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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. T3 is very effective against droids, always a good choice. I think if you are playing a male character you are no going to care much about Dantooine since there is nothing there to pick up as a female character wants to pick Disciple fast. Nar Shadda is also important if you want to pick up HK-47 since 2 pieces are there. Korriiban is short, even with the "unknown tomb" its short and you can only get there if close to master to light or dark side so its pointless to go there before it so we can do it on one run. Onderon is for Canderous, there is no much point in getting him since he have few lines and even if you get high influence with his you dont get much out of that effort.
  2. The dark side will always be a part of Star Wars, remove it and you end up with something that is not Star Wars. I agree the "light side" is a dumb thing that come with the EU, the movies just say "The Force" and "The Dark Side of the Force" ... in fact Star Wars d20 rules have Force Points and Dark Side points and they work diferenty, Force points are awarded from doing something heroic, for example, as Dark Side points are from calling the Dark Side (such as using certain Force Powers).
  3. You know, that is a automatic reply ... dont bother to even contact tech support anymore since its all automated to send replys like that.
  4. ETA = Expected Time of Arrival. Patch testing circles are usually about over a week so this could mean "the patch we made created even more issues that it fixed so its going to take even longer".
  5. Jolee was more "I dont want to get involved", he was not neutral looking to maintain some balance of good and evil and we was not going to allow the Sith to just run over the galaxy, few neutral persons are stupid enough to take evil over good. Jolee knew what the Sith were. Besides what would be the decision for a neutral character when we have two simple choices, Republic (along with the Jedi) or the Sith ... the end game is just look at the end boss and day "ok I am just going to watch what happens". I dont like being forced into being a Jedi to defect the Sith, if I was Revan at the end of KotOR I would say to the Order to stuff their knighthood.
  6. There is no neutrality in Star Wars, this is not D&D. Then again there is really no "Light Side", there is the Force *and* the Dark Side of the Force. That is why you never see any "neutral" force class because there is no such thing in Star Wars. The Jedi classes exist for members of the Jedi Order, the Sith classes exist for the members of the Sith (force users or not) and then we have classes for Dark Side characters (Dark Side Marauder that the "Sith Marauder" was based on for example) and some classes for Force users.
  7. Problem is that its wrong, heck one of the cut dialogue in Malachor V have a programmer references saying that it makes no sense what Atton is saying because until that point Revan was a Jedi, a rogue Jedi but still a Jedi. Problem with the game dialogue is that since the game was rushed they did not had the time to go over the story and remove the inconsistences.
  8. Those are PC sales figures and Xbox PC sales are not as good as Xbox sales figures (and no Halo 2 for PC unfortunatly). since the Xbox version was released well before it and it was already dated (in terms of technology) on release.
  9. True, 6th place for a old FPS is quite a feat.
  10. WTF? Who in their right mind would want to be a Sith Lord or Jedi Master with so little gain compared with the other classes?
  11. Yes, it is ... Is there any point? Popular demand = flooded by emails asking for it and so they put then on.
  12. Actually it does not. The Sith Empire was more that one planet and the Sith had a very defined chain of command. There could only be one Dark Lord of the Sith, when Marka Ragnos died the title gone to Naga Shadow that decided to battle the Republic with Ludo Kressh leading the fraction that did not wanted to open start a war with the Republic that soon. As you pointed out both groups destroyed each other and with the cast system there was nothing else but total obidience to their Lords. The Sith survived the destruction of the Sith Empire and the Sith Race since the Republic ignored Korriban (that was just a tomb world) and the exitence of Sith ghosts. The first Dark Lord of theSith after the Sith Empire was Freedom Nadd, a former Jedi that learned the Sith knowledge from none other that Naga Shadow spirit and pretty much all other Sith Lords learned from Sith Ghosts at some point. Nothing really stops using a Sith Ghost as the mastermind and end boss ... beats ressurecting a race that was dominated by lossers.
  13. The HK factory is hilarious ... damn that was cut. "Statement: But I am a willing victim with many secrets that you must extract from me painfully. I beg you, do not spare the hydrospanner and the fusion cutter"
  14. Well at least PS:T have a ending and your party member dont just vanish in the last area and suffer from amnesia...
  15. Thats not Naga Sahdow, its Ajunta Pall.
  16. Oh ... despite BioWare making many EU errors they got a lot right (at least they dont confuse War Droids with Starfighters). Acording to SW:KotOR Naga Shadow tomb in Korriban is just a empty memorial (he was even presumed dead so it makes some sense) with Naga Sadow real tomb being were its supposed to be ... Yavin IV.
  17. Unless OE is re-writting BioWare storyline ... Revan ended the war in Mandalor, after it he gone looking for the Star Forge as stated in SW:KotOR. BioWare made a simple story, Revan seen the Star Forge as a tool to help against the Mandalorians and during its search he fallen into the dark side, after Mandalor he continued to look for it intending to use it against the Republic. There is nothing more to it, I am growing a little sick over this "Darth Revan, the anti-hero" revisionist history ...
  18. Meshugger ... PS:T is really not that good, its more of a urban legend spread by people that never played it that from the people that did. The first level is enough to bore someone to death, it picks up the pace after it and changes are you end up hating the setting its based as much you end up loving it. Also it ends up being a adventure game turned into a dungeon crawl at certain parts.
  19. I forgot about this. The lightsaber was invented by the Jedi after the fallen Jedi left, the Sith used swords that undergone a special Sith alchemy treatment that given lightsaber qualities (deflection and resistence to energy) until the Sith were found by the Republic, only then did the Sith started to use lightsabers. Since Marka Ragnos died before the Republic found the Sith he never used lightsabers.
  20. Marka Ragnos was a Dark Lord of the Sith of the Sith Empire (and so the Sith race) for over 100 years, Naga Sadow became the next (and last) Dark Lord of the Sith of the actual Sith Empire. Due to breeding of the fallen Jedi and the Sith race they end up looking like that.
  21. You are wrong. The Sith were created by the exiled (or fleeing) former jedi that fought the Jedi Order over the use of the Dark Side when they discovered the Sith race and founded the Sith Empire. The Rakata created the Star Forge that used the Dark Side of the Force but using the Dark Side does not meke anyone Sith, just like using the Force does not make anyone a Jedi. The Sith have nothing to do with the Rakata expecialy since BioWare made up the Rakata and the Star Forge out what I belive few references over who intruduced the Hyperdrives.
  22. Good taste in games. Also true, this whole "Revan worship" is getting out of hand ... next thing we know we end up having Revan as the "chosen one" or similar crap. Anyway the only thing I can think is that none of the Sith we see in the game are actual Sith, just a bunch of darkside force users with a agenda with the "true Sith" (as people that actually follow the Sith ideals, like Malak) staying hidden from the Republic. Also she could be dead wrong, after all why sould we take the old hag word as "truth"? To me Canderous line over how the Sith contacted the Mandalorians is a screw up, I guess that line was put during SW:KotOR development were Vima Sunrider was to be in Bastila place and so making the game timeline closer to TotJ comics and using Kun war instead of the "Mandalorians War", it makes full sense since Kun DID used the Mandalorians in his war and they never fully recovered from it, also the fact Canderous never mentions they battled the Republic about 50 years before the Mandalorians Wars also at the Sith request indicated he was either ignorant of history or the Mandalorians part on that war never happened in KotOR universe.
  23. Well if you want sugestion from y part. 1) Jedi Guardian, Jedi Weapon Master, Sith Marauder,Sith Lord, Combat Droid and Soldier sould get High BAB progression with the rest of the classes lower BAB progression. Reason why Sith Master and Sith Lord sould get it is because they get it on the Star Wars d20 RPG, Prestigue classes are not overall balanced and they dont get access to much else away (not like Jedi Weapon masters and Sith Marauders do). 2) Jedi Master and Sith Lord sould not automatic get Weapon Focus in Blasters feats, Jedi Master sould not get Weapon Focus in Melee weapons (Sith Lords sould because of Sith Swords), also Jedi Master sould get Master Sense like Jedi Weapon Master instead of Knight Sense, they are Jedi Masters of god sake, not Jedi Knights (and Jedi Weapon Masters already gain a hell lot of AC on their own bonus AC progression).
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