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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. Also when you load mods and then start a new game it tells you that he achievements are disabled. So if I want to download unofficial mod to have a lot of bugs fixed in the game I won't be receiving any achievements well plating.
  2. Yeah. Really wish they would have had the game come out at $40. That would have made more sense to me but I'm sure it'll be on sale at that price by the end of the first month out anyway.
  3. Awesome, thanks for your help again Bokishi!
  4. The ram that came with were stock. When you say get the same exact you're meaning 2 more 4 gb sticks of 1600 MHz that are DDR 3 So, something like this would work? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820156046
  5. Thanks Bokishi. Will be ordering that soon enough. Anything I should look out for in particular? Anything to be aware of?
  6. I currently have 8 GB of ram from a pc I bought and have added to over the past year. I have 2 of the 4 slots for memory currently open, so I wanted to bump it up to 16 GB if I could. I know you're supposed to have all of the ram be the same speed, however not quite sure what my RAM's speed is. Sorry, know some things about computers, but components I haven't dealt with much, if ever, not so sure about, but here is a screenshot for my memory using CPU-Z. Could someone let me know what RAM I have or should be looking to buy? That would be awesome. ">http://
  7. Just get a Steam Link or a longass HDMI cable. Both solve more than just Skyrim Remastered on a couch. Edit: You don't even need Steam Link actually, just have your computer and your laptop (if you have on) on the same local network and use Steam streaming. Now that it's been said, I do have a steam link and just never thought of it. Haven't used in quite some time, so will probably need to update it for sure. Hopefully the latency isn't too bad. Anyone have any experience with steam links and latency? I have it hardwired and not setup for wifi. Anyone know if mods on pc will disable achievements? I know they do on the xbox and ps4, but wasn't sure if anyone had heard about the SE for pc, since I don't recall the original having them disabled due to mods.
  8. Am I considered a bad person for wanting to pick up the Skyrim Remastered for the PS4 so I can play on my couch?
  9. I think I may pick up Dragon Quest Builders. Looks pretty low key which is nice to have every once in a while.
  10. Haha, while going through some sites, I saw the tag line of this video and then remembered your post. That's awesome! Congrats on the recognition! Wish they would have dug a little deeper and actually mentioned you, but still cool enough.
  11. Still making my way through DS3, took down the Abyss Watchers and the High lord Wolnir and still progressing pretty decently at level 50 or so. Still trying to figure out best places to put my skill points into. Playing through Grim Dawn again, with a new character at about level 33 or so. Just really enjoy the solid gameplay and progression. Has anyone tried out Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem? The hack n' slash made with the CryEngine. Since updating my GPU, I've put a little more time into it since I can run it smoothly, however feel that the early access time for this game will take a couple more years with the amount of things that they're trying to include. The bi-monthly to monthly updates are nice, but pretty sure this won't be releasing till at least 2018.
  12. Alright, making my way through Dark Souls 3 now. Went through Iudex Gundyr, Vordt, Curse-rotted Greatwood, Crystal Sage, and the Deacons and am around level 44 or so. Totally missed the Deacons on my ps4 playtime lol, but they weren't too bad. My history with the DS series hasn't been the best, so I'm pretty happy with how it's going so far. Feel like I've learned a bit of patience from my previous encounters, but am progressing and enjoying my time so far. Onto the Abyss Watchers....
  13. Picked up Dark Souls 3 for the pc and enjoying the smoother 60 fps of the pc as compared to the console. Been a long time since i put time into the console version, trying to figure out what to put my points in. Not gonna go magic, but was wondering for those pure builds that put points into just strength and dex, should I also be putting points into Vigor and Endurance to help out as well?
  14. For those who backed Divinity: Original Sin 2 and are redeeming it through steam, you're actually able to download and start playing the game today as a treat from the developers. Obviously, it's early access, but wanted to spread the word in case anyone was waiting.
  15. Well, while we're on the topic, just beat D:OS on the PS4 last night, and after 67 hours, I have to say that I'm quite happy and pleased overall with the experience. The combat has been good fun, story has been pretty decent and the overall look and sound of the game has been great. I do not share the same feelings as those here that dislike it, however everyone has their own opinion for sure and I'm cool with that. I will say that it does have me quite excited for the release of the early access of D:OS 2 coming up. Playing a little Darkest Dungeon, because I haven't touched it since it actually "released." Not too much else. Just happy to have completed another game which with my time schedule, family, real-life, I'm always happy about.
  16. Well, last night I finally got my Titan up to level 40 in Destiny, which a light level around 220. So, quite a bit to go to raise that up, but I'm enjoying it here and there. Am nearing finished with the Phantom Forest of Divinity: OS and am going to head into the Source Temple on the PS4 and still loving the game. Started a new character on Grim Dawn and just tooling around trying to level up to see some of the new content and picked up Ember since it released today and looks pretty good overall. Should look into purchasing some "time" to accommodate my playtime in the future lol.
  17. I have leveled my Titan up to 33 so far in Destiny and still enjoying my time with it. Haven't had too much of a hard time going solo on most missions. Haven't dipped into PvP , but am meaning to and haven't found any need to grind yet, which has felt nice. Started a new playthrough of Dishonored in hopes of finishing it up before the second one releases. I believe I've been through half of the game so far, however at the time, real life kicked in and told me to stop gaming for a bit, so I've started a new playthrough due to not remembering much details of the story at the time. Meaning to load up Titan Quest and seeing the differences. Other than that, finally got out of Cyseal with my co-op partner on Divinity Original Sin and while I really enjoy the quests and talking to everyone in solo play, in co-op, it can be a little long getting everything set to make the trek out, however playing co-op with this game really makes me look forward to Divinity 2!
  18. Started up my co-op game of Divinity Original Sin and am about 2/3 way through the town's quests and just loving the co-op stuff. Also, started fresh with Destiny and am level 21 so far. Have only down one mission in a team of three, however I believe it was a strike and it paired me with the folks, so I'm assuming for certain missions, it can do that. Not sure why it can't do that for all missions, but whatever, maybe Destiny 2. It's been good. I really enjoy the actual gunplay. Bungie knows it and the story sections have been pretty decent. I can understand the frustration towards the game, and hope they can fix it sometime, but who knows.
  19. Well, got through the base game of Dying Light and 43/44 of the side quests. Really good game and will dive into the expansion soon enough. Really solid game all around, however wasn't a fan of the QTE ending, but what can you do. Hoping the expansion improves upon that. Feels nice to complete another game in the backlog........
  20. Have my new GPU (Nvidia 1060) installed and have been having a great time with some games I've put on hold for a bit including Dying Light, which now easily runs at a constant 60 fps with everything cranked and Witcher 3, which runs the same. 1080p mind you, but that is huge to me. I did install the STLM mod that Bokishi has installed, however have no installed the other reshade mod due to not knowing how easy it would be to uninstall it. STLM is an easy delete of a folder, however not sure of the other. Any thoughts or comments Bokishi? I'm just getting to Kaer Morhen after 60 hours and just love this game. Really taking my time, and will probably due to the first expansion before I complete the story, which I realize will make the main end game easy, but want to see how it affects the end game since I've heard it does. Really excited to finally get into Blood and Wine, however realize that's still a long, long way off:) Getting back into Dying Light has been superb as well. Just left the slums to go through the sewers to "zero" which is a nice, new and different area and very much look forward to the expansion of this game. Honestly, can't say how happy I am after being able to play these games, looking this good lol.
  21. Playing the "trying to be patient while my new video card arrives" game. Then going to play the game of finding the post where Bokishi named the mods he has loaded into his Witcher 3 game. Very excited to get back into Skellige without having to worry about framerate issues.
  22. If there comes a day where it can be set up within the confines of real life, I would gladly play with others here on the board, when it releases.
  23. Still chipping away at The Witcher 3 on the pc, about 54 hours in and roaming around Skellige finding numerous things I missed my first time through. I think I'm around level 25 and spending time collecting witcher gear, doing contracts and random encounters along the way. Loving the location so much more this time through and just enjoying the soundtrack as I roam the islands. Also, picked up on my ongoing game of Divinity: Original Sin on the PS4 which I think I'm about 44 hours in which has seemed to fly by. Waiting on the next couple of weeks to start a co-op playthrough with a friend on the pc and cannot wait for D:OS 2.
  24. Wow, just wow man. That's pretty damn awesome. Love the screens for sure. Excited to have a "somewhat" similar experience when they start restocking the 1060. Another question, your pics with The Witcher 3, which mods are you using and what's your fps usually with them installed?
  25. Just as a refresher Bokishi, what gpu are you running? I'm looking at picking up an Nvidia 1060 in the next couple weeks which will be a nice upgrade from my 750 ti and wanted to ask what you have been gaming with.
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