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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Great link and Im not surprised with some of the views For citizens in any country in the world to appreciate what a real Constitutional Democracy brings its needs to be realized and implemented correctly or it just becomes a word that is meaningless. And if implemented correctly you often do see meaningful and substantive economic transformation but it requires the correct government policies None of the countries that went through the Arab Spring can be considered nowadays proper Democracies, as the article mentions they hybrids And ironically the most stable and prosperous countries in the ME are not Democracies and have never claimed to be like most of the Gulf States but thats fine because if the majority of citizens are happy then we should leave them alone. Like China, Im sure most Chinese citizens, with exceptions like the Uyghurs Muslims, are more or less happy with the CCP when they told what to think? And then also its very hard to implement a proper Democracy, particularly around human rights, in any country under Sharia law but that doesn't mean most citizens in countries under Sharia law aren't happy if you consider the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait But in summary, the article raises valid concerns but they conflating Democracy with economic transformation. These are separate objectives but obviously inextricably connected because you wont see effective economic policies without an effective government
  2. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/u-k-finance-minister-and-health-secretary-both-resign-11657042088 Now its not looking good for Johnson. Both the finance and health minister have resigned and they are both effective and prominent members of his cabinet. I dont think he can weather this storm?
  3. Sometimes this unplanned underage pregnancies is with young boys age 12-15, its not considered rape because its consensual We have several thousand underage pregnancies a year in SA from the age of 10-14 and its not grown men or rape who are responsible. To quote from the link below Children will not be criminally charged if they have sex if both partners are between 12 and 16 years old. And it’s not criminal for a child under 16 to have sex with a partner less than 2 years older. https://www.news24.com/parent/Teen_13-18/Development/the-age-of-consent-in-sa-and-around-the-world-20171116
  4. I first read this as " I got banned and reported by someone for making racist comments " ...it didnt sound like you
  5. I cant believe you have been banned before, I never would have guessed that. Only people like me normally get banned
  6. I have some great news for everyone. Last weekend I went to the Beamdog forums, after a video on BG mods I watched, and their are a few mods you can install that add some advanced functionality like extra NPCS, more dialogue, extra races and the additional Romance mod So Im going through the list and selecting what is appropriate. Here is the link on Beamdog https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/50340/bg-ee-2-0-and-siege-of-dragonspear-compatible-mods
  7. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/01/europe/russia-brittney-griner-trial-intl/index.html This " trial " is just theater and political. Parading her around her around on the Russian news channels as a "criminal " when was caught with 0.702 grams of cannabis oil I realize its not the US cops involved so it wont automatically create BLM outrage but Im surprised we seeing such little concern?
  8. Elerond you must never forget Finland has been invaded by the USSR, so this Russian jingoism and belligerence cannot be ignored anymore Personally I feel much better and happier now that Finland and Sweden are going to be official NATO members. I am sure everyone feels the same ...now you really part of the family and we protect and support our family
  9. @Zoraptor Zora you did say that, Elerond is absolutely correct Do you acknowledge you said that ?
  10. Turkey is a very strategic and important country in the region. They played a role in fighting ISIS and defeating the ISIS Caliphate and they were opposed to the Assad which matters in the context of the Syrian war and the various ideological sides They also help with the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who want to immigrate to the EU, remember illegal immigration is wrong and I know none of us support it
  11. Oh thats a relief, so you dont think Putins going to invade Finland ....but Russia is being provoked like with Ukraine joining NATO?
  12. Sarex I have changed my opinion and I agree with you, Russia was provoked. But more importantly its a new world order where powerful countries can decide the future of less powerful countries. You right, its irrelevant what citizens think and sovereignty is meaningless NATO needs to invade Serbia again. Firstly Serbia use to part of the Austrian\Hungarian empire so we can reestablish those old borders like Putin is doing. Then the people of Serbia dont get decide about the independence of Kosovo, we will annex Serbia and Kosovo ...problem solved And if we want further provocation everyone knows that Russia wants to put nukes within Serbia, Serbia is anti-NATO and their are loads of Neo-Nazis in Serbia NATO is being provoked by Serbia and the West must invade !!!
  13. Any woke corruption that manifests itself in Bethesda games we can fix with mods, chainmail-bikini armor forever !!!!
  14. I dont think prisoners can expect money because working outside has its advantages to being incarcerated But it should be optional for low risk prisoners
  15. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/t...n-madrid-01656443484?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo Another spectacular failure of Putins War. The invasion of Ukraine has increased NATO membership and added to the NATO border with Russia @Elerond Our lunch\dinner at Lappi is coming closer
  16. Very interesting testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson, very damaging to Trump and some of his aides She is very brave and young, only 26/27 ?
  17. Im so glad Im not the only one who watches CNN, they do a good job but like all news channels at times they are prone to hysteria and sometimes they are focus on stories that are a waste of time But overall they do a good job at covering most international events as accurately as possible
  18. Its going to be like ME but developed by Bethesda. I wouldnt use the word aimlessly because its going to be exploring which is part of the fun and combat will be a big part of the game. What is different to normal ES games is the space battles....its going to be great But dont underestimate the exceptional mods that will be created that can populate many of the ostensibly boring planets. The modding community is going to have a field day
  19. I cant agree more with the amount of aid the US has provided, and still does, to various African countries in different ways like HIV anti-retroviral drugs and there many US NGO, like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that provide billions of dollars of humanitarian help to several African countries The Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2015 was only finally contained because of a medical and military US deployment to help the people in the countries grappling with Ebola https://edition.cnn.com/2015/02/10/us/ebola-u-s-troops-africa/index.html https://www.usaid.gov/ebola
  20. GD its obvious, the XKF frequency needs to set at 0.233 degrees north and the particle disruptor needs to be aligned at 12 units to the gain, not the loss, of the radio antenna. Then you turn the switch and it should be 100% Have you tried that ?
  21. I responded to your question about the Cuban Missile Crisis, their are no parallels because their was no installation of nukes in Ukraine so its not the same as the Cuban Missile Crisis (CMC ) I dont mind you not responding to you own question but can you at least stop bringing up the same false narrative and comparison to the CMC Or you can provide the links that support your point that there are US nukes in Ukraine or being installed in Ukraine, its not that complicated or unreasonable ?
  22. Why you shouting and using bad language? You made two posts on this polling and we have discussed the reality of Johnson resigning in a previous debate. So its a very normal assumption to make that you are interested in this topic, people generally dont make posts unless they have some interest?
  23. Yes this is more accurate, Johnson is good PM and he is not going to step down just because of the media feeding frenzy over Partygate or because people keep saying he lied when he didnt. Sorry Alan, I can only imagine how disappointed you must be
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