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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. The sooner the EU is not dependent on any energy from Russia the better. And it will happen, it just takes time
  2. What do you think is the cause of the global inflation that only happened when the lockdowns ended and economies started opening up again?
  3. Yes you should feel guilty, think of all the good friends you are betraying by leaving....what about all the Friday afternoons you have spent drinking and carousing with your work colleagues ?
  4. Do you know that Russia and China wanted to replace the $ as the worlds reserve currency from the creation of BRIC in 2006 and they have always claimed they want this yet the $ is still the worlds reserve currency https://www.forbes.com/2009/07/09/currency-reserve-bric-intelligent-investing-dollar.html?sh=343ef7403c09 Also a recession is not the same as a collapse, SA has been through several recessions based on the technical definition which is 2 quarters of negative GDP growth and our economy has still not collapsed because its very easy to immediately come out of technical recession the moment you have growth in the next quarter So I guess the real question is " what do you and ZH define as a collapse of an economy " ?
  5. So is the $ still going to be worlds reserve currency and when is the US economy going to collapse, you have been saying third quarter?
  6. Nice, what is your new job description going to be ?
  7. @alanschu You do come across sometimes as someone who ideologically aligns with the progressive Democrats or the radical left You probably not even aware of it but your comments create that impression when you suggest the US police automatically lie and cant be trusted and that only the GOP play the existential threat card The best way forward to all our political systems is dont get pulled into culture wars as a voter and dont generalize when the evidence on the ground doesnt support that Try not to think of politics as " us vs them ". Consensus and bipartisan agreement is the best way forward I also sometimes get influenced by culture wars unnecessarily so you not alone
  8. I dont find Putins War funny in anyway, the killing of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and the unprovoked invasion is deadly serious But this highlights again the numerous training and strategy problems with the overall Russian military. Of course they would accept Iranian help, the Ruskies were hoping for help from all there allies that includes Belarus and Kazakhstan I dont think anyone would argue anymore after the invasion of Ukraine that Russia has an effective army on numerous levels
  9. Thats true, the Democrats have shown us the best way to get things done is to ram things through Congress Only problem is then the other side does it and ignores getting bipartisan support
  10. Thats a good read, I wonder how true it is. I didnt realize how many foreign fighters there were in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion Brave men who are prepared to fight and die for the freedom of another country
  11. I like the idea of Pirate themed games, I havent played too many but Risen comes to mind and I enjoyed the concept of sailing around, trading and exploring islands This game has potential but it has limited SP so Im not sure how keen I am? https://www.theloadout.com/skull-and-bones/play-solo https://za.ign.com/skull-and-bones/166524/feature/skull-and-bones-7-things-you-need-to-know-about-ubisofts-pirate-game EDIT : But the MP component looks fun, you can SP but you cant avoid other players attacking you. It reminds me of RDR2 online which was fine, you sometimes get attacked but generally other players leave you alone unless you want to PVP
  12. Geez, that is interesting. A southern offensive, I wonder if its credible? Putins War has allowed the US and the West to do something which was inevitable, oppose Russian hegemony and aggression without a direct war The way the US has supplied funding and weapons to the Ukrainians has been very important in this stand against tyranny and belief in the importance and significance of sovereignty However the war in Ukraine ends Putin will think twice before invading another country on lies and a false narrative @Sarex Arent you worried the US is provoking Russia ?
  13. What !!! LadyC is investing time into exercise, Im impressed girlfriend..Im very impressed
  14. Thanks, I didnt read this previously. So much news out there about this war "pseudo-patriotic scum " . I wonder who he is referring to ?
  15. Please post a link when you make posts like this so we know what you talking about, for example when you mention Girkins latest rant?
  16. I have played DR2 and it was great, I enjoyed fighting the various bosses scattered around the map. Especially the redneck snipers https://deadrising.fandom.com/wiki/Deetz_Hartman I must look into the rest of the DR series
  17. These types of predictions do make negotiations and giving up territory unpalatable for the Ukrainians especially considering how the Ruskies treat civilians
  18. That would be great actually, it would separate Trumpism from the GOP and we can focus on proper Conservative policies And it wouldnt win but it would weaken the GOP in the next election and then most people would return to the GOP because the alternative of being governed by the Democrats indefinitely wouldnt be worth supporting a Trumpism alternative
  19. Gorth would you support the banning of books that encourage or support criminality? And I dont mean culture wars "criminality ", for example books about an Islamic Extremist and how he personally built bombs and killed people ?
  20. Yes but most effective armies need experience in warfare. What wars have the Chinese been involved in in the last 30 years or so, battle experience matters. Thats one of the reasons the US is the worlds most powerful military, its not just the funding. Its the 20 years of the War on Terror and how the US has learnt lessons and refined its military strategies These new US missiles, whatever you call them, supplied to the Ukrainians are doing some damage to the Ruskies. Artillery matters in this war
  21. Im one of those gamers that never gets tired of tried and tested designs, of course I appreciate worthy innovation but for example can you ever get tired of killing Zombies?
  22. And we can blame the left for this because of all the fake accounts and bots that exist on Twitter, the numbers of substantive users are almost impossible to discern. I dont blame Musk at all And this is definitely one of those times where its the lefts fault because most Conservatives have been banned from Twitter. Well done Alan, this is all your fault
  23. You clever people, of course illegal aliens are real, everyone knows this ....stop trying to fool us Most of the men in both my UK and SA family are committed atheists\agnostics and my dad doesnt believe in anything unless science can prove it and what science cant prove he says one day they will. So their is no room in his world view for ghosts, faeries and supernatural events But my parents were divorced and my mom raised us and my mom was more " well maybe aliens exist, you never know " My dad had this bad habit of using extreme logic and investment banker thinking to dismiss things we use to ask him and I remember asking him questions like " how do you know aliens arent true, what about all these sightings " And he would respond with something like " why would an intelligent form of life capable of traveling and somehow bypassing the known laws of light and speed come to our planet and only appear in front of Farmer Joe in his corn field in Wyoming ....do you know how ridiculous that sounds " My dads never really understood or appreciated fantasy
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