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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Just how many reality shows are there out there? I never even heard of this one. I saw one where people were pirates or something.
  2. Azure79


    I want to add my Happy Birthday too! I'm 27 soon to be 28. I don't feel age yet, but I dread the day when I start to. But I don't think 40 is bad. I'll call myself young until 39 and then when I hit 40 I'll call myself middle-aged.
  3. I never could get into Farcry PC that much. I appreciated the enormous environments and the freedom to approach a situation as I saw fit, but mostly what happened was me hiding in the grass, killing a merc, and then killing every other merc that came to investigate. Of course my FPS skills aren't that great in the first place, so probably why I fell back to that tactic time and time again.
  4. EVGA is replacing the board but the Best Buy techs who I took it to in order to install the board and fix the grounding issue gave me my money back when they failed to get it working. Best Buy....returns money?
  5. Ok, that was pretty scary...
  6. I never buy FPS games when they first come out. The sole exception was Half Life 2. They always go down in price pretty fast and if I really want to play one after hearing great reviews (Riddick) I can usually save 20, 30 dollars buying it later. I'm thinking this game will come out and be forgotten fairly quickly....at least by me.
  7. Good Idea
  8. I always think, can I drink it or not?
  9. rofl, just a tip tho besides not belching in front of chicks you really shouldn't be doing physical activity any longer than 45 minutes. If you plan on doing that in a regular routine for a decent period of time you're going to burn yourself out and could easily hurt yourself. Biggest mistake newbies make is over training. On a side note, any exercise I did today has been nullified by dinner. Mainly salad, but one slice of pizza and 4 chicken wings. But I have no regrets except the wings sucked. Thanks for the tip. I wasn't doing anything overly strenuous though. Just jogging at a very slow pace and using some light resistance on the bike. I always wondered how much cardio was good for you. I suppose more isn't necessarily better. I'm just trying to get my body used the the exercise again before I start actually picking up the pace. When I was working out regularly I did a 4-5 mile run one day and then jumped on the bike another day and then the rowing machine another day just so I didn't get bored. I usually don't do over an hour of cardio. Then a lot of crunches and back exercises to strengthen my core and finishing off with a lifting routine mixed with squats and pushups and pullups. I'm not really working to build any mass or muscle, just keep myself fit and ready to survive if zombies attack. I know they will someday and I'll be ready!
  10. I'm feeling a little heavy lately due to doing nothing other than sitting on my ass during the day at work and then coming home late and just watching TV. I've grown very lazy and I noticed that it has started to affect my overall mood and demeanor. So I hit the gym yesterday did 30 minutes on the bike then a 4 mile jog...very slowly. It was painful at first but then actually felt quite nice towards the end. I actually let out a big belch as things started to settle down inside and grossed the girl out next to me on the treadmill....I felt proud. Today I go back and do some light lifting...just to get my body back in the groove. Don't want to shock it too much.
  11. I was a bit disappointed with the Devastator line too. It seemed to preclude the Constructicons from emerging in any sequels. Hopefully its an error like Oerwinde pointed out and we'll see the REAL Devastator and the Dinobots (YAY!) crashing about in a sequel. Wasn't Brawl one of the Combaticons?
  12. If 360 gets Metal Gear Solid 4, I'll buy one. MGS4 and Ninja Gaiden 2 are the only games I'm really looking forward to on a console. Oh yeah and that Bioware game.
  13. Saw the movie. It was a pretty good action flick. I thought the representations on Prime and BB were pretty great. There were some references to the 80s cartoon and movie that made me smile. I loved Prime's energon sword/axe and how he used it. Very efficient. I wanted more interaction and character development for the the transformers. The Decepticons just seemed to be huge props, though Megatron was very menacing and evil. It felt like that little transformer (Frenzy?) got the most screentime out of all the Decepticons. It would have been cooler if Frenzy was Ravage or Laserbeak IMO. The Autobots were done well. Of course Ironhide, Jazz and Ratchet could have used more development, but what was there was good. They all acted like what my hazy memory thought they would act like. The Spike Bumblebee relationship was good too. I remember Bumblebee having a closer relationship with the humans than other autobots....I think. Overall, I really enjoyed it. The 2.5 hours or so really flew by.
  14. Indeed. I would say role playing has taken place when the nipple makes its first appearance. I remember my first nipple ... *reminisces* *Reminisces with Meta*
  15. I had a friend whose mom would put out birdfeed for the neighborhood birds. She would get pissed when she saw squirrels sitting calmly on the birdfeeder eating away. So if we were lounging around playing the ol' NES she would tell us to take chase the squirrels off...with the rifle. I was about 13 at the time and I was just excited that I got to shoot a rifle. I never managed to hit one of them, but my friend was a pretty a good marksman. After he shot a squirrel we would go to investigate. I remember being morbidly fascinated staring at the inner contents of the squirrel. Thinking about it now, my friend's mom was crazy.
  16. I'm surprised the hog didn't just turn around and eat the kid. If I was chasing a hog that size and it turned around and started chasing me, I would have screamed like a little girl and climbed the nearest tree.
  17. Did Rambo punch some guys head off in that trailer?
  18. He looks just right as the Joker. Was he in that fan(?) movie where Batman faces off against Predators and Aliens? The Joker in that movie was good too.
  19. It's a Diablo clone, is there really a difference? Think what Meta meant was that players will get access to all the stuff on offline play that elite players will on online play. Think would be ok I guess but multi-play is half the fun of these types of games.
  20. I don't think I'd like to play-test games. From what I've heard you play the several sections over and over again, documenting each step of the way...doesn't sound too much fun. However playing a finished game and writing a review on it...that doesn't sound so bad. also :giving Mkreku the evil stare:
  21. Fenix will become Immortal!
  22. I'm still playing FF12. Slow going I think since I've been pretty busy with work. Damn work.
  23. YES! I haven't looked forward to a game this much since KoTOR 2....which suddenly makes me very afraid. I've been spending all morning reading over everything I can find.
  24. Red Truck would have been cool. The movie Ironhide kinda looks like Trailbreaker. Colorwise at least Definitely agree with you on Ratchet. Robot mode looks like he has a mustache. Maybe they were going for the ol' doc persona for Ratchet....
  25. He does look a lot better moving, but still doesn't look anything like starscream. Oh, and the TF getting out of the pool and spinning around dodging missiles and shooting his own, thats Ironhide. Also doesn't look anything like him. Yep, Starscream still doesn't look like Starscream, but whats done is done. I hope they keep his character intact though. Always looking for a chance to usurp Megatron but failing miserably. I actually like Ironhide's design. He looks like a tough old battler to me. I think a black truck suits his character better than a red van, though I wish they'd kept his head mold similar to the G1.
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