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Roby Atadero

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Everything posted by Roby Atadero

  1. This is intentional for the backer beta. We wanted you to have a level 5 character but still allow you to choose which abilities / talents you got during those first 5 levels.
  2. Buahahaha. Lol. What's so funny? What he said is true. And what's with the "like" from Obsidian developer Roby Atedero for this worthless, content-free post? I am disappoint. Doh, must have accidentally hit a like button while strolling through here. Can't seem to unlike it at this point :\.
  3. We have character rotation if you mouse drag on the character. No zoom though.
  4. Proper multiplayer requires quite a bit more money mainly because we would need to bring on network programmers and have a dedicated online QA staff. Also, the total programming dev time would probably increase by around 33% which is quite a bit.
  5. The majority of AAA games use threading in some way shape or form. It doesn't necessarily need to be used for the core systems (AI, pathfinding, detection) but, you can always use threads to start a load of something (like data for a new level for example) and then let the main thread continue running the primary portion of the game. Most games also have one thread handling the rendering side of the game while the main thread handles all the computation for everything else. If done in the right places and the right way, threads can be be pretty helpful without adding much programming time or effort. Yes, threads can cause bugs and locks, but, the way we typically use them they aren't that much of a problem given the benefits. Because of the scope of Eternity, this game won't require threads as much as other games. But just as a tidbit of info, one thing in Eternity that uses another thread is the fog of war processing (determining if a given spot is revealed [clear], explored [transparent black], or unexplored [black]). All that can be done while updating everything else in the game and keep it running smooth. Doesn't require much thread management either since that system works on its own for the most part from the rest of the game logic.
  6. This is known and has been dealt with for a future patch. Please refer to this topic about this for more info: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65290-a-glitch-this-quick-seriously/ Hope that helps!
  7. It seems for the wall object in the cave, you need to tune the stick to the upper left and hold it for 4 seconds. This duration seems to be a bit longer than a handful of other Nagasaki destructible objects which may be why this feels as if it is not working for you (letting go too early?). Try holding the proper direction for at least 4 seconds and see if that works. Regardless, we can look into making the hold duration for this wall fall in line more with other Nagasaki destructible objects (~2 second holds). Hope that helps.
  8. Are you using E to cycle your magic spells outside of combat? The magic UI screen is not meant for picking which spell to use in the world. It's simply to show what spells you have and what they do. When in the world, you use Q to cycle your non-magic tools (shoot, probe, etc.) You use E to cycle your magic spells.
  9. The art for this first part shows two Joysticks, both with an "R" on them which is meant to mean you do the shown sequence with the Right stick only. Just to be clear here as well since people are talking about two different parts to this scene, this is in reference to the very first part where Randy is showing you he can deflect your basic magic attack. The second part of this scene is where you actually do the Sneaky Squeaker. This is different and has the different control scheme (with the frequency meter). With the controller, you hold down on the Right stick, then tune the frequency by holding Left on the Left Stick (notice the white arrow on the frequency meter), then you press Up on the Right stick when the prompt displays to do so. With the Keyboard, hold Right Click, then you hold A to tune the frequency one way and D to tune it the other way. You want to get the white arrow on the outside of the frequency meter to point left. Once you have it there, don't press A or D anymore. Then Left-Click when the prompt displays to do so. Hope that helps.
  10. This should be done with the Right Joystick only. And all you have to do is press down once, then up once. Nothing more. Hope that helps.
  11. The issue on the first elf tutorial combat seems to only happen if you block very early during the second swing of the elf attack. If you start the block for the second swing at least a frame or two later from when you are currently starting it, this issue shouldn't crop up. Just to be clear, it the elf hits you that second time at the very very end of your block window, that ends up causing Cartman's counter attack line not to fire. This has been found and dealt with and should be fixed for an upcoming patch. Hope that helps.
  12. This is a known issue that occurs because of a translation issue for that item in the Portuguese language. You can access that item and purchase in any other language in the time being. This should be fixed in an upcoming patch.
  13. After investigating what others have reported above, there is indeed an issue with that leg if you happen to defeat all six of the enemies there without triggering a combat. We are currently working on a fix for the next patch.
  14. Restarting the game will do nothing. This is simply a timing error you are hitting. We have it fixed for the next patch. Try skipping the prior cutscene at different times and see if you can progress.
  15. This is a known issue that only occurs when using mouse and keyboard. On rare occasion, the summon will not start the wheel and thus not complete. This should be fixed in an upcoming patch. Thanks.
  16. Do you have a save game you could provide? If so, then we can look into the issue for you. Thanks.
  17. If anyone here has a save game they could provide where this is happening then we can look into what is going on. This is not something we have seen before as far as I know.
  18. Thanks, looks like these two items shared the same translation issue.
  19. To be clear, if you restart your game, you need to not have just been in a saved game with the Hoff face or a saved game with the broken accessories. In other words, if you completely shut your game off, turn it back on, and start a new game, then your new character should be fine. Hope that helps.
  20. We're looking into the issue. Some have reported pressing V while the shoot tool is active fixed the issue for them. Hope that works for now.
  21. Looking into the issue, it looks like you are hitting a very very rare timing issue. Just try it again and it will likely work. Thanks for pointing this out though, we'll look into getting this into a future patch.
  22. Looking at the screenshot and looking at the trigger locations in the game, it seems you need to move them just a bit more to the right. They are still too close to the entrance from what it looks like on the screenshot.
  23. Don't stop spinning the stick when Randy says that line. That line is purely "cosmetic" and is not meant to be a signal to stop spinning. Hope that helps.
  24. Can either of you you upload the save file you are using? We can see if we can figure out the issue and provide a work around.
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