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Everything posted by Chasted

  1. Yeah, pretty much. Agreed. I do not refute any of these points; mostly because I wanted to put another quote box around a quote box which contains a quote box.
  2. That was the issue? I guess you didn't explain the problem clearly if everyone else didn't "get it"; how ironic. I'll assume you know how to get to the ability bar because you did that in the video but to what those abilities do: First off, you might notice the little number/shield in the bottom left-hand corner; 1 is for "stance 1", 2 is for "stance 2", and the shield is for the defensive abilities. They would be grouped up in the bar like the image below And their corresponding buttons would be (According to the ranking system Obsidian has applied at the top of each section): Ability in 'Recruit': 1 Ability in 'Legionnaire': 2 Ability in 'Master': 3 Defensive Ability in 'Recruit': 4 Defensive Ability in 'Legionnaire': 5 Defensive Ability in 'Master': 6 Which is explained in-game like this: (For the defensive abilities... The other one a little later but I kept on missing it) Note: Defensive Abilities require 1 "Power Orb". The game points it out somewhere late-ish in the introduction but for easy reference here's an image: You get more "Power Orbs" as you do quests pivotal to the main storyline. To know what they do simply roll the mouse-over the skill and look to the side, a lot of skills have "more space" to them but simply scrolling down on the wheel will let you view it (No matter where your cursor is) To use the "empowered" version of the ability (As described in the skill tab; you can find this in the "help topics" as well as it appearing the first time you master an ability) you need two things: 1. The "Mastery" bar to be filled in the skill page (This can be done by using the skill) 2. Having enough "Power Orbs" or something. See above to know what they are. Now, Regarding your latest video: That mystery items purpose: The moment you pick up one of those items for the first time this text box would appear: In other words; it's an item that goes on another possible character but you haven't unlocked him yet. To unlock them: - Continue playing the campaign in single player; they will pop up eventually (Like the Fire Bug lady) Or - Play Multiplayer. If a person uses that character s/he will be unlocked. The only restriction in the game is character; to find out which character can use which item, see the red square: (Means the person who can equip the item is unknown) (Means the person who can equip the item is shown behind the text, aka Lucas) How to get to the ladies "inventory" is explained above: Get to the "Equip" screen (Either by pressing "F" or accessing it via the character menu-thing) Pressing Return (Or Enter). All abilities (Listed in the first "Abilities" tab) are not passive. The tab you had showed (The "Proficiencies" tab) Just shows what augmentations you have chosen to improve select abilities. The passive abilities is in the Talents screen (The third screen after the "Abilities" tab); that page where Victory Rush is. What's a State of repose: Flavour text to fill in the box, ignore it. The important bit of the ability is after that "Regenerate 50% of your hit points over the next 30 seconds". Opinionated stuff (Things that are a matter of opinion; hard to say if there is a right or wrong): Controlling the character: Your half-right about the whole control thing but that would go down to a matter of opinion. To me, if it were to say "No, you can't control the character" in any way other than a satirical form would just taunt the player as they demand "Why not?" In my opinion, it is better off to just leave it unsaid; if you do not mention the game the majority will be blissfully ignorant of that even being a possibility. Those that do, well, with no mention of it Obsidian must have assumed that those people would guess it isn't a function in the game (In my opinion, of course). The Tutorial: Well, yes, it was lacking to a degree. Considering the amount of people who have had trouble with particular aspects of the game they should have tried to smack it into peoples faces a little bit more than they did (As people typically just go "Yep. Cool, next." without reading it) and there are a few things missing that should have been more actively explained (As you had shown, the mastery bar. The other thing would be the chaos item properties). Edit: Something I just found out about; the manual. http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/901638...df?t=1308938477 It might explain a few problems as well. Might, being the biggest word
  3. Unless Obsidian has some form of twisted humour and decides to name their future DLC after the pre-order bonus items I don't think that matters much
  4. Fresh off the Press: The Escapist, 3.5/5 (Which translates to above average but flaws drag it down a ton)
  5. Apologize for what? There are very few things in the gaming industry that companies should be apologetic for; and that mostly involves putting forward a completely unplayable piece of... Whatever (Or Fable: The Journey preview) And multiplayer isn't unplayable; people just like complaining over complementing.
  6. I'll happily help the individuals (or any other else's) problems when it comes to issues like these At times I just grow tired of all those threads that contain other, less fixable, issues. Ah, sorry didn't read this: The higher the chaos rating the higher it "X" has to occur. The amount of Chaos X rating increases as you gain levels. Edit: Oh yeah, Played a little more when I got back from work; after getting Graceful Repose and going low on hit points this appears: Although in his defense, it is a lot of writing.
  7. Ok, I'll just run through it for funzies and skip the thread: Switch to the Fire Bug: You can't Give her items: Switch her Stance: You can't control her (Which in turn means you can't switch her stance) Keymapping: Patch; something Obsidian has constantly been berated for and acknowledged the fact. For the next set of topics a lot has already been explained in the Help Topic section; you can find it by pressing escape while playing the game: More abilities: Leveling up is explained nicely the first time it happens and rather breifly explained in the help topic section. Here is the explanation when you level up for the first time: (Most importantly, highite the "next tier at level 10" bit) In the topic help section: How do you use Graceful Repose: Help section, I'm sure the game explains it sometime but think this is good enough for now. When "Victory Rush" is activated is in the skill description: Chaos; Vampire: I'll give you that one, it isn't explained actively in game... But have a look at the help section and it'll tell you. Might sound a little strange but Vampirism gives you a flat "absorption" amount and that number only increases the chance of it occurring. You dun goofed (You can, in fact, use that "longsword"): However, items you can't actually equip. The first time you pick one up the game acknowledges that fact but doesn't exactly explain why: Oh yeah, have a nice day and enjoy whatever game you're currently playing
  8. Shift+1 for the first ability Shift + 2 for the second Shift + 3 for the third Shift + 4 for the first defensive ability Shift + 5 for the second Shift + 6 for the third === This is assuming you have mastered the skill
  9. It can become an issue depending on who your playing; for example if your playing Lucas with a ranged heavy party. The ranged characters could sit back and shoot things at a location where all you could do is sit there and twiddle your thumbs hoping that they get close enough so you could get one or two hits in before they die. I like the concept of the Tethering (Because unlike Diablo 2 the areas are corridors and thus have little in the way of exploration... Apart from minor off-shoots containing chests) but the shared camera tethering is a little too restricting.
  10. Oh, I thought you were rampaging about thinking there wasn't a fix (It's happened before, several times). Which leads me to, go ahead, make a topic to vent your frustration while you wait for the patch.
  11. See that sticky? The first one? It says it's going in as a patch, soon.
  12. Yes, I gathered that it was because of the second part of "What he was saying" is why I asked.
  13. When I say "available for use" I also mean if the person has mastered the skill or not but it is no matter. It seems a bit strange if only certain augmentations "affect" the empowered skill. All that would do is make people tend to favour the other choice; have you actually tested it or taking this as an assumption? If I were to think of an ideal way to test it it would be with wind shear (With the bleed augmentation; if they have that red glowing thing it's working). Then there is also the other problem with status effects; bosses are immune to most of them (Heck, I swear the final boss is immune to critical hits)
  14. Have you done the usual checks? Aka, Verified the integrity of the file? And uh, manually updating the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
  15. WASD also moves you around; if it helps. Edit: Well, W is forward, S is backwards and AD is "Rotate camera"
  16. I thought it was more "average"; if this was painted as a triple A title game it would be low, true. Kinda makes the question; was it painted as an AAA title?
  17. Fun in a more social environment; plus you only have to worry about the combat as you can go AFK during the talking moments. Well... On the X-box you can actually "re-level" the character when you log in and I think that's a feature that should have been in the PC.
  18. Since when did people stop having fun playing videogames? Possibly it's a hyperbole but so many people are saying there is no incentive at all in trying multiplayer but there is that you enjoy playing the game; but couldn't be tossed dealing with the RPG aspects of it.
  19. On your own inventory/gear equip screen press Enter. It should then move to your companion Reinhart AoE spell damage is increased, like all types of damage, by improving your attack. The damage of special abilities is improved by increasing both will and attack.
  20. Well, not sure what else to argue against it; Earthquake is a little too slow and unwieldy but then with it's range you could be a good number of steps away from the enemy for it not to be a problem. With the Empowered abilities two questions; 1. Is it a safe bet to assume the empowered version of it is available for use? 2. Are the empowered abilities even affected by the augmentations in the first place?
  21. Empowerment? You know those orbs you use for a defensive ability? Those orbs are the "empowerment" thing. Press Shift+X to use an empowered version of an ability. Note; you must have mastered the ability before being allowed to empower it. As for the final boss:
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