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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. . I would definitely be interested in the key if it’s still available
  2. I will say after playing it solo and multiplayer, mp is where the true fun and difficulty is. I played with a friend so we only had just the two of us and we need to coordinate through ourselves to sync up shots. As compared to MP, solo is a breeze once you’re able to have all three squad mates sync shots.
  3. I've found this to be the case lately with my, mainly being a netflix machine. Been doing most of my gaming on the switch with some on the pc when friends are available.
  4. Continuing my playthrough of Hollow Knight (Switch) and about 23 hours into it. Still loving it quite dearly. I'm right before the final boss finally so I can see my actual percentage when resting now and am told I'm at 82% which I felt to be a good start before really scouring the maps, doing the colliseum, mini-bosses, etc. Started a playthrough of Skyrim (Switch) and have finally gone stealth archer, which I actually have never played before and am at level 18 right now after about 10 hours. Have never completed the game before so I decided this would be the time lol, we'll see. Started a new account in Warframe since it's been a couple years since I last played and they're not the easiest to let you reset your account from what I gather, and I wanted to start over. Only a couple hours in, but enjoying it so far, sooooo many mechanics lol
  5. If anyone hasn't got this one yet, you better grab it on sale. It was the best game I played in the last year. Pretty high praise. I'm gonna take a look at this title for sure. Thanks Hurlshot
  6. About 13 hours into Hollow Knight and just LOVING it. The different areas, the music within each area, the fun, fast combat, the rollout of abilities and charms and especially, beyond anything else, the exploration. This game does the map system right in my opinion. The idea of going into a new area blind and having to find the guy that sells you the map, but only a map that covers the layout of a portion of the area where you then need to explore the rest and then sit (rest) at a bench to fill the rest out. It makes going into new areas intense, especially when you're carrying a lot of geo (currency). I've seen quite a bit of frustration with this mechanic and the difficulty on the Nintendo Subreddit and I guess I have to ask myself what I was expecting lol but I feel the difficulty is pretty spot on so far. I've taken done quite a few bosses and what I assume are optional bosses and I would say the difficulty is right where it needs to be. Some bosses I can defeat on the first try with the latest boss I'm on having killed me five times so far, but I think I may go buy some more notches for my charms and explore some other areas before trying again, but that's all in the fun. I haven't been bothered by deaths so far in this game because everyone has been my fault, not some cheap trick of the game and that makes it easier to try again and push on. Can't wait to throw more time into this game. Also, great title on a handheld for sure!
  7. Playing Hollow Knight on the Switch and loving it. Runs 60 fps smooth and has minimal load times. Have only spent a couple hours with the game on pc knowing I was waiting for the switch version and glad I did. Loving it right now and understanding all the praise.
  8. If DOS2. You might as well wait till the large update in August because saves won’t carry over with the enhanced edition.
  9. I also recently purchased inquisitor Martyr and look forward to trying it out later today when it finally releases out of early access.
  10. Battle Chasers Nightwars for the switch. About 12 hours into it and really enjoying it so far. Good turned based combat and decent dungeon runs.
  11. I would say not necessarily. I haven’t played a god of war game in years and hardly remember more than Kratos killing a lot of people and I’ve felt fine so far story wise. Worst case, watch one of the hundred story summaries on YouTube of the previous games:)
  12. Who said this? I'm quite sure that most people who praise Original Sin played for ~10 hours and then moved on to other things. The game was really good at leaving a nice first impression, with the pretty graphics and and interactivity. Or maybe people who actually played them for longer?After over 50 hours logged in each of Original Sin games I certainly think them much better than the rest of these so-called RPGs released recently. I respect that everyone has their own opinion and everyone has their own favorite game due to their own reasons. I've played through the original DOS on the PS4 a couple times and am currently running through a co-op game with a friend. I'm in about 35+ hours into the second and things I enjoy about the games are their charm. I really like the storylines, the characters, the voice acting, the music, look of the game, pacing (due to turn-based combat) and the overall combat. I think the origin stories were a huge plus and I know some people are turned off by the quirkiness of some characters, I really enjoy it. Are any one of these the best at what they do? Probably not to most, but when I play them, I can definitely see the passion the devs have behind the game and how they support their titles and what they're trying to do overall. I also really enjoy the idea that these games in no way hold your hand in a lot of departments including crafting, quest completing, etc. You can go to the wrong places in the map early on and face a huge challenge or explore more and find the gradual path, that's typically encountered by following quests and their stories. I once watched a video, I believe someone posted on here, of how RPGs these days do too much hand holding, including dotting a line on the mini-map to the next quest or other steps to make progression easier and I like what Larian does to counter this. That's not to say I don't like games like the Witcher, because you can turn those items off, I just really enjoy DOS and DOS2 for what they bring to the table. Now I know some on here really enjoy Pillars of Eternity, which makes sense due to the boards themselves, but I have such a hard time getting past the first 5-10 hours and am not quite sure why. I love the BG and IWD games, but have a hard time progressing through POE. The second Pillars looks good, so I'm going to try and push through Pillars, but not sure when that will be. Also, more so recently than in the past, I've wanted to support certain developers that have games I really like, like Larian or Crate with GD, where I end up buying multiple copies for friends because I want these companies to succeed because I believe they really care about their titles. In the end, I can see the reasons, as explained on these boards, of why people may not like the latest Divinity games, but I myself really enjoy them.
  13. I felt so burned by DOS I wouldn't play DOS2 if it came bundled with a succubus. I feel the opposite. Loved the first title on the pc and PS4 and will be picking this up for the PS4 to play alongside my pc version.
  14. Playing through Titan Quest on the PS4. Playing a Warden I believe, being a cross Defense/Hunting. Done either Greece and Egypt and enjoying it so far. Also started a new character on Grim Dawn but this time mostly playing on a tv through steamlink and the controller option so far is pretty well done. Playing these two games at the same time has been pretty eye opening as far as seeing where The genre has progressed and I feel that THQNordic has done a decent job porting the game onto a controller considering its 12 years old now. I do look forward to it on the switch though as the play anywhere side of an Arpg is really enticing. I know this sounds a little crazy but if Crate do end up releasing Grim Dawn on the Xbox, due to it being an easier port from the pc and them being a small team, I could see myself picking up an Xbox. Unless there’s any talk of a PS4 port but there’s been no word and even the devs at Grinding Gear Games hasn’t even mentioned porting to the PS4 I will saying playing both of these games on a controller has made it hard to play GD on a pc with a M/K now with all the clicking. Anyone else felt this way?
  15. Waiting for Titan Quest on the switch but may pick it up on the PS4 at the end of March, but recently picked up the expansion on the pc and making my way through from the start and into Act 4 and just having a good time. Although I will say it’s much easier to go through with the ability to change the game speed in the options menu:)
  16. Ohh. How was tangledeep? I’ve been eyeing that up but trying to wait since they said they would release it on the switch.
  17. Pillars of Eternity II coming to the switch? What is this world coming to.... lol http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2018/02/06/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-coming-to-consoles.aspx?
  18. Well since the first Steamworld Dig has been released on the switch yesterday, I’m making my way through that in between weekly campaigns in Darkest Dungeon I will say between Steamworld Dig 1 and 2 and then Steamworld Heist, these devs have a good thing going, especially on this device. Anyone play Owlboy? That releases sometime soon on the switch and I seem to remember hearing good things about and wanted to check to see if anyone had anything to say about it.
  19. I'll throw in my 2 cents as well for Monster Hunter World. I have about 9 hours into the game and am currently Hunter Rank 5. This is my first Monster Hunter game and while some of it seems easy enough to get in for a first time player, the mechanics are very interesting because I feel like I need to watch a bunch of youtube videos or read wikis to understand other aspects of the game. Like, capturing a monster. I don't believe it's actually taught in the game, it's definitely talked about and I have the potential for investigations, however I only have somewhat of a understanding of how to do it from a webpage. While this is fine, and probably to players of the franchise, the tutorial is not needed, it would have been nice to get possibly a tutorial mission, that can be skipped, to learn how to capture a monster. Also, I started out with the sword and shield, but then changed and have since been with the longsword which has been a good play style. I've upgraded my bone sword a few times, along with my bone armor and only now understand that in the beginning, you actually want to mix your armor types up to get protections and that the only way to increase skills on armor is to wear two different pieces with the same skill and that upgrading won't increase the actual skill, but defense only. I will say the gameplay is just solid fun. Like Keyrock said, the environments and ecosystems are hands down the best with the ecology and pecking order within each environment and every hunt is different. I got the mission to take down the Amnath monster, or T-rex looking guy and that took a solid 30 minutes with different large monsters getting in the fray from time to time which was just awesome to stand back and watch. That fight, from star to finish, was one of the best fights in a game I've had in a long time due to all the different components and what could happen. Even after taking him down, I couldn't harvest all his parts that I wanted because another large monster was harrassing me before the timer ran out and while I might have been pissed because of that, I actually wasn't because of having so much fun and that feature actually adding to the overall ecosystem of the world. I've been doing a fair amount of investigations, side missions, but as I said, am unsure of other things still and will definitely have to spend some time on the net figuring stuff out. Like in the first area, the ancient forest, should I be looking to unlock more campsites? I have the two from the story missions, but have no idea if there's more to unlock or how to unlock. How does I use the grapple hook I always saw in gametrailers to latch onto flying creatures or to latch onto creatures after they've shaken me off. How do I switch what kind of bombs I throw? How do I, or can I bring more than 1 weapon with me on a hunt? I know it's just the idea that this game has a lot of depth to it and it'll take time to learn for sure, but there are just constant little questions, nothing that's huge or stopping my enjoyment, that I would like to know before I hit the 20, or 30 hour mark and look back and wish I'd have known from the beginning. Anyway, after 9 hours so far, 2 cat paws way up for this one!
  20. Luckily I'm not the only one with that issue: I completely agree with this video, how games in general have moved, but also there are times where I like a little hand holding due to time constraints and in the witcher's case, some places not being named on the map and not being able to put your own points and notes on the map.
  21. Excited to hear your thoughts. I have seen this game multiple times on steam but never looked at it more than a diving simulator but I had never even looked at the steam page but after watching the trailer in the other thread it looks pretty cool.
  22. I got through one play through but was holding off online play till this latest patch which fixed the saved so excited to get back in. Had a great time the first play through.
  23. I've put about 10 hours into Darkest Dungeon on the switch and yet again, this system is the best play certain games, including DD. Load times are quick, button mapping and touchscreen support and just playing it 100% handheld on the couch is a huge plus, and can we all take a second to appreciate the narrator in this game.....................just makes the game. Also took down my third Divine Beast in Zelda which was fun. After every puzzle I complete with this game, it makes me feel a little smarter lol Still enjoying missions in Steamworld Heist and super excited/happy to see the first Steamworld Dig coming to switch on February 1st. The stars are aligning No, only Hollow Knight and Battle Chasers: Nightwars and I'll probably end up quitting my job lol
  24. While I would love to try out this newest Civilization iteration, I honestly don't have time as compared to someone else who might want it. But I will say the generous people on this forum are just awesome and it's great to be apart of it and I look forward to the day that I can give out something that someone else might want.
  25. Waiting to play TangleDeep when it comes to switch in the spring. Besides waiting, playing some MP GR Wildlands with a friend, a bunch of Stardew Valley and SteamWorld Heist on the switch while looking forward to Darkest Dungeon Switch release next week. Also while waiting for Hollow Knight Switch release, I put in a few hours into the pc version to check it out. Seems great but my preferences have changed a bit with this portability.
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