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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. For those talking about Dark Souls 3 builds, when you say quality builds of Strength and Dexterity, do you put anything into Vigor to boost your HP or just not get hit?
  2. So we shouldn't hold our breath for that free expansion then?
  3. Time again to post a few, speaking of Just Cause 3... And a few old photos from Salt and Sanctuary...
  4. I've played it on the ps4 for quite a bit of time. Actually just finished up the first dlc and love the rocket propelled wingsuit.
  5. Sent you an invite, same user name, would gladly do some co-op with ya sometime. Also, picked up Salt and Sanctuary on the PS4 and loving it. Quite an awesome game. Will post some pictures later tonight when I switch the thumbstick from the ps4 to the computer.
  6. I have the big daddy as well. While the kids play with it, it's actually kept in tact and to answer the grim dawn question. The idea behind the not losing life yet stems from a few things being: walking into the fight my friend, whose level 85 has started, and popping a potion. No gods mode to worry about. I believe that character alone has close to 100 deaths. A lot due to playing with my friend who is typically much higher level, this taking on enemies typically 5-10 levels above.
  7. Yeha, I'm currently halfway through level 27 and have one more medical mission left. I have finished all side missions and encounters from the upper left portion of the map around the Dark Zone to the lower right corner, so definitely getting there for sure. One thing I did want to bring up. I hear a lot of barking across the internet about end game and while I know they have stuff planned, with introducing incursions and other dlc, both free and paid, people need to settle down. While this may resemble a MMO, it's not really in the sense of times past and also, there is not a subscription from month to month and there's already a good amount of content. I believe I've already put in close to 30 hours in already with my guy. I'm not complaining about end game, more content right now, because I know I put in a lot of time already and will continue to do so because I've only reached level 16 in the Dark zone out of 50 I believe. It's the crazy streamers who pour 100 hours in the first week and cry when there's not more content. Just kind of annoying. (Bokishi I'm not talking about you, just quoted you when I thought of where I was at in the game).
  8. I hadn't played a lot of Destiny before leaving the game altogether and maybe it has gotten Better since then but I will say that matchmaking and grouping is a breath of fresh air in The Division as compared to Destiny. Whenever I want, whatever I'm doing, I can be in a group in a matter of 10 seconds.
  9. Putting more time into hitting 85. After last night, I'm now at 83, so almost there. Was playing some multiplayer with a friend last night and in the thick of it, snapped a screenshot to try and comprehend how/why I'm missing lol
  10. Hopefully a little more variety with clothing as we progress lol
  11. Putting in a good amount of time into Division and am currently at level 23 so far. The missions/dungeons are actually quite fun, even in random groups and I've ventured into the Dark Zone a few times with random groups and have had great times. The tension that can build in the Dark Zone is quite surprising as you're making your way from extraction point to extraction point.
  12. I have about 8 plus hours into it so far and just about level 12. I have to say the missions can be quite intense and for the most part I've had good groups that were completely random. I do most of the encounters and side missions alone and then spend time crafting/looting/putzing around for a bit. So far, enjoying the game. Haven't hit the dark zone yet but just might start that up soon.
  13. For those who own a ps4 and have been waiting for the release of Ska Studios Salt and Santuary, it releases next week at the beginning of Sony's launch party list of indie titles. Very excited myself about this 2D souls atyle game.
  14. Well. That's fine with me. Most of the groups I've been apart of have not had mics. Let me know your psn name or better yet, mine is SadExchange and we can then hit up some missions if you want to play some multiplayer.
  15. How on earth are you level 76? I feel like I've been playing forever and I'm only level 48 or 49 (struggling to reach 50 and potential Legendary items). Although it is widely known I suck at clicky games.. I think Steam has tracked me over 215 hours into the game, so I know my way through the game, plus I play a lot with another guy, so XP gains from multiplayer help as well. Outside of that, those that are playing The Division or are going to play, are you playing PC or PS4, or Xbox? Just asking. I have it on PS4 and would group when people want to.
  16. Level 76 in Grim Dawn and loving it. Messing around in Just Cause 3 on the ps4 and progressing the story. Crazy chaotic fun for sure. Also waiting for a the Division to unlock on the ps4 as well but that's not for another 4 hours. Intrigued by the different components and hoping that Ubisoft can make a better Destiny
  17. Well. There is a Druid but it's a combination of two classes being the shaman and arcanist I believe.
  18. Those look pretty good for a console.
  19. That is the main reason I fell out of Destiny. The premise sounded great in the beginning, but when I started to realize that the bulk, and I mean the bulk of the longevity of the same solely depended on your ability to play with friends at the same time, that's where I made the choice to leave. With family and work, and everything else, it is extremely hard to coordinate a game night with friends on a timely basis, let alone, once a month.
  20. I watch Lets Plays a good deal, but mainly because I have a second monitor attached at work so it's a combination of something interesting and noise in the background. I've been watching some Lets Plays of Keyrocks and enjoy them quite a bit. I don't follow anyone specifically on youtube, but throw something on that I may have some interest in, but know that I don't have time for. To me, it's really nothing different than watching a show on tv, and like Keyrock just said, I don't even watch that anymore. Started watching his Soma playthrough today and have to say it's nice to see someone struggle with a game, (Finding the omni tool) because I do it all time and it makes me feel a little better about my playstyle.
  21. I have been putting all my free time into Grim Dawn over the past few months, and most recently with the latest patch and look forward to the final release, but as you said, it's really complete right now. I LOVE this game. The setting, the gameplay, soundtrack, multiplayer aspect, character building. Honestly, I hope these guys make good money on this. I've never seen such a huge product from such a small team that has honestly been so stable and balanced upon release, with this much content. There is a ton to this game! I also look forward to the first expansion, due to having already paid for it as part of the loyalty buy from 3 years ago. Anyone looking for a good ARPG can't go wrong with this game. Even if you're not a huge ARPG fan, give it a try. I've bought many copies for friends over the years and have heard all good things from them since then.
  22. This is my problem. It's a little easier with a typical MMO due to the massive amount of content and devs lately making most content doable by a single player, but with Destiny, there's just not enough content for solo players to do. I understand it's not an actual "MMO" but they kind of promoted it like it. And with matchmaking for a lot of components, I'm just not in that stage of my life to devote time into a team of players. Maybe ten years ago but not now. Too old lol That's why games like The Division seem really appealing but the end of the day, it's gotta have enough content for a solo player to be worth my time.
  23. The nighttime gameplay is quite fun. The intensity is a good balance with the extra xp.
  24. Not quite sure it does. I actually recently bought the pc version of the enhanced edition after playing the original on the ps4 and I have to say I miss this game. Due to other stuff going on I didn't give the game the time it deserved last time around and certainly didn't think it would run well on my system but the enhanced edition runs great and I love starting over. Damn those nights are intense, but that xp boost is so sweet.
  25. I was quite worried looking over the steam forums, however I have a i7 4790, 8 GB, and a Nvidia 750 ti, and with high textures even, I still get a steady 30 fps easy which is good enough for me on a game like this. I wish it would let you zoom in more though:) I will agree it does need some optimizing, but it's quite playable so far with my system at least.
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