something because it really does look like a good game.
  12. Yeah I know. I hadn't actually lost a battle though because of that mistake... " I only reloaded because I was so near the beginning. If I had been farther in I wouldn't have done so. I had three armies reinforcing my main stack which came under attack. Each army had a general in it. Each army was AI controlled. Each general decided to charge the enemy phalanx head on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe there is an AI tweak mod that prevents player AI cavalry from attempting headlong charges into phalanx units. You notice the AI opponent never does that so your AI controlled reserve should not either. But I also agree with alanschu, reloading after a critical mistake defeats the pupose of your experiment here. You are the battle general, if you err, your men die. Lee did not get to reload after he ordered Pickett to charge the center of the Union line at Gettysburg, and watched a 15,000 man division get cut to pieces. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would it make you two happy if I sacrificed the ressurected generals to Nike? Maybe she would be willing to transfer their experience to other troops... "
  13. Are you kidding? It's going to be a Sims expansion pack from EA. <_<
  14. OMFG!!! STARCRAFT=/= FPS!!!!11 What game have you been playing?
  15. Yeah I know. I hadn't actually lost a battle though because of that mistake... " I only reloaded because I was so near the beginning. If I had been farther in I wouldn't have done so. I had three armies reinforcing my main stack which came under attack. Each army had a general in it. Each army was AI controlled. Each general decided to charge the enemy phalanx head on.
  16. I played a couple more turns earlier and have now made a mental note to myself. Greek generals suck compared to the roman generals. I lost another family member although I've had two 16 year olds marry into the family. I managed to take out the first 1000 man stack from the Brutii with my main stack. I actually made a couple bonehead errors to begin with so I reloaded from my save right after my last update and played from there. Doing much better this time. Focusing more on building troops. I've got 7 more hoplite units this time at +2 experience from a temple of nike in Sparta.
  17. They've been discussing seccession for over a decade now.
  18. I agree, and I liked the fact that there were a few surprises in it. I had low expectations because the reviews trashed it, but it was better than I thought it would be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That reminds me. I need to go rent that one. I missed it by one day in the theatres... <_<
  19. Heh. Another one sucked back in. "
  20. They should be fixed now.
  21. Up and over! With the seige tower completed we cam together for an assault on Corinth. The spartans would be the first over the wall. They would climb the tower and back down on the other side where they would form phalanx incase the enemy tried to rush the walls from the inside. Next would come the mercenaries that we had hired on just outside the city. The peltasts had numerous grievances against the Macedonians so they would be given the honour of clearing the enemy archers from the wall. They would follow right behind the spartans and rush down the walls and be upon the archers before they could fire a single arrow. Without warning the peltast fell upon the Macedonian archers. Thier front ranks were trapped between the charging enemy and their comrades to the rear pushing them forward. Some were so eager that they ran over the edge of the wall and fell to their deaths! As the battle pressed on, more troops ran over the edge although this time in the hopes of escaping the enemy that had killed so many of their unit. Once the last archer was killed, the gatehouse captured and the gates were opened... The rest of the troops marched into the city with what was left of the enemy force stationed at the main plaza beside the governor's villa. The size of this one building was huge compared to the "spartan" (") conditions that the citizens of Sparta were used to. These fat Macedonians were no warriors, it was no wonder that that their troops were elimintated so easily. All routes into the city plaza were blocked off by phalanxes of troopss just waiting for the enemy general to charge hom into a wall of spears... The enemy were undisciplined. They were goaded into attacking by the hurled spears of the peltasts who had hurried off the gatehouse to join the fight. They charged the spartan warriors who stood their ground as the enemy horses came forward and died on their spears. Victory was ours... After the battle some good news arrived by runner from Sparta... Two days later we recieved word from Syracuse. Our fight against the Macedonian barbarians had gone well, but Dionysios had fallen in battle against the Romans. The battle had started well against them. The ram had been completed on schedule and his forces lined up outside the city ready to attacks. Dionysios was the first into the city with his bodyguard. The enemy general was spotted east of the enterance. They quickly formed up within the gates and charged home against the enemy general and rode them down as they tried to flee. Similar to the way the fight occured at the city plaza in Corinth with the hoplites forming Phalanxes in the roadways into the plaza. The second enemy general had twice as many horsemen with him as the one Dionysios had already run down. This time they charged home against the hoplites leaving the rear exposed. Just the sort of opening that Dionysios had been hoping for. His spurred how own cavalry on and tore into the rear of the enemy horsemen. The battle had been going well for Dionysios but the battle soon turned against him and he was struck down by the enemy general before he could pull his troops back for another charge. As the general fell his troops bolted, their morale had taken a huge hit with the loss of the general. Dionysios lays dead... The enemy retreated to the square giving the phalanx time to reform and let the doubt set it. Dionysios was dead? What do they do now? Should the run or should they press forward? The answer to these questions was provided from behind. With a shout of rage a hail of flaming arrows raid down upon the enemy general, panicking the horses and setting fire to their riders. With the first volley the enemy general was struck down. A mighty cheer rose up from the archers as they continued to rain down fire upon the enemy until they were all dead. Enemy General Dead Rain of fire The battle had been won, but at what cost? Dionysios was dead and the troops were now directionless. They sacked the enemy city and put it's people to the sword as the looted the city. It was little comfort to the troops as they marched back to Syracuse, sullen and brooding, as the smoke rose from Messana behind them. A warning to those who dare stand against the might of the greek empire... (Links for the last pictures only as it won't let me put the thumbnails for them...)
  22. If you have enough hoplites it could work on offense too. I've seen people do it online where they just walked across the field with this massive line of hoplites. It works best in defense though where you can just sit in a corner and wait for them to come to you. Not as good against the romans because of the pila that they thrown before they charge , but you should have some peltasts right behind the hoplites. "
  23. You can although it's not recommended as the don't stay perfectly in formation.
  24. I'll make another post tommorow afternoon when I get home from school. The Scipii must die. They managed to kill one of my family members in the battle for Messana. In revenge for that act I've razed all the buildings in the city, exterminated the populace and have them currently on very high taxes. I retreated what was left of my forces back to Syracuse. Corinth was taken with less than 50 casualties , most of which were dealt to the mercenary peltasts that I used to clear the enemy archers from the walls. My next post will be in story format. I managed to get trade rights with both the Seleucids and the Carthiginans although neither of them are willing to agree to an alliance.
  25. Excellent start! If you can take Messina I would put it to the torch, and recuit as many peasants as possible to boost the pop in Syracuse. Then abandon it when Marcus Scipii comes calling. There are over 400 Hastati in Capua by the 3rd turn. You should reach out to Pontus for an alliance as well as the Selucids. They are usually willing and it will solidify you security in Asia Minor. Attacking Corinth right off was a bold move. I like it. The big question is if the Brutii have hit Theramon yet. If so you might find yourself with your hands full. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't seen the Brutii yet which is a good thing. With a couple turns I could take both the Brutii and the Macedonians. I usually attack Corinth on the first time. If I get lucky then my spy will open the gates for me and I can take the city on turn one. Unfortunatly my spy failed me this time. Next turn I take Messena and Corinth while trying to broker a peace with the Seleucids. "
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