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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. How exactly did I do that? The answer is I didn't. I too have watched gaming media becoming unfit for purpose and more interested in demonising its audience rather than doing their job, thus when Gamergate reared its head I heartily embraced it in the hopes of making the media take some responsibility and do their jobs, after all they are reporting on an extremely flawed multi billion dollar industry. I remember the Kane and Lynch debacle, and many others, and there deserves to be an industry that just does its job rather than regards this as par for the course. As for Ms Quinn being noticed, I really don't care for the woman or her work, it was a journalist sleeping with a developer that I objected to and Mr Grayson's blatant unethical behaviour, this is a conflict of interest that should see any journalist fired if he did not disclose this to his editor. However Mr Tortillo thinks that game journalists sleeping with developers is perfectly fine, and yet any professor of ethics (or sane person) would tell him that this is blatantly unethical. I was far more interested in the journalists wrongdoings than the part time developer and full time professional victim, I was not interested in her and the only people who kept bringing her up were those trying to say that a woman I had never spoken to, contacted or was vaguely interested in was my reason for asking for journalists to do their job. A pathetic argument, unworthy of discussion, and blatantly used to falsely label me a misogynist and deflect attention. What did I achieve? Ultimately nothing, but I think Gamergate has highlighted just how useless game journalism is, and this dying profession will die all the quicker now, and then perhaps we can have something that is more fit for purpose and serviceable.
  2. Currently testing out the School of the Roach Edition mod? Quite crashy as befits beta but i'm liking the changes it brings.
  3. One never stated that all whom chose to follow Gamergate were "proponents of all (that is) good and holy." I merely made a statement that claims of harassment were overblown statistically, and used to demonise an honest movement for ethical standards and a press that should be at least fit for purpose. Neither did I ask for anyone to die, that would be the utterings of an outraged, loudmouthed and judgemental moron. I will not judge either group, except by what they have actually done, as it is not my place to judge them beyond that. However it seems quite reasonable for journalists not to be sleeping with developers, that is a clear conflict of interests. It seems quite reasonabel that the media criticise and keep a professional working distance from the field they are reporting on, otherwise it becomes just a PR arm that is useless to the consumer, its customer. It is also self evident that people whom happen to play games recreationally should not be demonised for doing so, and all manner of aspersions cast upon them when they have never even been on Twitter, Facebook or anyone of the vanity sites. So a film may be made carving and reaffirming the false narrative that gamers are all misogynist and untermensch, it will not be the first or last time that the media has decided to demonise consumers. Whether it is AD&D, video nasties, rock or rap music, novels or what have you. That is hardly a movement for ethics fault, blame the creators and a media who are only interested in shock and fear mongering. As for what Gamergate achieved, it revealed the depths of the games medias hate for their audience, it forced several publications to adopt ethical standards, it ousted several of the toxic individuals from their positions of power such as Bob Chipman, Leigh Alexander and Ben Kuchera, and of course it highlighted how utterly unfit for purpose the media is. Edit: I'd also like to pour scorn on this notion that everyone involved in Gamergate (including the women in it) were misogynists and or acted poorly, many of us maintained decorum, manners and merely championed the cause of a media overhaul that is sadly needed. We contacted advertisers to express our outrage over poor journalism, supported various causes financially and expressed our opinion on the various ethical issues which Gamergate tackled, that is all and not something to be once again demonised or insulted over. A consumer revolt is no bad thing, it is the media spin that has painted it as such with baseless claims.
  4. Ha, good one. The unethical, lying media reporting that their detractors are all manner of villains and misogynist, a pity that the findings on Twitter done by an independent auditor found that instances of harassment using the hashtag Gamergate were so miniscule as to be almost non existent. But by all means lets not let facts enter the false narrative the media are crafting to defend themselves, and their lapdogs who are in favour of corruption and demonising gamers.
  5. Yep. "We love America, except the millions of Americans composed of [whites/blacks/the poor/the rich/latte liberals/Republicans/Trump supporters/rapists/racists/etc/etc] that are not really American" is the basic move we see all over the world. We love us and we hate the other, except we make sure that everybody we hate can be moved to 'other' whenever we need to. Which is why we need to be careful about pretending that it's some kind of eternal classification that cannot be disobeyed. Indeed the urge to demonise the other, to ascribe them with all manner of "sins" they are innocent of and hold oneself above them in a self righteous display of oneupmanship has still not been eradicated. In fact i'd say that it's now more popular than ever, fashionable even, no matter what the behaviour of the accuser, whose eye really should not see for the log in it. A shame that it utterly circumvents any form of empathy or self analysis.
  6. Reminds me of a few places in Poland. The titles wine part obviously hinted at Toussaint, but the blood part interests me, i'm honestly wondering if Regis might make a comeback in some form. The gentleman probably still needs a few decades of recovery and regeneration, but i'm thinking that an Avallach like mask might be used, and fit with the flamboyant styles of the Nilfgaardian protectorate.
  7. I personally thought that the Eldar campaign was the best one in Retribution, and the returning Eldar from all of the other DoW2 games added alot of spice to their angle. However in terms of pure enjoyment I have to agree, playing the Boyz under Kaptain Bludflag was hard to beat. Personally in an ideal DoW 3 i'd want something different from the usual demonic ascension plot, a Genestealer infestation sparking a rebellion perhaps, or something similarly a lot more nuanced. I'd also want a more defined protagonist and company, with a mix of the Guard handling large scale (DoW1) operations, Deathwatch or similar handling commando duties on special (DoW2) operations, and an Inquisitor commanding operations. His psychic talents should also be explored and expanded upon, especially when it comes to matching himself against the will of a devious hidden Patriarch. Of course this would never happen.
  8. Smart move, appeal to the spending consumer rather than the whining Patreon beggars and spoiled leeches. As well as of course taking a morally correct stance for ethics, positivity and the innocent rather than idiot terrorists whom have used bomb threats to try and silence any dissent to their sick censorship and pathetic attempts at victimhood.
  9. I'd urge you to not stop posting and keep a dialogue going Ms Qistina, I don't regard you as a troll and don't wish you to go away as you represent a different worldview and that should be welcomed. However feeling superior, weak, not knowing the value of things, or how others percieve the world, none of this is born out of an east versus west struggle: Power and privilege lies in class and wealth, and there is just as much inequality you do not know about in the west as there is we do not know of in the Far East. Please don't accept the easy answers and the prejudicial attitudes of a manufactured hostility. We are really not so different.
  10. My country was British colony... As was the United States, surely you can see the irony there?
  11. Another example of the common decency of humanity, in trying times: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslim-woman-thanks-geordie-angels-who-defended-her-from-racist-abuse-on-newcastle-metro-a6746591.html
  12. A passing fad, the current lingua franca of the age, once it was Greek, when I was young Esperanto was being pioneered and the language of the future will probably be a mish mash tongue born of a dozen nation. Just as English was and is now. For instance my children are being taught that Chinese is probably the language to learn for the future, don't worry about such small matters. Edit: People will communicate, and it is easier than ever for them to do so, and language is perhaps the smallest part of communication.
  13. I'm afraid my mother is dead Ms Qistina, but this racist treatment of supposedly third world and first world countries is utter piffle, everybody knows that. Genetically we are all human, and there is no difference really worth noting, there are problems in every country under the sky and none are better than the other. For instance England my home, supposedly the fourth richest nation on earth, yet food banks to feed the poor are opening every week and there are massive social problems that have persisted since we pioneered industrialisation. Yes fat privileged politicians may speak of their superiority, but these are simply lies, and feed a narrative that takes the common mans mind off his own circumstances by inventing a supposedly fiendish enemy. A tactic being successfully used all over the world, now and since the dawn of time I suspect. I wouldn't buy into the hate movement if I were you, you're better than that.
  14. Ms Qistina, as a semi frequent visitor to the United States I have seen two sides of the coin, there are people whom are ignorant of basic geography and other subjects, however there are also ladies and gentlemen with the finest minds I have ever had the pleasure to converse with. The only real foolishness lies in making assumptions, demonising the masses on the example of a small edited sample and using the same racist rhetoric as the (mainly worthless) press uses when dealing with the Middle East and other areas. Education the world over is not really the point, the point is individual inquisitiveness and a mind forever breaking barriers and asking questions, instead of accepting answers. Minds such as we have seen in all cultures, countries and races of humanity the world over. I'd like to add that it is also a worrying trend to demonise those of lesser intellect, and practise mockery and snobbish pride. Intellect does not automatically make a better person, that is a mistake of youth, and sometimes ignorance is not prejudicial or a sign of laziness, the honest, hard working labourer does not need to understand Pythagorean and Archimedean mathematical principles and that is no inherently bad thing.
  15. I wouldn't deny that there is a difference in strength between the genders, it's a fact, nor would I deny that the best way to avoid such situations is to simply not allow oneself to get into them. Stay with friends, crowds and in well lit CCTV areas, and even then one cannot be sure. However I like that here we see a villain recieve his just deserts for once, and that is really the point of this thread. Another example of common decency (and remarkable bravery) that I am always reminded of by the delightful Ms Lumley, and her tireless work for our faithful auxillaries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishnu_Shrestha
  16. Wouldn't touch with a bargepole i'm afraid, Mr Schafer's name being the major disincentive.
  17. Second moral of the story: More countries need a slight addiction to tea developing amongst their elderly! Edit: Good man Mr Meshugger.
  18. I thought i'd open a thread here for the lighter and better side of humanity to be demonstrated as opposed to all of the war, migrants and demonisation of ones fellow man that are currently in vogue. Nothing controversial or negative, just simple examples of some good being done. To open I thought i'd start with a little story my good lady wife pointed out to me the other day, a potential rapist in Sheffield (the wifes home town) was left beaten and battered by his intended victim and shortly after picked up by police. The lesson learned, one should probably not try it on too much with northern women, from personal experience I believe there is still a little Shieldmaiden within the meekest. http://metro.co.uk/2015/12/02/would-be-rapist-left-battered-and-bruised-by-victim-5538914/ It left a nice taste of some good being left in the world, as opposed to the 24hr news networks constant alarmism and overblown reporting on what are at the end of the day rare events. Of course this thread does not have to be merely news posts, personal stories of positivity and goodness affecting posters would be even more welcome I think. If the mods feel this should be merged with another thread i've not found, please feel free.
  19. I'd be fine with a small scale (in relative terms) Fallout made for an isometric engine, the original Fallout is quite a small game, very tightly designed and all the better for it. Reasonable profits from a few hundred thousand sales would mean a more reasonable investment, and perhaps a stable franchise dealing with and continuing the classic (as Bethesda terms it on GOG) series. Avoiding the boom or bust sales mentality might be an attractive quality in and of itself for cerain investors?
  20. I quite like Humbugs, my grandfather used to hand them out when we'd go walking with him as children. Boiled sweets seem to have died a death in this modern age of confectionary, a pity. Edit: I'm afraid i'm far too attached to my avatar, and after all what can change the nature of a man?
  21. Trawling through the code of Severance: Blade of Darkness in my clumsy attempts to edit the game more to my liking and I have found a few strange things: The tutorial area is a lot bigger than seems to be necessary, and there is a rather copious amount of information devoted to sneaking through it, I have to wonder whether this might have been an alternate gameplay mode at some point in development? Looking at the various maps I can see where sneaking might be extremely useful, and it would certainly fit the style of the combat.
  22. I'd add another yes vote, along with most of the cautions used above, the game is hard but it is also fair. There are high points to the game and low points, for instance the siege of Targos is very much one of my favourite areas and moments in a game, the build up, the effect you can have on the course of it and the interesting combat. However there are simply tiresome slogs and grinds made to pad the length of the game, and the game sometimes rubs that in your face, which is not exactly a welcome thing to do. All told i enjoyed my time with the game, and at some point mean to replay it, so i'd recommend it to anybody else as well. I still think the story begun there has room to continue, and there seems to be several hints made along with groundwork laid in the game. It is also quite reverential towards the original game, and others set in the AD&D multiverse, see if you can spot yet another incarnation of Ravel Puzzlewell?
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