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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I have to say that I agree with all your first four points and cautiously agree with your final point, it's easy for me to say this but I was raised when the Provo's were conducting their campaigns, and so far they were indisputably more successful than any Jihadi has been in Britain, and yet the response was far less restrictive. Terrorism and atrocities will be carried out by extremists and the indoctrinated cowards and madman that they attract, this is just a facet of life, and most of us will not be affected by this at all, it is statistically an extremely unlkely occurence. That is not to say that I do not condemn the attackers, commiserate with the dead and the grieving and want something done about this, I am sane and therefore I do. However what I do not want is unwarranted racism, governmental knee jerk reactions and the true enemy being swept aside in favour of easy answers. Of course our governments should do everything they can to protect us, but the answers on how to do that cannot be easily implemented, they require long term systemic change. Firstly I agree, nation states should be left to their own devices, this may sound harsh but the alternative we have practised for the last few centuries of dabbling ignorantly has lead to far greater tragedies. Secondly immigration, there has been no infrastructure created for it, there has been no alterations made to society to accomodate massive influxes of foreigners and no consultation with the natives: This has not resulted in happy and harmonious communities of shining diversity and multiculturalism obviously, it has lead to ghettos and idle unemployable (often near illiterate) youth being all too easy prey for radicalisation. These things must be tackled head on, and I do not expect that to be pretty or easy, but if we want a brighter future I personally think that is the only way, as it is these terrorists have a fertile breeding ground in the hearts of our homelands that we helped create.
  2. Exactly, their reviews for Mad Max were so damning for using similar mechanics to other games and yet when Fallout 4 uses the exact same mechanics as the last iteration it gets a free pass, and now no one is allowed to criticise poor QA because it has happened before! Really this is ridiculous and proves just how fundamentally broken and unfit for purpose game journalism is, they really are what is wrong in gaming. Objective criticism of poor performance is now to be discarded, preferential treatment is to be given to established large corporations, while plucky indies like Obsidian and newcomers like the Mad Max devs get unfair chastisement for far lesser issues. To now say that the world building in the Witcher 3 is less authentic than Fallouts...well that's just typical RPS idiocy isn't it? The world building in all of the Witcher games has been almost anally obsessive, i've not seen better since Ultima, and it could simulate a real world locale while the Bethesda Fallouts (not 1, 2 or New Vegas) are places where nobody could live, where mankind does not leave its mark and there is no realism or believable world building, there isn't even water or crops usually. Game journalism and those who pursue it really are both laughably incompetent, and yet have the gall to attack those whom have made the industry and provided jobs for these unemployable morons! The irony is almost unbelievable.
  3. So with the same basic gameplay as Fallout 3, barring the broken town building, and a host of technical difficulties that are making it near unplayable, what is the unbiased and objective opinion of Fallout 4 from the game journalists: Mass condemnation and similar (or worse) reactions as to the far better looking and more stable recent Mad Max reviews. If not then why not?
  4. Totally agree, our pleasant and easy lives are very far removed from just a half century or so past, as a middle aged gentleman I can still remember child mortality being far more prevalant in my youth. Among the lower classes of the industrial cities and peasants of earlier ages one suspects that the higher mortality rate was a simple matter of acceptance, and a reason for large families. Set this grim statistic in a harsher period of history such as the Mongol invasions of the 13th century, or the Black Death of the 14th and one has a thoroughly unpleasant period to endure as an ordinary (or even extraordinary) individual. Interesting times. Edit: Set this against the power plays and quite barbaric internal politics of this period and really I think that Poe is quite light and breezy in comparison. What the Plantagenets and Normans did to their enemies, as good Christian men and women, was rather inventive and thorough for even an Inquisitor. Then again the darker the period, the lighter the small victories.
  5. So has anyone started playing the latest torture porn and endangered species slaughtering simulator? I'm asking as i'm thinking of either getting the kids the Uncharted collection or the two Tomb Raider games for christmas, along with whichever console seems better value and stocked with titles.
  6. One can change ones species in Dragon Age: Origin through shapeshifting magic. Logically changing ones gender should be ridiculously easy in comparison, therefore there is no need for a transitive state, simply switch sexes as one wishes, i'm sure a mage would be glad of the fees gained from this service. Of Course this is assuming Bioware used logic instead of their ridiculous in game lore.
  7. Two minutes silence, that's all we asked of our employees at 11am this morning, we placed posters a week in advance stating this and asked that those not participating leave the office for the duration. We reminded all of the staff at 10am and sounded a whistle for the commencement of the silence, and yet at 11:01 we had a shrieking secretary asking why everybody was ignoring her and nobody was talking, absolutely screeching like a fishwife. I was of half a mind to fire her on the spot, luckily a fellow partner interceded and stopped me whilst I was recovering from my bout of unsound temperament. I really have to reign in my temper, it's growing worse.
  8. Meanwhile MPs still have to pay for such treatment in exclusive Soho establishments.
  9. Well personally I think that a red faced and furious three hundred pound Irishman roaring at us "little English *******" that we'll burn in hellfire if giving in to any temptation of the flesh was an awfully good sexual education and deterrent. However I do find myself becoming strangely aroused when watching Father Ted, which is unusual to say the least.
  10. First Rami Ismail and now this. Why is this lie being perpetuated? There isn't a Fallout game where you can't play as a female. I can't understand why Mr Cain and the other creators of Fallout are content with being retroactively falsely labelled as sexist here, we all know that one can play as the female or male gender in all the games, and to villify past incarnations of the game (and ergo its creators) is really going a step too far. Sure we gamers are used to the relentless demonisation by the corrupt and lying media, and can shrug it off as we do not need them or their fading industry, but game designers really shouldn't have to stand for this false besmirchment, especially when they are innocent of said charges. I would personally demand an apology and a retraction, after all ones professional career is on the line and rumour mongering is a dirty and all too real phenomenon as Mr Wardell can attest.
  11. I found it quite difficult to find an overarching narrative, the game for me was not about the protagonists family, as I was not introduced to them, had no accumulation of empathy due to the clumsy writing and design, and could not even talk to them the majority of the time. Luckily they soon all died. Even if the game had been about providing for the family, (an outrageous notion as nobody needs to eat, drink or sleep in the Dragon Age world,) I would ask why Hawke ventured down into the Deep Roads after proving by accumulating 50 sovereigns that there was a perfectly adequate amount of money to be made in Kirkwall, running errands, thieving and slaughtering the bandits whom spawned every ten feet. The second act I just could not find a reason to care about the Qunari, and honestly wondered why I was being bothered with this nonsense. Obviously a relationship with the incompetent guard captain Aveline, who frequently abandoned her post to do as I commanded was one factor, but she was only a passing acquaintance who I did not feel strongly about one way or the other. My Hawke had already stated that he wished to go back to Ferelden, had the money and had no loyalty to the strangers who stood around in his house not talking to him, "saving" the city was just not important to him in the least. The third chapter was just so much pointless none decision making, I did not have to join with either Templars or Mages, I had slaughtered thousands (at least a city full) of each so had no fear, and nothing they could do or say would redeem either. I was uninterested in either side, had no loyalty or interest in the dead, reactionless, empty, ugly grey city and there were no silent strangers in my house who I was told were family. When I was forced into choosing a side I just clicked and sighed, skipped through the idiots who followed me derping about something, slogged through a number of combats again and then quit to desktop laughing when the Templar woman (the standard McGuffins slave) launched herself into space. I've got to ask though, did she ever come down or make an appearance in Mass Effect? Edit: Still, I endured the game for sixty hours or so, therefore getting my moneys worth and I liked some of the boots.
  12. Where did the crews of the airships go?
  13. Bravo! Punmanship of extraordinary calibre.
  14. A Main Gauche would seem to be a far more logical weapon for that bonus, and fitting for the period, haven't seen one referenced in a game in quite a few years however. As you say though a Rapier would be even more suitable, a fearsomely long blade, a solid guard and both light and maneuverable. The perfect single combat weapon really, i'd take that over virtually any other implement.
  15. Bingo. The Black Dog of depression has its jaws upon you eh Orogun? I'm sorry to hear that old man, and I sympathise as I know what it is to question life at points, indeed which of us does not? It may sound trite but there is value inherent in your life, just as much as some famous celebrity or some cultural icon. At times it may not seem like this but we are all the same, and no one can foresee the future: Someday your star may shine as bright as any others, or you may find quiet contentment in a life lived well and to your own moral code. There is inherent value here, life is the greatest gift of all, and we still live in a paradise that cannot be taken away, despite whatever pettiness is turned against us or how much we are not valued. Take pleasure in the little things friend, and try and build upon that is my advice. To be in a deep funk and yet still be thinking of others shows your character better than anything else, and says to me that you are a good man, something the world needs.
  16. Well time to celebrate the burning of Papists, consume vast quantities of parkin and terrify the family pets with sub nuclear level fireworks. Happy 5th of November everybody.
  17. One should prepare for Honest Hearts with a viewing of the Mission, and thus approach the dlc forearmed.
  18. The marketing budget for this game must be gargantuan, an hour of television had a trailer for Fallout 4 shown three times this afternoon. Lord knows why they chose "The Wanderer" as a theme song however, it really doesn't fit with Fallouts aesthetic in my opinion.
  19. Regarding the Ghost People of Dead Money, I simply stayed in the Bell Tower and sniped most of the gentlemen with the Holorifle.
  20. I always found this little piece of trickery by Mr Derren Brown an interesting reflection of personality, commonality and inherent gullibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDlkl78Yf-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bCjzLij54k
  21. What! I'm not paying for a long expensive journey to a metaphysical realm of anguish, punishment and suffering for any children. They can walk the road of good intentions like the rest of us! No but seriously, i'm afraid I personally support Great Ormond Street Hospital, as they need more funding now that the rights to JM Barries works are no longer under their control, and I firmly believe that charity begins at home. However I applaud any moves such as this, and would donate were I a Californian, good luck ladies and gentlemen.
  22. You had all of the signs in the second game, it was only the first game (when Geralt's amnesia was total) that saw him have to gather signs.
  23. Personally I thought Kate Bush was a far better...marital aid in her Babooshka video.
  24. Agreed, but i'd have settled for a simple block of 35 points being given in acknowledgement of a savegame import: A simple system, the importers are experienced in the game and know the skills well enough (as they're not really that dissimilar from the second games,) and maybe allow a few respec potions for making a desired build. And there is plenty of room for advancement still.
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