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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. It's wasn't even the amount of text but that majority of the bloat was lore-dumping. I know BG2 did it trying to imitate Tolkien but for me it really doesn't work outside of book format.
  2. There might be no need to occupy much of Ukraine after a successful regime change. The country is still likely pretty divided and it should perfectly possible to buy-off the elites, or show the common people the error of their ways with serious energy scarcity.
  3. Roughly 5% of deaths are among fully vaccinated. That's why anti-vaxxer love to compare number of deaths while conveniently forgetting to mention vaccination rate among population.
  4. Germany made that call long ago. They have to temporarily make pretenses as NS2 is being used for energy blackmail before being even opened. But that's just the price of doing business with Russia, I'm sure it's been factored in. Ukraine's well being has no place it German calculations.
  5. If so, that would only be for technical testing as the thing is still uncertified. Reverse flow to Poland would have to come from other sources.
  6. The immigrants are not interested in anything but Germany. I doubt Lukaszenko expects Poland or Lithuania to do a 180° either. Berlin is another matter as official recognition and lifting of EU sanctions are all up for grabs.
  7. Then maybe it should be looked upon as an opportunity? They missed the chance to let airlines go under during the pandemic, but now is a great time to allow petrol and gas prices to rise. if not they could at least spare us more lectures and spectacles.
  8. But they did caught Babis just days before election. I wonder if the timing is a coincidence.
  9. Is there any reliable estimation of how much ISI invested into the Taliban? I'm really curious what the spending ratio was compared to US funding ANA.
  10. Some analysts counted on that army to resist for 6 months but no more. If defeat was inevitable, you can't blame them for not wanting to die in an attempt to meet foreigner hold-out quota.
  11. So Taliban has reached Kabul and 'peaceful transition of power' discussions are on-going. Talk about a massive house of cards.
  12. That history book would show Poland to be effectively isolated since the 18th century so not much changes there. But maybe we could stop calling that parasitic relationship an 'alliance'.
  13. Better yet - a sphere. When sun sends its photons...
  14. So details of Nord Stream 2 deal are starting to emerge. So far it looks like a big loss to Ukraine and substantial win for Germany. There is the usual lip service of assurances but they are hopelessly vague with no mechanism to force Germany into anything.
  15. Protasevich is not Khashoggi. Not that it makes the act any less heavy-handed, but he was nabbed over the news-site he run not some criticism. I bet hundreds of names are being extracted from him and his hardware at this very moment.
  16. Affording is really rarely the issue in the developed countries. Few in the middle-class are about to starve for having to take care for an extra kid or two.
  17. That was inevitable. What's really interesting is if Germany will give Biden a face-saver over this.
  18. More like a lifelong mental health sufferer. Some of his posts about attempting time-travel and allowing 'wemen to have multiple organisms' can still be found online.
  19. That's all nice and well but that's just a legalistic argument. Courts may declare themselves fit to decide on what the right emission targets are. But they cannot set those targets or means of reaching them.
  20. Stadia. At least so the rumor goes.
  21. Another 25GB patch and machine gun attachments are still bugged. At this point I'm pretty sure this game is never getting fixed.
  22. You do know that Polish liberals are even tougher on Russia? Issues like Belarus or Navalny matter to them more than to the current government which just maintains it's hate/envy/emulate attitude.
  23. Couldn't they have a wrestling match instead? Preferably on the top of an active volcano.
  24. If you go full stealth this fight can be a nightmare. I only beat it thanks to a random wrench I had in inventory.
  25. So for 7 years Rockstar's cash cow could have been loading 3 times faster? So much for the notion that money buys at least some support.
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