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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. We could talk a lot about Poland and it's sorry state but I'd like to know one thing first: Why have you dug up a 10 year old article to inform yourself about it's current state?
  2. You want to change your GPU? That's one activation lost. Wanna change something else? There's another activation. Denuvo activations aren't lost.
  3. Yes but have you wondered what caused the 'shy Trump voter' effect? If Trump supporters refuse to answer polls or pretend to be undecided then there must be reason for it and frankly I think most of it lies with the media. Apparently women and minorities were big part of the statistical error and I'd say they were ashamed to admit they were voting for a man labeled a misogynist and a racist.
  4. Hillary gained 1% of women voters from what I saw vs Obama. I don't know how we can say that is notable in terms of a gap. However, the amount of time she spent on her being a woman sure didn't pan out. But men voted for Trump 5% more than for Romney hence a record gender gap. What's worse is that a logical answer to this might be making women do the same for Democrats.
  5. I've been muling over some election results and I'm getting a bit concerned over the divide in the US. Apparently this election saw the greatest gender gap, the greatest divide over college education and historic first of no ticket splitting for the senate. Add to that a record low trust in media and that both sides seem to be doubling down on their populist agendas. This could make for an ugly future.
  6. This would mean that white men would even elect Trump in California. I doubt you can explain that with just economy. Looks like a major cultural backlash.
  7. Interestingly enough the potential Trump victory will be due to white males without collage degree and record participation among rural voters. It's Brexit all over again. The losing side of diversity and globaliation mobilizes trying to turn back the clock.
  8. Funny you are one of the few people on these who will think and believe this is good news, its to be expected It's funny that you say "few people" when Trump just won. So the MAJORITY think like me. Majority of electoral collage. Popular vote will likely go to Clinton.
  9. It's insane that this got so close. I read a bit about political split in the US but never imagined that you could rally half of the country behind Trump.
  10. Anything will do as long as they don't pull another kotor .
  11. Maybe slowly moving away from post-apocalypse? In Fallout 2 things were moving away from the bombs into a new wild west of sorts.
  12. I seriously doubt taking Fallout in a different direction is an option. Big settings only change when sales fall into reboot territory.
  13. And in a glorious demonstration of world famous EU administrative efficiency: Walloons block Ceta Just a small taste of what an European super state could entail.
  14. Just in case you thought we live in a sane world: First Civilization 6 e-sports team is announced.
  15. It seems that iOs graphics have spread to the cinematic division. And those pompous inspirational speeches are really starting to grate on my nerves.
  16. Consider this then: Syrian war has empowered Russia. That Afghanistan-like quagmire never materialized and their intervention is seen as a big success. Atrocities might shock diplomats but average voter will find it convenient to disbelieve them. US giving up on Syria could at least limit Putin's gains.
  17. It takes two to tango. US could have given up on Syria when it became obvious that there was no public support for intervention. Instead it embarrassed itself with 'red lines' and now looks willing to fight Assad to the last rebel it can arm. Syria has suffered enough. It's much better for US to admit defeat today than to spin out the inevitable at a ever rising cost of lives.
  18. Bruce there is nothing new regarding Syria in the links you provide. The sad state of that country is in large part due to the failure of US policy. I doubt anybody expected much restrain of Russia or Assad.
  19. That dogma of perpetual growth will soon have a hard crash with reality.In Japan growth is already non-existent and they are merely ahead of time. Well, doesn't that just mean that they're in a phase of recession? Economy will always go up and down within a few years but over the course of decades go up. When your boom/bust cycle averages out to zero for over a decade then it's more than just a recession phase. To be fair the country isn't about to collapse but it is an advanced economy that can work people to their deaths. And the aging process is only just getting started.
  20. Apparently Shadow Warrior 2 is out today:
  21. That dogma of perpetual growth will soon have a hard crash with reality. In Japan growth is already non-existent and they are merely ahead of time.
  22. And what makes you say that? You show a lot of faith but offer no practical solutions. The system currently in place is an ineffective mess and creates as many problems as it solves. Even in supposedly crucial area of economics the EUs record is mixed. Against the growth of Germany you have to consider the debt crisis in Greece, stagnation in Italy and youth unemployment in Spain. And we haven't even hit the demographic crisis yet. How can you trust EU with more political power when it can't manage the one thing it's supposed to be good at?
  23. I find it odd that a British political philosopher should somehow be universally known in Europe.
  24. Just before final boss fight in undying.
  25. I have no idea as the whole process is unprecedented. From what I understand it will take over a decade to disentangle UK from EU. In 15 years we will know exit conditions and outcome but until then this is just a big experiment. Same reason British education market is mostly closed to the rest of the world. Most likely they fell it no longer sufficiently benefits them. AFAIC as long as it's payed for and answerable to British citizens they can do with it as they please.
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