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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Bringing science into it, that's no fun! ... I think I'm just going to blame my cat. He's probably putting hexes on me for not feeding him in a timely manner. Yes, that's it. yeah it must be the cat
  2. I'll gladly send you some but I don't think your customs will let it into the country? I've eaten jerky in the USA and its very tasty but biltong has a more robust taste. I found jerky to be sweeter than biltong, but I suppose I ate jerky in Vegas so it probably doesn't represent jerky in other parts of the states
  3. My biltong came out perfectly, it was a success Now the next step is to start playing with different spicing and marinades. The texture is fine but I want to improve the flavour or look at unusual ways to improve the taste.
  4. Zor its not very nice to call yourself a narcissist. You do realize thats a negative word? You should do what I do, you should only debate when you know you right as that way you aren't being arrogant. You are helping people learn something new
  5. I've just finished Amnesia: Machine for Pigs and I really enjoyed it, a well deserved 70/100. I went into the game with relatively low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. The things I liked were I did get scared in several places The puzzles weren't too hard or frustrating I was captivated by the horror of what happened during the narrative Here's to the next one
  6. Is that how it works with the whole wood thing, I thought the floating was just a sign of a witch and not indicating witches are made of wood ? http://listverse.com/2012/07/27/10-tests-for-guilt-used-at-the-salem-witch-trials/ And if it is good enough for King Arthur... Aaaahhh..okay. Good one, I see now
  7. Is that how it works with the whole wood thing, I thought the floating was just a sign of a witch and not indicating witches are made of wood ? http://listverse.com/2012/07/27/10-tests-for-guilt-used-at-the-salem-witch-trials/
  8. 1) I'm not dressed as a witch 2) I didn't turn anybody into a newt (and if I did, they wouldn't get better) 3) I'm not made of wood 4) I don't weight the same as a duck But the real question is do you float or sink when thrown into water....that's the most accurate gauge of witchcraft
  9. Witches have moles, how do we know you aren't witch......
  10. You've probably considered this but have you tried smoking some good weed to negate the back pain?
  11. Guys there are 2 excellent documentaries that are on CNN at the moment. I would recommend watching both, you can always download what part of the series you may have missed The Cold War : a landmark documentaryhttp://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/02/world/the-cold-war-landmark-documentary/index.html No need to explain this one, its 24 episodes of pure historical significance which we still discuss Journey of the Gay Athletehttp://video.search.yahoo.com/play;_ylt=A2KLqIRiIM5SrwUAjgr7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=CNN+Journey+of+the+Gay+Athlete&vid=b7a91bf7cafc5ef6a95b73966d81e10b&l=00%3A31&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DVJ.414479419292%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZBn3lpecT8Q&tit=CNN+International+%26quot%3BJourney+Of+The+Gay+Athlete%26quot%3B+promo&c=0&sigr=11asj4211&sigt=11utt438j&age=0&fr=yfp-t-914&tt=b This is a very relevant documentary that highlights the discrimination that gay athletes have suffered under and how things are changing. Its happening this Saturday
  12. Or they would have said Apartheid couldn't have been ended without a civil war in South Africa. I don't think either side in the Israeli\Palestinian conflict has the necessary political will to achieve a long lasting peace.
  13. I wanted to love this game. I really did. It ticks all the boxes of things that I love... but my GOD is this game impossible. It ended up being my most hated game ever. Something is only tense if you don't have to repeat it 50 times - then it becomes a rage-inducing chore. Seriously, ten minute long first person platforming chase sequences where every action you do has about a two second margin for error and if you mess up once you start over? Who the hell approved of that? Thanks for your honesty, that would also annoy me immensely
  14. You right, that's more of an enigma. Unless the teahouse is more modern than what they are saying ?
  15. Wow that's a hectic story, I'm glad you and your family are okay
  16. Happy B-day, I expect you to horribly wasted tonight and tomorrow I want to hear how terrible your hangover is
  17. But there is a chain so it should be fine however I wouldn't consider taking your kids with if that's what you thinking ...
  18. I recommend Resi Revelations. The early Resi games did well in the atmosphere and tension department, but it's kind of hard going back to the horrific controls and camera angles of those games. Newer games in the series (from 4 onward) introduced far better controls and camera, but they also lost the early games' slow pacing and constant tension and became more standard shooters with zombies and monsters. Revelations is a throwback to the style of game of the series' roots, but with modern controls. I personally think Revelations is the best game in the series because it combines the claustrophobic tight passageways, slow paced, tense, **** I'm running out of ammo gameplay of the early Resi games with controls that don't make you want to strangle the game designers. Whatever you do, stay away from Operation Raccoon City, unless you desperately need a co-op shooter with zombies and don't feel like playing (the vastly superior) Left 4 Dead games again. That's some interesting and pertinent information, thanks
  19. Another game that sounds fun, thanks for the tip
  20. I hope that you were ironic, coz in order this is basically: 1) Nathyrra in NWN 1 2) BĂȘlit in Conan the Barbarian (a Howard character, in fact) 3) Morrigan in Dragon Age I was thinking more Viconia and Isabela with a twist but your ones work just as well
  21. I hear you but I would still prefer a weapon ( those pig men need to die), it can still be very scary and tense with a weapon. For example what about striking a balance between a FPS and a game like Amnesia where you have a weapon but only 12 bullets? Hence what I wrote about ammunition being critical to this type of thing working well: That's part of what made old school Resident Evil games work, the constant worry of "crap, I'm almost out of ammo". I've never played any Resident Evil games, you obviously recommend them?
  22. Nah I would rather bond with all my good friends, like you, on this forum. Imagine how miserable you would be if we couldn't discuss the importance of Romance in PoE
  23. I had a vision and ideas for some companions A seductive and salacious female dark elf who is an outcast from her underground realm who attempts to draw you to the side of darkness and help her reclaim her ancestral power and wealth A voluptuous and exuberant female pirate captain who is interested in destroying all current pirate lords and leaders in the region and doesn't care who she has to manipulate to achieve this objective A swamp witch blessed with unparalleled beauty who joins your party and tries to influence you to summon an ancient and banished god.. this could lead to the next event in the PoE gaming world Clever and original companions hey guys
  24. I hear you but I would still prefer a weapon ( those pig men need to die), it can still be very scary and tense with a weapon. For example what about striking a balance between a FPS and a game like Amnesia where you have a weapon but only 12 bullets?
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