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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. Nails in the dickholes crow. That is a new one to me. Lol. Always good to come here and learn new things.
  2. I believe I've put about 18+ hours in so far and am still on the first island. I don't know if that's playing slow, but I am trying to complete all the quests I can, scour every inch of the map, etc. After 18 hours, I will say, that I am constantly impressed by the level of detail in this game. It astounds me how many different mechanics are running in the background and how smoothly the game plays. It impresses me just how good this game looks from every angle and the amount of voice acting. I will also agree with those on the forums who say that the story is good as well as it's definitely held my interest and even some of the side quests has been very interesting to play through not only due to the puzzles/combat, but also the addition that it gives the overall story and lore. I will also say that some of the quests left in my journal that seemed to be bugged have been fixed with the patch and I have not run across any game-breaking bugs, let alone any bugs that are hampering my game that I've noticed. So far, with this much time in, I will say that this is a solid title and contender for Game of the Year. It definitely seems like there is a lot of good press around the game which is great because this game deserves recognition. Anyway, will stop gushing for now, but this is my party now, currently at level 7.
  3. I gotta agree with this as well. For the complexity of the quests and their possible ways to complete them, I don't think this game launched that bad. Honestly, there's games with 1/5 of the complexity that release with a good amount of bugs of their own and Larian has been pretty apt to release hotfixes and patches so far.
  4. Have only put about an hour and a half into it so far, but really enjoying the mechanics and the progression of unlocking/updating abilities so far and will say, being on the Switch, this, to me, is what this system was built for.
  5. I was able to keep the cat alive as well. I will say I struggle with one thing in this game as I have with the previous and that's to try and complete as many quests as I can. So when you're given numerous choices of how to make it through Fort Joy, whether by force, tunnels, conversations, circumnavigating it altogether, etc, I'm constantly trying to do each one, knowing that I'm just needing to push on. I have enjoyed the combat some more, with some expanded skills, but still want to dip into some more crafting as I didn't do much crafting in D:OS as well. My party is doing well with Ifan as my main, The Red Prine, Lohse, and Fane. Each one I kept in their associated roles, and it's been working out pretty decent so far. Enjoying the conversations and the "tags" your character has and can receive by doing different quests differently. Overall, about 11 hours in so far and really having a fun time. Excited to keep progressing for sure.
  6. I respect the opinions of others here and am always under the impression that everyone has their own thoughts, but I quite like all the voice acting so far. And the writing definitely seems to be a step up from the previous title. I'm hoping that the new system of AP does transfer into quicker battles as sometimes some battles taking a good long time in D:OS, but we'll see. I think I'm level 5 so far and will say I've really been enjoying the music as well. Excited to put more time in for sure.
  7. I will agree with this for sure. I've put about 7 hours into it and have only started to explore Fort Joy on the Island. There are quite a few things that Larian has improved upon since the first game and after having played 7 hours, I must say that having a person voice the narration part of conversations makes the writing stand out more. Not having to read the "expressive ways that people convey their thoughts" inbetween their actual dialogue is a huge welcome change and I will say putting voices to everything makes the story/quests more engaging for me. I like the improvements to the combat so far, with the memory system and the AP system having a small cap. It makes the combat feel smoother and less timely, even in larger scale fights with lots of enemies. Learning from the first game though, I have been picking up all the paintings waiting to sell them to the write person so that I can be a millionaire, however I'm thinking I'll have to hold onto them until I get off this island lol. One last thing, but definitely not thee last thing I've been enjoying about the game is the little touches that the developers have added. I know it was a kickstarter thing and I didn't give to this amount, but making portraits/paintings of the people who gave a certain level during the kickstarter is just crazy awesome in my opinion. Seeing the different paintings/portraits as I come across them is just neat. I will mention that, like Divinity Original Sin, I'm finding myself take extra time with everything, not wanting to miss any component of a quest, or even an entire quest itself because of the detail that's in the game and I'm assuming that's made my progression slow, but I've been really enjoying it overall. I will definitely get my monies' worth, a few times over with this game, since kickstarting it, but honestly, if it holds up to what I've played so far, I'd easily keep kickstarting Larian's games, especially those dealing with the Original Sin world. Sorry for any words/quotes improperly used. Have been trying to spend what time I can with the game, since it's been so enjoyable and that leads me to play late into the night after getting up too early lol As always, real life, go away:) Oh, I will quickly add that I chose Ifan as my main, and have since picked up Fane, Lohse, and The Red Prince, because the origin stories have been really interesting so far.
  8. Well, I won't say that Obsidian's companions aren't as good. I will note that I played through D:OS on the PS$, but not on the PC yet, due to being burned out from the EA. I have a game going with a friend on D:OS (PC) which has been some good fun on the Tactitian Difficulty. I can't put my finger on, but I have started PoE about 4 times now and can't break the 4-5 hour mark in the game. I must have played the first 5 hours about 5 times now and then put it on the backburner. It may be that, to me, it's a larger, more story engrossing game and I never feel like I have a 2-3 hour session to throw at it, and then will not pick it up until I have that time and by then, it's been enough of awhile, where I feel the need to start over lol. The hard thing is, PoE is right up my alley. I loved the infinity engine games and for years, wanted more, so I feel the wanting constantly to play through it, Tyranny, and Torment.....Time....Ugh.... However, maybe it's my own self and feeling that I spend a lot of my work day on the pc and would rather play something on a console after work, if I get the time, so hearing the positive reactions about PoE on the ps4 has been great news so far. Who knows, guess I'll find out with the release of D:OS2...
  9. I myself am very excited for D:OS 2's release this Thursday. I know that the first game's liking on this board can be divisive, but I fall on the side of really enjoying the aspect of the old school way that your hand isn't held. I also love turn-based combat. I don't think the first game was perfect, but what they ended up doing with the enhanced edition and how they easily made it accessible to console players really made it a sit back and chill game on my couch. I only put about an hour in the sequel's early access because with the first game's EA, I got a little burned out, but I'm very excited to check out the characters and all the changes to the different systems they have in play in this game. I know it can be quirky humor to some, but I really enjoy the different characters in their games and the writing along with it. The fact that they fully voiced the sequel astounds me. However, to each their own, but I'm really looking forward to this title's release.
  10. How are the load times? That's about the only negative I've heard so far which is pretty impressive for this kind of game on a console.
  11. I don't want to pick on anyone, but I could only handle 2 minutes of this video and had to turn it off. I know there's been spots in games that I made look harder than they were, but damn...............
  12. Alright, gonna take a couple seconds to type up some thoughts on what I've been playing, although it's hard to pull myself from my little free time to do so:) Started XCom 2 WOTC like a lot of people here and have been enjoying it so far. Love the little and bigger changes. I'm certainly not too far into it as I played through the tutorial again, so really I've only met up with the reapers and skirmishers, however as of right now, loving the skirmishers. Would like to put more time in but had inlaws here over the weekend and my oldest just started kindergarten, so life has been a little crazy. I have put in about 2 hours into Mario + Rabbids and will say so far it's been great fun. Although it starts off illustrating and informing the player of how a turn-based game works, probably new to many fans of Mario or Rabbids (I've never played a Rabbids game), it appears to have quite a bit of depth if you want it to. With different weapons (of the same class, but with different attributes/abilities), a skill tree for each player character, and numerous playable characters, this game has a good bit to offer for sure. I will say, coming from XCom, you have to kind of get used to the movement in this game because you're allowed to move ALOT in your turn and you're selling your team short if you're not taking advantage of that. And I will say, this game looks good. For being on a handheld, for the animations within the game, and the little details it has, it looks very good. I believe right now, I'm in what they consider world 1-6 or 1-7, but really, really enjoying the game so far. Good purchase for sure and a great game for the switch.
  13. Thinking this will be the last expansion to 2, similar to what Enemy Within did to the previous installment.
  14. Waiting for the release of Xcom 2: War of the Chosen Expansion and then Mario + Rabbids, which ships to me on Wednesday due to a shipping error:) Thanks amazon. Playing a little Terraria on the side, basically just picking up resources, upgrading equipment, having fun.
  15. I really enjoy his reviews. And have for a long time, but I struggle with paying someone for information, including reviews about games. I understand there's gotta be a way people make money, and that youtube is acting weird as of late, especially for Karak, but for some reason, I just can't think to cross the threshold to pay money for this kind of information. If you don't agree, that's totally understandable. I'm not quite sure how to express it in words other than it's just not something I would pay for.
  16. Very much looking forward to this game.
  17. Darn you Steam, another sale on Hollow Knight? After I've been trying to put off buying it till the switch version comes out.......Purchased....I am so weak.... But after only putting in an hour or so, I can start to see what the fuss is about. The music is awesome, the controls are tight, and the story is intriguing. I will still be purchasing it on the Switch, to both have a good platforming/metrovania, but also like giving money to good developers. As our family is leaving on vacation tomorrow, I'll be putting in some good time with Zelda BOTW. What a great game it's been. And some four player multiplayer on Overcooked and Death Squared. Very happy about the switch and its portability.
  18. Sorophx, may I ask What system you're playing this on? Ive been playing a little on the he pc and enjoying it quite a bit more than I thought. Instead of doing every side mission I come across I try to play it more from a standpoint of role playing and going full stealth which has been quite fun. One thing I wish you could do and maybe I missed a tutorial and you can but I wish you could advance time manually so I could stick to doing more missions at night.
  19. Nah u ain't doing it wrong, I've been at the same level for years ever since u can't trade/sell unless u have that abomination security thingie. Same for me. For some reason, no matter what I do I'm told I can't sell anything so I stopped caring.
  20. Alright, more progress with Mad Max. What an awesome game. Honestly, it's gotta be my favorite post apocalypse game out there. As I said before, I can see where some might call it repetitive, but I haven't felt it yet and I have literally been clearing everything, but really enjoying it. The setting is awesome including the sand storms and look of the game. The combat is just pure fun. I feel like you "feel" every hit and impact. Really solid altogether. Also making some progress with Breath of the Wild including finding and liberating this little gem.... Fun game for sure. Exploration is nice when you're not "checking off boxes" around the map. I know there's quests and divine beats to take down, but I just love seeing what's around the corner. I was able to play the testfire of Splatoon 2 this past weekend and came to the realization that it probably wasn't for me, however still eagerly awaiting Mario + Rabbids and Mario Odyssey among a host of indie titles like Axiom Verge, Portal Knights, Battle Chasers. Just the idea of playing all these games on the go is what I'm most excited about. It was extremely hard to pass through the whole steam sale without picking up Hollow Knight because of how excellent it's supposed to be, but I'm trying to wait to play in on the Switch.....Trying...
  21. Did you enjoy the first game? I'm still well on the fence about this one and solo play content.
  22. I feel like every post I make in this topic leads me to believe that I NEED to just erase all games, pick one for each system, and play them until completion, because in this day and age of games releasing year round, hard drives being huge, and my lack of actual time to play anything, that would be the best route, so as of the time of this post, I'm making Mad Max my PS4 game, Ghost 1.0 my pc and Zelda: Breath of the Wild my switch game, but who am I kidding, I'll still put time into Minecraft on the switch because, well, because of the calming music lol I will say something about the switch. I'm not a Nintendo Fanboy in any way, but this is a good system. The ability to play these games on the go and then be able to easily play on a tv in seconds, literally seconds is awesome. Am I looking to play high intensive graphically games on this thing? No, never thought I could and don't believe at this time, that it's possible with any handheld. Give me the creative games, the games with style, etc, like Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Inside, Darkest Dungeon, and also the Nintendo franchises like Mario and Zelda and new ones like Mario + Rabbids which looks good. Hell, port some other games, like Unepic, or Ghost 1.0 or most other indie games of years past and I'll be totally content. This is a second system, lets be clear. The whole, "oh Nintendo won't have 3rd party support because the switch isn't powerful enough" thing is a little crazy. In a perfect world, would I love to play every, if not most games in a handheld? Maybe, but I have my expectations of this day and age. Make devs start thinking how to make games FUN instead of beautiful. We've seen it quite a bit these past couple of years. Mostly with indie devs, but it's happening and some of these games are phenomenal. Some of this post refers to recent news about people complaining that Steep might not run on the switch, well no #$!@. Lets be honest with ourselves here. Sorry for the huff and puff. ps. Mad Max is soo good. I know it may be repetitive but damn that setting............
  23. Putting more and more hours into Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Have to say it's one of the first games in a long time I've just spent hours upon hours exploring due to the lack of push in any direction, but really enjoying it. I think I've put about 25 hours into it and have found 36 shrines and 21 korok seeds. Knowing there's 120 shrines and 900+ seeds makes me constantly curious around every bend and mountain top. Have put done Grim Dawn for a bit. LOVE the game, but knowing the expansion is coming out sometime makes it a little harder, knowing I'll want to start a new character, but I guess spending hours farming legendaries couldn't hurt........... Also, picked up the Necro pack for D3 on the PS4 and playing through the campaign again. Been a long time since I played through the campaign, but playing on I believe Master difficulty and running through pretty good. Around level 40 just starting the 2nd act seems high, but we'll see. Oh, and Darkest Dungeon, started a new run with some cosmetic mods, including one that makes one of the classes look like Geralt of Witcher, with a couple added features including him using the Quen sign when he dodges an attack. Although I will get pummeled in the future as I progress, I do feel like this is the first time in a run where I have a decent handle on what I'm doing lol
  24. I would assume that performance would be good, but I believe Torment came out pretty rough to start on the consoles and this seems to be a considerably larger game, but high hopes. The controls are really what I'm curious about. The idea of controlling up to 6 players with a controller with the amount of options, on a real time clock seems hair raising. I will say I LOVED Divinity Original Sin on the PS4 as well as the PC, but that's a very different game, including the idea of TBS verse RTwP.
  25. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2017/06/21/acclaimed-rpg-pillars-of-eternity-complete-edition-makes-its-ps4-debut-august-29/ Well. That's interesting. Wonder how that RTwP will work out?
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