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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm 193cms tall according to the police, or 6 Feet, 3.9843inches. I might be off, I don't have my ID nearby to check, and I'm not particularly keen on getting out of bed to fetch it I'll be honest, generally speaking when I walk about town, I don't really feel tall, there are plenty of people my height. I'm tiny compared to how tall my grandpop was though. My mother is on the short side though, so I guess I got a bit used to a "wide" span of heights. It's funny though, if you were to line up the males on my fathers side I would be exactly average height.
  2. I'm still waiting for my Collectors Edition, don't know when it'll arrive, but I do know I just recieved an bill for it, so no preload for me.
  3. Hahaha! She was really attractive, but I doubt she was much more than 25, shes doing her internship. Besides, I'm pretty sure she cooled right down once she told me to take my shirt of and realized I had **** bigger than hers Those earrings are awesome! But yeah, **** 2020.
  4. Back home now, met with the doctor. Got the papers to prove it. Doctor was fun; "Wow, you're tall!" "Ofcourse that would've hurt, you're really tall!" "Well, you're quite tall, so about two metres then?" I believe it's quite official, she deemed me very tall. So I'm tall. I just hope that's not what she writes in the papers
  5. Waiting for a doctor's appointment in my car. Have had bad back pain for a few weeks since I tumbled off the yard tractor at work and I want a doctor's certificate to prove that I am unwell and not skipping work for 1. Cyberpunk 2077 2. Not wanting to sit in the gatehouse next week.
  6. Oh, no, it's just for the first year season pass. The others and their numbers are to follow.
  7. I wish you a speedy recovery
  8. Well, it's Paradox, they need to work in atleast 50 DLC or it'll stain their image.
  9. I don't know wether I'm happy that you reminded me or angry... Good job Same here, Bethesda cancelled this gem for "quality concerns" and gave us Fallout 76 instead...
  10. From what I remember it's a full pounds difference in weight. I guess it'd be the ruger with wood furniture. Still you can use the savings in price to shave off more weight on an AR15. I'd not deny that a piston operated rifle is easier to clean than the AR15 though Then again, you could make the Ruger look like the AC 556 and everyone knows that A-Team cosplay is priceless.
  11. If you get a 580(made 2006 or later iirc) or higher serial number Ruger, it's been accurized down to 2MOA from the factory, but an AR15 is hands down lighter unless you go all mall ninja. And an ar15 is much cheaper, so you could spend the money on lightening it.
  12. Yeah, I mean, they already have a 3080Ti on the market, the 3090 is a 3080Ti in all except name. It certainly isn't a Titan.
  13. Button! Awesome! Connected!
  14. Being in Sweden shouldn't affect it too much, from speaking to the company that I shop from, the vast, vast majority buy nvidia cards, so if anything it'd be relatively high on the list since they always had good sales. It might have changed the last couple of years but I somewhat doubt it. The thought of them releasing another GA102 design while not having fulfilled the thirst for 3080s seem silly to me.
  15. Got a new update on my 3080. Mid february. Ffs.
  16. Hugh Keays-Byrne. You shall ride eternal. Shiny and Chrome!
  17. "For helvede mand!" It was the greeting this morning from the Danish service technician when he met me for the third time in four weeks that a driver from a certain company went and tore off the rear bumper of one of our tractors at work. Same tractor. Same bumper. He had me in stitches with that There's something about Danes being angry/exasperated that makes it sound so funny!
  18. I got an update from the store I ordered my GPU from; Expected delivery mid january at the earliest. Meh
  19. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/traust-trust.html#songtranslation Then fifth I will chant thee, If fetters perchance Shall bind thy bending limbs: O'er thy thighs do I chant A loosening-charm, And the lock is burst from the limbs, And the fetters fall from the feet. Well, it is a bondage ritual. Duh!
  20. There is something eminently enjoyable about them, I love listening to their albums I have a spotify playlist that I listen to at work where they are featured quite alot, and I do get alot of weird looks at times when they come on, especially Alfadhirhaiti, Krigsgaldr and Hamrer hippyer
  21. Honestly man, sometimes I think you should have Ron Swanson as your avatar
  22. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/76468/cant-buy-new-ampere-gpu-thats-because-nvidia-sold-them-to-miners/index.html well, theres a likely explanation. Goddamn monopoly money grinding ****stains.
  23. And a bit further out lies Alingsås which would be my home town, I don't live in the town itself but outside by a village with a couple of houses. There's not much to say about my village except that it has been settled since way back. There's a couple of burial mounds nearby that dates from the bronze age from what I know, but they've been vandalized throughout the millennia since, so there's not much to see that is of interest. Alingsås, established two years before Gothenburg, is called many things, Potato town; A man named Jonas Alströmer was born in Alingsås and was one of the people that was part of the industrialization of Sweden, one of the founders of the Royal Swedish Academies of Science and the man that popularized the mighty POTATO! Hence; potato town and a yearly festival of the potato. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but, thanks to the industrialisation and many women getting jobs in the weavery in the 1860's, they didn't have time to make bread for their families which lead to many cafés being established for men to go and buy their bread. Most of the cafés has had a very "workercafés" style over them, but to go "shop and fika" is really a thing here and Alingsås is also known as the "Capital of Fika". It's also the town where Karin Boye that authored the book Kallocain took her life. Every year we have an even called Lights in Alingsås where artists and students from around the world set up lighting and effects around areas of town. Overall the town is mostly low rise buildings in wood in the central parts of town, and has a very cozy feel to it. The municipality has throughout the years made efforts to keep the look of the town the same, though that is slowly changing thanks to some changes in the municipal government changing to one of a more "entreprenurial" one.
  24. I'll be honest here, I'd be rather pleased
  25. Got an email confirmation that my CP2077 Collectors Edition is ready to be shipped Then I got a whatsapp message from a colleague at work that he's in hospital.
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