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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. you could say they're important. she actually gives you the whole branch of McCarran quests linked to the Legion spy and Vault 3
  2. I don't think this is the reason. I approached the body from the back alley. you have to take it to the NCR guys a 100 meters down the road across the Repconn building. that's strange. I found my first cap in Goodsprings and he approached me almost immediately wow, that's not good. there's a couple of quests linked to her
  3. I think Raul's one of the worst
  4. that's the reason our society is so messed up.
  5. by "adults" I meant people who were born in the early 80's. I don't consider a person of less than 26 years of age an "adult". because these people were little kids when BG2 came out. hell, I don't think of myself as an adult. I was, what, 16 when I first played it? man, could I fully appreciate that game at that age? nope. and now you're trying to tell me that some 11-year old could. that hurts my ego, man before we go into the "but they could've played BG2 only a couple of years ago" thing, this doesn't count. because playing it in the year 2000 for the first time is one thing and playing it in 2010, for example, is something completely different. I hope I'm not too confusing.
  6. I still can't believe DA ws their best selling game. I mean I discovered it today thanks to you, guys, and it doesn't make any sense.
  7. where is this coming from? you keep talking about this global Bio obsession, I have yet to see a single adult person who plays Bioware games. maybe the people around me are just very strange, I don't know. but these "old timers who secretly love Bio games" are more of a myth
  8. man, a lot of famous actors can't read their lines in a movie, it's because they're used to doing a half-ass job.
  9. I liked most of the dialogue. can't say it's worse than DA:O for example
  10. not in my book it wasn't.
  11. it already did anyway, a bold move would be to make it more like BG2. and they're going in a completely opposite direction with DA2. they're playing it safe IMO. but it's a matter of one's perspective, no point in arguing about it
  12. that's a no-brainer: 7 samurai. and I'm also thinking about starting a mod, so any tips on where to begin really appreciated
  13. yeah, a really "bold" move
  14. maybe it's not a note but an entry in one of the terminals, I can't recall
  15. there's a note on the first floor saying that the key is hidden behind the building under the staircase. not sure if you can find it without reading the note first. but I think if you repair the robot first, it'll open the door for you and you won't have to kill Tabitha
  16. I had EDE with me throughout the whole Arcade's quest, and there were no new messages despite words "enclave" and such being repeated over and over
  17. I think the Fade was cool. especially the parts in the mages' tower.
  18. oh, I though that RCW or whatever was a plasma weapon. what about the AE-something prototype?
  19. next couple of months? you plan to play NV for that long? heh, reminded me of a guy I used to know, he played Daggerfall for 1 year without taking big breaks
  20. Tri-Laser isn't a very good rifle. why not Q-35? it's easy to get (relatively)
  21. I defused with a science check
  22. I agree that's exactly why repair shouldn't be affecting crafting at all.
  23. I hope you have a high speech skill you'll need it shortly
  24. the common deathclaws go down in 2 hits (the first should be to the head though). but the Alpha male put up quite a fight...
  25. personally I didn't like that weapon mods (well, at least that was my experience) couldn't be found anywhere except in traders' inventories. same goes for modded weapons, no such thing in the wastes, not counting unique weapons. took me 75 hours to beat the game and I never had to make a single bullet. had close to 5000 rounds on me. I guess I'm trying to say: the customization options are very nice but I wish you guys forced 'em a little. all the crafting and modding can be completely ignored, that's a shame considering how much work was put into it
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