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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. Finished up the playthrough of Assassin's Creed 2 and also of Heart of Stone for Witcher 3. Taking a break from Assassin's Creed while I break into Blood and Wine and then into Nioh tonight! Very excited for both of those titles!
  2. Witcher 3: Heart of Stone, still progressing. Just can't believe how time these guys (developers) put into their story and sequences. Made my way through the wedding and the heist which were fun, even the second time through and am excited to keep going. Nearing my time with Blood and Wine finally. Hunting down the last of the intell, phones, documents, in the Division for fun. Wish I was more of a gamer who played with others because I really believe this game would be really solid in a four player co-op session. Waiting for the release of Nioh right now and looking at all the review scores, which is only adding to my excitement, but guarding myself from the actual content as I don't want to spoil too much of it. Really excited for the loot aspect of this title.
  3. Making some progress since the Christmas season, but that's because work's been a little slow. Made my way through Batman: Return to Arkham (PS4), through sequence 12 of Assassin's Creed 2 of the Ezio Collection, through a couple chapters of Batman: The Telltale series which has been really good, and finished up the main campaign of the Witcher 3 on pc, after 70 hours lol. Have been through the Hearts of Stone DLC on the PS4, but not the Blood and Wine, so eager to get throgh HOS on the pc and then move on to new territory, however it has been some time since my playthrough on the PS4 and am more thoroughly exploring on the pc. Man, this game (Witcher 3) is great in my opinion. The atmosphere, quests, gameplay, and story are pretty above any game I've played in a few years. Always easy to jump back in and just explore the scenery. Turn off the HUD and enjoy the unwind lol
  4. Yup. This is me quoting myself because I realized the next morning I didn't quote the person who I was playing the same game as so people would know what I was as talking about. Well it would be Nioh. I like the dark souls series and Bloodborne as well but am nowhere near as good as some on this site however I'm really enjoying the combat in Nioh and partly because how much is going on with equipment, weapons, skills, stats, etc. Been enjoying this latest demo and am close to taking on the boss with some decent equipment.
  5. I'm enjoying it as well. Love the loot that drops constantly. Makes me constantly want to battle more reverent or whatever they're called for more possibilities. Also love the weapons.
  6. Well, lately I've been going through some remasters. I went through both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City in preparation to do another run through of Arkham Knight, which I actually really enjoy. However, I'm taking a break after Arkham City and am running through the Ezio Collection and am currently about 1/3 way through. It's been pretty good. The gameplay feels older, obviously, but a lot of it holds up. I played through AC2 and half of Brotherhood when they released, so interested in playing through the entire trilogy this time through and like the fact that it's all on the PS4 and easy to play. I'm doing a bunch of the side content, but definitely not looking for all those 100 feathers lol Anyway, someday soon I'll get back to modern games.
  7. Sorry to kick open this top again. But Was going around looking for the RAM to purchase and found some numbers on mine. sk hynix 4gb 1rx8 pc3l-12800u-11-13-a1 It's from a Dell machine I added to with a video card. Kind of unsure what would be a decent option for purchasing 2 more sticks of 4 GB to work with this. The one listed above still would be fine Bokishi? Would I need to necessary worry about voltage? Would the above set be fine then? I know my current ram is no where near the best, but it's working. Thanks again!
  8. Well, I'll put my GOTY in the near future, but what I will say is that Doom 2016 was gonna be on that short list, but last night, about 3/4 the way through and on a boss fight with a couple huge demons, after dying a couple times, the game kicked me out to the Playstation home screen. So I went back into the game, but when I went to load my game, it said the file was corrupted. So, like any sane person with limited time, I promptly uninstalled and went on to something else and told myself, "Maybe next year." I completely understand any game can do that, but was a little burnt due to investing all that time. Solid game though.
  9. My understanding was hellraid got cancelled. Had it on my wishlist for the longest time. Latest I heard from Techland about Hellraid, which was looking really good, was back in March 2016, that the game was on hold, not canceled, but that they wanted to focus their crew on their two main IP's they're currently working on, with one assumingly being Dying Light 2. So they could bring it back, not sure how different it will be.
  10. I took a break after beating the main campaign and just recently started playing the expansion. Probably a couple hours in and man I also forgot how good this game was. Really excited for what comes next from Techland.
  11. Started my playthrough of Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition after recently completing Darksiders Remastered Edition and honestly find myself more drawn to this game that FFXV right now. These Darksiders games are quite solid though. On the pc, still making progress with Pillars of Eternity and must say that the fight with Raedric is a huge wall for me. I know you can side with him and not fight him but with that bloody dagger in his hand, it just doesn't seem right but damn does that fight ramp the difficultly up to 11 from just the previous battle with his animancer in the dungeon level. I know people can take him out on Path of the Damned solo but for the normal gamer doesn't seem an appropriate difficulty for his battle.
  12. Well, been scouring the website for the past week here and there and always find it interesting people's views and what they're playing. For myself, I just got done with a runthrough of Darksiders: Remastered Edition on the PS4 which I had a good amount of fun with. While the combat can be seen as simplistic, there's actually a good amount of depth if you want there to be. Also, started, what I'm considering my actual gonna make it through, playthrough of Pillars of Eternity, which I finally have time to focus on the story and do at this point in my year. Very excited about this prospect and have gotten a couple hours in so far. Also started up Final Fantasy XV and am about 3 hours into. While weighing on the positive side of the scale, I'm still on the fence on how it's going. I'm sure putting in some more time will definitely help with figuring the ins and outs of this new title. And Dishonored 2, which has been going great. Glad to see it's running more closer to what it should and look forward to them fixing the random bugs and optimizing the game more. Get out of the way real life.
  13. Looks like the new beta patch for Dishonored 2 is beginning to make the game while again. Everything ultra t 60 fps. Ready to start my playthrough without all the hitching!
  14. I had 8 GB at the moment for RAM, however don't believe that's the problem because when it's running, my memory usage generally doesn't go past 5.5 GB of the 8. I'm not a computer expert by any standards, but I also don't think the SSD drive would help with the stuttering. What I'm thinking is it might be the VRAM, my card has 6 GB, but from what I read, when putting graphics on very high or ultra, the game actually using 5.8 GB of that and that might be causing some stuttering, but not sure. I'm thinking and hoping it has more to do with the engine. Those problems aside, as I said before, the level designs and atmosphere are superb and once these issues, including some audio issues as well, get resolved, this game is an easy recommendation to most gamers.
  15. Are you playing it on the pc or PS4? I've put in a few hours and have really variable performance on the of. Can get 60 on ultra settings but out of nowhere the performance will drop to 30ish however right before it'll tank to single digits for a quick second completely jarring the experience. Seems there's a lot of people with the same experience. Looking forward to their next patch next week that'll focus on performance as it appears the pic version was released a little early. Love the mechanics and stuff he early levels are gorgeous and varied in paths and missions. Just want a more solid experience and no, lowering specs do not change any performance issues sadly. Seems to be an engine issue.
  16. Any update on how Killing Floor 2 is on the PS4? Wondering how it turned out.
  17. Which two would that be?
  18. It comes hand in hand with the complaint that they're linear - hell, the original Doom had this figured out, if you want to get rid of excessive backtracking, make levels branch out. That way, player will only ever have to backtrack a bit. So instead of being a long, linear corridor, if tombs were more branched out, you could, say, have a puzzle in the first room that you enter, but you'd have to go down that corridor over there to find first half of the puzzle, the second corridor over there to figure out second half and then open the door leading to treasure, which would contain the last path. Incidentally, most fortresses in Skyrim do actually follow a similar model. May I ask you to try and do something? Try heading to Documents/My Games/Skyrim/, find the SkyrimPrefs.ini file and set the "bShowCompass" value from "1" to "0". This will hide the compass altogether. Asking to do that might feel weird right after you have praised the compass, but I actually have a fairly good reason for it - you can re-enable it at any point without consequence (I'm still not sure why this isn't a bloody option in main menu) and I found that I appreciated Skyrim's world design a lot more without it. That's because Skyrim is actually fairly ingenious in telling player where there are things to be found - like when you see a smoke coming from a mountain and come in to investigate, you'll find a cave. Or an old, overgrown passage leading somewhere. Or snowy path marked by stone hills. That kind of thing. It's incredibly varied and extremely immersive, much moreso than just following compass. And as a bonus you'll start noticing a ton of tiny details you missed while following compass - the world has incredible amount of detail put into it that aren't even marked on the compass, like sacrificial sites, small caches with bandit's loot, shrines, stuff like that. I feel like the compass kinda drags one's attention from all of that detail so that you can find the next black spot you see on the compass. Sorry to quote a quote, but just wanted to say thanks for the idea, I am definitely going to do that. Sounds like a lot of fun and looking forward to focusing on the details more. I do enjoy the little stories that are told through the scenes they create.
  19. I wanted to throw some thoughts down as I've put in about 13 hours into Skyrim SE now. I will say, having not played the original game for quite a long time, I forgot how much I enjoyed the exploration in this game. Instead of the Civ games being just 1 more turn, this game for me is just see what's over the horizon or in that tower, but then that tower turns into an underground den of evil I feel the need to clean out and then end up turning off the game an hour later. I will say the idea of the caves being linear and always having a quick shortcut back can be weird to think about, but some of these caves can get quite extensive and I know I wouldn't really enjoy my time sprinting all the way back through an empty cave after spending 15-20 minutes getting to the end. I know it may seem weird for a shortcut, but I'm kind of glad it's there. For me, I always compare it to the Witcher 3, due to size and scope and I love the W3, but I will say that while the W3 beats Skyrim on quite a few components, I actually enjoy the exploration in Skyrim much more. I think Bethesda's exploration/mapping/compass at the top is kind of nice. In W3, I always was just checking my map for the next checkmark, but with Skyrim, I can freely explore and see what might be coming. I realize that's my opinion, but in an open world, with the amount of time I have to game, I'd rather spend more time running around than checking my map. I will say the combat feels cluncky as it did and I enjoy W3's "actiony" combat much more, but then again, Skyrim was released 5 years ago and while I don't see their combat changing unless they change their engine, we'll see. I will say though that I enjoy the Elder Scrolls worlds by Bethesda much more than their Fallout worlds, but I side more towards Fantasy than apoc/end of world scenarios. Skyrim looks decent enough with the upgrades in the SE and I'm enjoying some mods, but honestly, so far, just having a good time so far and can see myself rummaging through dungeons and skooma dens for quite a while longer in the near future. Side note disclosure. I did not beat Skyrim back in the day, however spent around 40 hours with a character exploring on a vanilla game without mods.
  20. Away from the game right now but I believe you'll have to instal a mod for that.
  21. I had just read somewhere they'll be addressing the sound in the next patch. Sorry I don't have a link.
  22. I'm jumping back and forth between Skyrim and Mad Max and Mad Max is gorgeous and runs superbly. Like you said the driving is excellent so the traversal of the map is quite fun
  23. Yeah. Big picture mode has been working splendid however as I understand a patch will be coming next week due to the audio being extremely compressed and not sounding as good as the original but overall, really digging the five or so hours I've spent with the game. I do hope some modders come up with a LOD fix soon enough. Overall happy with the free copy and love the exploration
  24. in a sense, yes, more for progression. Also, yes, found and mod. For anyone who cares. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/245/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D245%26preview%3D&pUp=1
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