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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. So an end of an era. All the best in the future.
  2. Ah, but at one point so was stars and stripes. That's the funny thing about symbols, they change meaning overtime.
  3. Risen 1 is good for Gothic 2 nostalgia. Risen 2 was trying to up-date the concept with somewhat mixed results. Risen 3 is largely retread of 2 only with bad mini-games, perfectly skippable.
  4. Did they really said that? I assumed a port was a given, just a long way off.
  5. I'd argue on the AAA part. Obsidian never delivered top of the line production values. And that's usually what it takes to get people into a new console.
  6. I don't get it. Unless Microsoft plans to rebuild Obsidian into AAA developer, they are not about to produce system selling titles. Or was that stormlands concept that promising?
  7. An apt time for some necromancy.
  8. The student debt situation is a unique US experience, AFAIK collage diplomas a very much a must for decent employment in most of Europe. Without it you are not regarded middle-class and making a decent living becomes much harder. And almost nobody pays attention to the field of study anyway. Like hereditary back in the day, diploma is supposed to demonstrate you are of the right sort rather than indicate any skills or knowledge.
  9. I'd argue that quite a lot. Franz Ferdinant had different policy in mind for Austro-Hungary and his survival wouldn't make for such a strong casus belli. With rise of Germany and decline of Ottoman empire some conflict was inevitable, but it took a special combination of politics, industrialization and advances in military technology to produce the war on that scale.
  10. It's easily both. By now this relationship is far too intertwined to lay blame solely on one side.
  11. That and a whole lot more. AP was forgiven many faults that just won't fly today.
  12. Holy **** that is a good quote. Yeah, I'm not sure the meaning is what we may take it to be today. Let's not forget that the US nuclear arsenal grew from ~1,200 warheads when Ike took office to about 22,000 when his term was up in 1961. Yes, but IIRC he was the one to push much cheaper nukes over conventional buildup. Seemed reasonable at the time but later back-fired in Vietnam.
  13. So did he do something more nonsensical than usual?
  14. US wants to have a world leading industry. Socialized health-care is not so great at R&D.
  15. Reaching space is far more about total speed then starting height.While there are some airborne launch systems it's just rarely worth the effort. Actually you are incorrect. Escape velocity is inversely proportional to the r (distance from center of mass). Get farther away from the center of mass and you need less V. You also need less energy to overcome air resistance if you begin thrust higher in the atmosphere. Less V means less fuel. So the idea would be to use lighter than air lift to elevate and orbital vehicle to an optimum altitude and then begin thrusting from there. The math just may not work. Otherwise I'm sure this would have been tried. But, in theory... But air launches have been done with Pegasus. And balloon launches are being developed. But it's clearly for minor payloads, they can't scale the same way that rockets can.
  16. The most trustful sources Codex and reddit. Other than that? I know it's Codex's wishful thinking for PoE2 to flop, because of Avellone drama, but are there actually any numbers behind that claim? I am really curious, because I like both games, and I would not be very happy, if the IP would go six feet under... Steam API leak showed 200k copied with any achievement. Which is pretty disappointing but game pricing is not indicating a major flop. Just under-performance to expectations.
  17. Reaching space is far more about total speed then starting height. While there are some airborne launch systems it's just rarely worth the effort.
  18. Something like Spec Ops the line, only for RPGs. Heroic fantasy genre could use some deconstruction.
  19. The combat in DK really wasn't fair. It was entirely at the mercy of your character level which is still a problem in Original Sin games. But other than that Original sin games have been terrific. It's a little strange seeing Larian as the best hope for crowd-funded RPGs but here we are.
  20. Why? Shouldn't children of immigrants naturally support Democrats? Or at least vote against the party that would have their family deported?
  21. Well, sometimes you also use brace. Other than that you're not really missing much in the way of feasible options.
  22. Many strategy games and management sims. Jagged Alliance 2 would be the perfect example. A game so good it killed it's genre.
  23. Killing memes? EU regulations doing something right for once. Now if only we could get them to ban twitch chat as well.
  24. Third world is not a problem. The problem is pretending they are to absolve us.
  25. Even star citizen's whales must have limits. ... Right?
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