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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Running away from soldiers is actually a lot of fun. Ditto for stealth killing. All the stupid optional missions are crap, though. Kill the bullies, pickpocketing, eavesdropping all suck. And then there's the collectathons.
  2. YES! Is that too much to ask? No. I'd say game design is very much still in its infancy, and even the best games are still crude in the way they achieve their goals. There's no design reason for a 7 year old game not to have been improved upon yet, much less equaled.
  3. Ratings aren't quite the same thing as banning a cultural item. Also, I certainly agree with you that Australia doesn't ban games based on immorality.
  4. Red Alert StarCraft Broodwar (a trailer, not an intro, but great)
  5. "Won't somebody think of the children!?" - Australian censorship
  6. Wall-E They should have focused more on the love story, which was quite awesome. The save humanity plotline was a bit pointless.
  7. But it's golden with a bit of blue and a gray background. And you don't have to be jealous. Not after all the love we've shared. Edit: I believe kirottu is insinuating that you are "brown nosing" (kissing butt) because of this comment: I believe I got that.
  8. I wonder when Obsidian will allow Annie to develop a Blue RPG. Also, Fryda Wolff is an absolutely awesome name. Like a superspy, or something.
  9. Huh... WTF, he annoied me in ways I didn't actually think a character could annoy me... Well, Bastila was stiff competition for Carth, in terms of annoyance levels.
  10. No worries. S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Gothic 2 loving is always welcome.
  11. from what i understand, not anti stem-cell research, but anti fetal stem-cell research. big difference. while i don't agree with he positions on these issues, it hardly makes her a nutjob. taks I'd say advocating the teaching at the same time of creationism and evolution in schools should make her seem like a bit of a nutjob. Except in America, of course.
  12. Choices and consequences are the only things that really essential in an RPG, to me. Of course, all aspects of an RPG should be interesting and well designed for it to be a good game, but if the choices and consequences aren't there than isn't much of an RPG. Also, the consequences should be central to the narrative, and should really affect the world and people around you.
  13. What is the equivalent of Europa Barbarorum for Medieval 2?
  14. I didn't say that at all. What do you mean by "succeeded"? Wasn't ME, like KOTOR, a huge commercial and critical success?
  15. You could try being more generic in your appreciation of the game. Also, I'd like to point out that KOTOR was most definitely developed for the "graphics whores." It's the only reason I can see for it to use a 3D engine, considering its gameplay is actually 2D. Furthermore, the use of a 2D engine would have cut down on costs, and hardware requirements, thus allowing for richer, larger environments, with more actors and more development time spent on writing and side quests. Not that I'm criticizing Bioware for choosing to use a 3D engine. Marketing and selling a 2D game to the Xbox crowd would have been tough, to say the least, not to mention that Bioware would have to convince Lucasarts(and Microsoft?) that a 2D game was worth their investment of time and money.
  16. How about elaborating on why you found KOTOR fun and addictive? What made KOTOR a better experience than all other RPGs you ever played?
  17. What makes you think that Bioware's goals in making KOTOR weren't the exact same in making Mass Effect?
  18. I haven't played ME. I don't know if it sucks or not. What I do know is that KOTOR is not a masterpiece of anything. It's a repeat of BG2 with most of its good features gutted or taken away.
  19. I'd like to remind you that finding Bastila was a main quest, not a side quest.
  20. English!!!! How could Obisidan let alpha the Protocol fail in this so very specific way? Disappointment! Yes, exactly!
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