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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. One tip, though Mage (and traditional INT, WIS and CHA builds) are favoured by fairly much everyone, playing with a STR build that has mediocre other stats is perfectly viable, as they will eventually be boosted anyway and unlock the same content. Through the use of a few tricks one can become an absolute combat monster in a very short time, able to take down almost everything in the game single handed, except for hard Rubikon constructs and Moridor. This makes combat far more satisfying, gives a little more late game exploration a reason to exist and avoids the tedium of spellcasting and all those repeated deaths. The writing is very palatable to me, it focuses on the games themes in a very strong fashion, has an absolute ton of foreshadowing, features NPCs and creatures who are really interesting and seem quite lifelike rather than the usual talking signposts of other games, has an absolutely fantastic approach to alignment, and crafts a gameworld that really does spring to life and leaves one wanting more. I use all of the usual mods, and the better content, but also allow the decrease of stats to 3, which I leave CHA at so that the game recognises Nameless' scarred appearance and barbaric attire, and he is given a wide berth. The Friends spell can rectify this weakness if one wishes to, and one gains a lot of free CHA points during the game anyway. Edit: Best RPG of all time? I'm not sure, Ultima 7 would probably be my pick personally, everything after that has suffered at the hands of the decline and limited scope. Torment, Fallout and Arcanum seemed to carve another path that started back along the road of ambition and variety, but it seems they have been mostly abandoned unfortunately.
  2. Ooh, wonder how I missed this? Well off to GOG I go. Edit: Many thanks for the heads up Mr Apolloooo.
  3. I far prefer the way Ultima 7 did it twenty years ago, logical directions, a focus on exploration, signposts and a paper map in the inventory that you could consult along with the sextant to determine your position. It gave one the freedom of exploration if venturing off the beaten path, but also a simple method of finding ones way, and only becoming lost in a good way. Far better than the insulting Skinner box design of today quest markers. Then again that was one of the best gameworlds ever created, and still has not been matched in my opinion.
  4. Well I sort of watched the film, after herding all of my offspring into the theatre, signing a second mortgage in order to afford the drinks and confectionaries desired by all, and getting settled in our seats we began the experience. A good start, competently made which I regard as the hallmark of Mr Abrams, and appropriately drenched in the Star Wars atmosphere. A rather unsatisfying ending I thought, the original Star Wars was much better in this regard with the simple ending serving as a nice closer. However the part I most enjoyed was the hour and a half of total blackness and gentle snoring in the middle, extremely refreshing, and just what I think was needed by this viewer.
  5. Why would these Solos live in the European Union? I hank you.
  6. Strange this Christmas decoration thing, the wifes family have a huge log burning in their hearth throughout the holidays, oddest thing i've ever seen. In a smaller house it would surely be a fire hazard as well, but their farmhouse is flagged around the fire with slate. Have to wonder where such things come from, trees, baubles and such as well?
  7. Perhaps one of those Christmas easter eggs that RPGs used to include?
  8. I have to admit I still think that the game might well have benefitted from choosing one area and focusing upon it more robustly, for instance I would have loved to see a siege progressing in No Mans Land, skirmishes between Redanians and Nilfgaardians and whatnot, or Novigrad brought to life as well as Vizima was, which I think they failed at by a slight margin. However one cannot really fault an RPG that actually has different cultures, armours, clothing, accents, landscapes and architecture within it, it made a nice change of pace and showed that the developers are going the extra mile in adding detail and verisimilitude, as well as sticking to the series focus on its (simulated) historical accuracy. Edit: I for one enjoy it for that reason.
  9. Preparing for the works annual party today, taxi firm booked, caterers confirmed, guest list finalised and all of us managers are getting down to the most important matter, the alcohol. I volunteer to bring in a case of Belvedere Vodka, as I acquired a couple recently from a Polish friend, my boss looking to impress and show his wealth volunteered to bring in a case of champagne, our marketing manager confirmed his usual commitment of covering the lager and beer, the head of personnel a number of bottles of spirits. At this point our head of security chirps up, "I can bring in a case." "What of?" My boss asks, obviously surprised as security are not expected to contribute as unfortunately they'll be working still. In response our security consultant scratches his crotch, gives the thinnest of smiles and drawls, "Herpes." I have to admit I guffawed quite loudly, luckily i'd just swallowed a mouthful of Earl Grey so my workmates were not covered in that as I exploded with laughter.
  10. What is interesting to me in that article Mr Infinitron linked is when he talks of Torment, the game he had almost total freedom in until late in development due to disinterest from the powers that be: The gentleman seems to relish the freedom and creative energy he could expend (and this shows in the game,) however I have read in other articles that the duties of creating that game near broke him in his own words, and he would not like to take on such a herculean task again. This seems to send a contradictory message, or is the gentleman simply looking back with rose tinted glasses and wanting to flex his creative muscles again, perhaps thinking that such sacrifice is worth enduring for an end product that is so satisfying to so many. Ah speculation, what a pointlessly enjoyable passtime.
  11. Sounds to me like Mr Avellone simply had the urge to wander and expand his experiences, it must be a dry business cranking out RPGs for a living, I remember Mr Spector stating much the same shortly before Deus Ex released, how he was so pleased to leave pseudo medievalism behind for a change. Of course any setting may grow stale with experience, but I suspect considering Mr Avellones broad tastes and commitments that such will not be a problem for the gentleman. I would still love to see an actual survival horror made by the gentleman, so many of his projects have made leanings in that direction that the chap must want to explore it more thoroughly, and judging by Dead Money (my undisputed favourite part of New Vegas) i'd be more than happy to play them. That's actually a pretty spot on critique for me as well, at least in comparison to their other games. A strength and weakness of the studio to be sure. That they can produce a well made game, but it will lose soul - or they can make a soulful game, but it tends to be a wee bit buggy and wrought with less than optimal mechanics. That said I thoroughly enjoyed PoE and Sawyers direction - and while the game lacked Avellone's madness I was happy to see it didn't lack ambition. You chaps really ought to watch the latest video from Mr BTongue on Youtube dealing with the IE successors, quite a similar summation.
  12. It's not Christmas until the flautist has stood on one leg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qcPS-J0HTg
  13. I was under the impression that the young lady was of similar divine heritage to Charname, but the by-blow of another deity, and that she was in Mr Avellone's words "doing a better job of it than the protagonist." Edit: I may be mistaken however, as I was not paying too much attention when I heard or read that from wherever.
  14. Usual request for these types of threads: 1. Dark Heresy W40k RPG using the Pillars engine and turn based. 2. Legacy of Kain game, only vampire story i'm really interested in, small mid sized game possibly going back to the Blood Omen roots of the series instead of the cutscene heavy thing it has become. Gameplay first, big interesting world with lots to explore, top down instead of third person with "distinct" voice acting not the typical boring everyman, and unashamedly verbose and convoluted, but also thrilling and revelatory. 3. Arcanum sequel of course, though perhaps this can be done in a later iteration of the Pillars games, though truth told I enjoyed Arcanum far more than Poe i'm sorry to say.
  15. My tastes are quite broad, from Omar Khayyam ("Tis all a chequer-board of nights and days, where destiny with men for pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates and slays, and one by one back in the closet lays.") to Tennyson and Ted Hughes. However I have a special place in my heart for the Kenning poetry of the Old Norse, I played a Norse berserk in an old RP session and it was his wont to ejaculate such poetry after combat, commenting on his performance or his foes, of poor quality but glorious vitality. "Tyr's chosen, shieldbreaker, spear shaker treads the place of the arrow storm. The trees of bone he hacks, the red heartwine his woundweaver drinks deep, and widows tears does he take as payment for his work." "Sons thirst the Allfather cries, and so too the Giver of Rings dies, his eyes searching for the Choosers in the Skies, and a place within the Hall."
  16. I know my place! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmpkpeBJupo
  17. Ah so in answer then you have no citations for your conspiracy theories, very well then as I said i'm not really buying these conjectures i'm afraid. I never said any such thing, please if you're making up ridiculous statements don't attribute them to me, or at least provide a citation, thank you. Edit: Also unironically I have never once commented on Cultural Marxism, nor stated that anyone is trying to make poorly written walking simulators the dominant genre, I have no idea where these two outlandish accusations come from.
  18. To be fair, if you were trying to harrass someone while trying to keep up the pretence of being a movement concerned with journalistic ethics, you'd most likely open a different account specifically for harrassing, which is - surprise surprise - what most of the harrassers were doing. And therein lies the crux of the problem. "Journalistic ethics" is the fig leaf covering the underlying sentiment of "take your filthy politics out of my vidya gaemz". Which is a terribly ignorant opinion, but hey, that's GG for you. Two citations needed for these conspiracy theories please. What, after about 30 threads full of whining about how "games journalism is no longer objective and is infected with filthy idealogues who want to push their message on us" on this very forum, threads in which you have actively participated, you still don't think the entire point of GG is railing against how "politicized" games journalism has become? I'll never understand how my assessment that '"Journalistic ethics" is the fig leaf covering the underlying sentiment of "take your filthy politics out of my vidya gaemz"' is in any way controversial, much less a "conspiracy theory". No I don't, I think the purpose was to state how unfit for purpose, corrupt and unethical games journalism has become, and highlight the obvious hypocrisy of game journalists lecturing others on issues when they are morally bankrupt. You are of course welcome to believe whatever conspiracy theories you wish but if you're not providing any proof whatsoever then don't expect me to believe you, nor participate in this conjecture. Or you could stop dodging the issue and post the citations I requested, if you please. By whining about "but POLITICS!"? Strange way of accomplishing the purported goal. I've wasted months of my time providing you lot with links and detailed statistical analyses on why some of GG's big talking points don't hold water. They were unilaterally ignored or met with the equivalent of "nuh-uh, because... urm... because I said so". I'm done playing that game. Nothing can sway you people, least of all logic or common sense. So in summary no citations for your conspiracy theories?
  19. To be fair, if you were trying to harrass someone while trying to keep up the pretence of being a movement concerned with journalistic ethics, you'd most likely open a different account specifically for harrassing, which is - surprise surprise - what most of the harrassers were doing. And therein lies the crux of the problem. "Journalistic ethics" is the fig leaf covering the underlying sentiment of "take your filthy politics out of my vidya gaemz". Which is a terribly ignorant opinion, but hey, that's GG for you. Two citations needed for these conspiracy theories please. What, after about 30 threads full of whining about how "games journalism is no longer objective and is infected with filthy idealogues who want to push their message on us" on this very forum, threads in which you have actively participated, you still don't think the entire point of GG is railing against how "politicized" games journalism has become? I'll never understand how my assessment that '"Journalistic ethics" is the fig leaf covering the underlying sentiment of "take your filthy politics out of my vidya gaemz"' is in any way controversial, much less a "conspiracy theory". No I don't, I think the purpose was to state how unfit for purpose, corrupt and unethical games journalism has become, and highlight the obvious hypocrisy of game journalists lecturing others on issues when they are morally bankrupt. You are of course welcome to believe whatever conspiracy theories you wish but if you're not providing any proof whatsoever then don't expect me to believe you, nor participate in this conjecture. Or you could stop dodging the issue and post the citations I requested, if you please.
  20. I have to admit that these are exactly the changes i've been wanting in the game since the beginning, it was the absence of these features that was frustrating me. I do hope that this mod is continued and if CDPR do an Enhanced Edition or make extensive changes for their forthcoming expansions/dlcs, that such a mod might be implemented in a similar fashion to the Hardcore mode/Mr Sawyer's mod in New Vegas. Then again I have peculiar tastes.
  21. Watched a few performances by an angry American comedian named Doug Stanhope, quite amusing.
  22. To be fair, if you were trying to harrass someone while trying to keep up the pretence of being a movement concerned with journalistic ethics, you'd most likely open a different account specifically for harrassing, which is - surprise surprise - what most of the harrassers were doing. And therein lies the crux of the problem. "Journalistic ethics" is the fig leaf covering the underlying sentiment of "take your filthy politics out of my vidya gaemz". Which is a terribly ignorant opinion, but hey, that's GG for you. Two citations needed for these conspiracy theories please.
  23. I liked the Vancian system, it made BG2 the game which it was and was enormously enjoyable. I think that TSR were wise in adapting this system from Mr Vance's books, and I always liked the little nods to this when Vecna appeared. In all of the IE games apart from Torment the Vancian system worked for me, magic felt powerful and useful though as is usual with modern games there was far too little environmental interaction, all those great spells left unused, a pity.
  24. If one chooses just to browse the most outrageous and loud discussions rather than delve into individual cases and the larger picture, then that is ones choice.
  25. No, I take responsibility for myself and my family, what other people do and say is their business and not mine and I will neither be blamed for their actions or inactions. However I will say that the negative opinion of Gamergate has been mostly manufactured by the lying media to shift blame from itself, and I have associated with, and will continue associating with, ladies and gentlemen who support Gamergate and are of fine moral standing and genuinely good people. Some of whom are developers who are also tired of being demonised, told that their works are sexist and problematic, and being preached at by a press who are corrupt and immoral. Edit: I would not blame all Muslims for the actions of terrorists, I would not judge a race on the actions of one member, this is extremely poor logic.
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