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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. That's my whole point...
  2. If this is scarier than this, I conclude that the game with the graphics from the second screenshot must have some pretty poor design.
  3. Pidesco


    And lets not forget Moebius, M
  4. System Shock 2 and No One Lives Forever. Just like Darque, apparently.
  5. Nothing with owning a console. I used to have a SNES myself. I believe we will burn in hell for it though. I was thinking about supposedly good games I've never played, and realised the last proper adventure game i've played was Grim Fandango. I've never played The Longest Journey, for example. Why is it considered such a good game?
  6. Anyone who hasn't played a Monkey Island game does not deserve to be called a PC gamer. Get it immediately! Look, a three-headed monkey!!
  7. Playing Monkey Island on a big TV screen must be something else.
  8. You can always use scummvm if you want to play old lucasarts adventure games without any problems.
  9. I'd like to see Samantha Fox Strip Poker on a handheld.
  10. Now, that was funny! I'm Damaged Roses by the way. >_
  11. WHEEEE! (w00t) EDIT: When is Sawyer getting a developer tag thingie?
  12. I think it should. But I think the turn based part of the game doesn't stand very well by itself. What would be cool would be Civ with real time battles like in Total War.
  13. All of the above plus Jagged Allliance 2 and MOO2. And Civ, of course.
  14. Medieval: TW (haven't played Rome) and Kohan. I think Kohan should get a lot more love that it does. Isn't there anyone on these boards who likes the game?
  15. I would do this order: IV V VI III II I To me it's a bit strange how everyone thinks so well of ROTS, while complaining so much about the other prequels. I thought that the first part of ROTS was as bad eps I and II. Granted, it was a lot of fun to watch the Jedi getting killed "en masse" and see all that evilness taking hold of the galaxy but it still didn't make up for that awful first half.
  16. 0.2 I've been around since day one. I'm a lurker.
  17. Counting my ammo, huddled against a corner, before going against The Many in System Shock 2. It was like nothing else existed besides the game. It was perfect immersion.
  18. I love math. Just because it's fun.
  19. I would go out and get laid. Just to see how easy it is to get a sex partner when you're female.
  20. Which Ultima games? I've never seen those quotes...
  21. For me, System Shock destroys the competition. Oh, and No One Lives Forever deserves it's own slot.
  22. The bugs are like a game within the game. They're like a major side quest! :D
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