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Everything posted by Darque

  1. Area-effect Lightning spells in Oblivion: Best Thing Ever.
  2. Well, how about that. I hope it doesn't suck, seeing as it would seem the people who made Diablo 2 went on to make the Hellgate: London beta...
  3. That doesn't make any sense. Blizzard has done absolutely nothing in the history of their company to lead you to believe that. Diablo 3 would be the next iteration of the action-RPG series, just like Warcraft 3 was the next iteration of an RTS series and Starcraft 2 is clearly the next iteration of another RTS series. Now if they announce they are going to put out a new MMO set in the Diablo universe, sure, you'd have a reason to be negative. But seriously, it just sounds like your sore at Blizzard for making a game in a genre that you dislike. Fanboi much? Please don't try to interpret my replies... I never said it was a bad thing. But Blizzard does seem to be taking the easy road these days.
  4. If they made a Diablo 3 it wouldn't be Diablo 3, it'd be World of Diablo or something....
  5. That's awsome. No, it's a word better than awesome. A word not invented yet. So awesome will have to do.
  6. Sand, please. DnD has "always" made use of different "sources" for power... the fact they're formally doing it now is no big deal.
  7. Master Transmogrifist (sp?) - The Wiz/Sor version of the Master of Many Forms The possibility of Evil, rather than thuggish, gameplay. Base level game 1-20 More enchanting options. Edit: Oh, yeah, and the ability to play as a pirate, including a ship. Grrr Arg.
  8. Definately cheating. But if you can live with it, go for it. Those old game-books were a bit brutal.
  9. He's a stuttering idiot. The best thing you can do for him is strip him down and let him fight some ogres. Awww... Khalid's just a big fuzzy bunny rabbit.
  10. I'm not sure what the trick to using it is, but I never managed to use Wall of Fire to any real affect. Fireball on the other hand is awesomeness. That fire trail skill is pretty cool too... wanna chase me? Ok....
  11. You know, I've never tried an amazon.. I should do that sometime.
  12. So many people on both sides want a fight, I'm surprised it hasn't really gone full blown yet.
  13. Team America: World Police. I found it strangely... hilarious.
  14. Fire based spells for the burn. Fire is fun! But nothing beats Frozen Orb! It's a room clearer
  15. I wouldn't say better.... It's real bland, as said, and is far too.... easy? Not to mention the fact it's far less explorer friendly than Morrowind.
  16. Hey, Khalid is awesome too! All he really needs are the gauntlets of ogre power....
  17. Aliens RPG Hellgate London (the real one... not the beta.
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