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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. @Pidesco you might want to check your stuff too. (would the forum software update and "at" the person I'm calling if I edit my old post? )
  2. I need to go over my cars tomorrow morning, the temperatures are supposed to drop as low as -15C come nightfall, which is far below what I actually usually mix my coolants and wiper fluids for, it also means that all the salted roads are going to freeze over leaving a bunch of nice ice instead of slush/water. Good stuff. I'm kind of concerned about that actually since I don't have proper studded tyres at the moment and just friction tyres. ****.
  3. Waking up to or falling asleep to the sound of heavy rain on the window sills is just lovely. More lovely if you're not going out to work in it
  4. "The Blacks" used "happy holidays" as a sex incantation for the child prison camps on the moon. Daymn, that went dark, fast o.o (Don't have one favourite colour so I went with the closest one on the list to my cars colour)
  5. I love listening to rain, but "listening" to snowfall is even better, there's a certain thick silence that comes with heavy snowfall that is just And snow also comes with the added joy of drifting about
  6. We had some snowfall come in today. When I started work at 3pm today I told my colleagues to call for road salt and snow ploughing. At 6pm we got a frontloader to move the old snowheaps they put in really stupid places. At 9 the salt car came and went over the yard. No ploughing plough. 5cms of snow plus salt, plus rapidly dropping temperatures didn't improve anything. Needless to say it's been... interesting today, one utterly smashed trailer, a lorry thundered into the rear of one of our new trailers a short bit from we work, and more. Atleast I got to have a little bit of fun and skid around a bit.
  7. Yeah, it's what happened to us aswell, we were like 6 people in the same appartment, so someone was bound to hear a doorbell. They're probably trying to improve their statistics aswell. If they've "attempted to deliver" it looks much better in the data than them missing the window. I'm glad to be working for a decent company, we don't get paid per delivered package but monthly wage.
  8. **** like that is really embarrassing when someone you know has ordered home delivery from the company you work for, and they don't deliver. You know they didn't deliver, because you were at their place, sleeping over... The one perk I have now though is that I actually have access to just... go and fetch the package and deliver it myself.
  9. Ok, -40 is too much even for me.
  10. Haha! And you're not taking this opportunity to link to your video to boost your views? Yeah, from what I read it's supposed to work like the regular ingame DLCs
  11. Denmark is confiscating syringes and other material headed for, and paid for, by Sweden. I'd like to tell Denmark that we don't have to wait for Kattegatt to freeze over nowadays.
  12. Just sabot that ball and you've got a killer serve
  13. Since I'm forced to pay a TV/public licence tax I've been trying to find something worthwhile from them and found an interesting podcast called P3 Dystopia, where they talk about the different threats to society, freedom and wellbeing. Nothing new for me so far, but it's still amusing enough to listen to. I've been very amused at how often they use Deus Ex Human Revolution OST music though.
  14. Which burbon? Still drinking peppermint pattys, but one day I might want some variation on it
  15. 8 hours in. I wasn't able to make it non-stop though unfortunately since I had to drive my mother to the store. Also, bought some tea, chai and "Hall of the mountain king". That, and about 8 hours of kingmaker
  16. I can't imagine you spelling electricity wrong
  17. Well, it is for console users... And not remembering the other times they've had games run like **** on their old hardware...
  18. I'm fairly certain that it could, all you need is a private clinic and the accrediting number for a lab, and a willingness to risk peoples lives for money.
  19. My local dealer has over 50+ Ryzen 5800's in stock. None of the others though.
  20. Also, as an aside, yesterday I was starving so I had to go to the vending machine at work which is in the lunchroom, during lunch time. Turns out my workplace has taken zero effort to actually separate people during lunchtime. All ~100 or so people went to eat dinner at the same time, and sat next to eachother, shoulder to shoulder. I wonder why gothenburg has serious issues with spread of the disease? Also, we passed 10000 dead this week I think it was. Good stuff...
  21. Speaking of https://www.gp.se/nyheter/göteborg/swedes-have-been-deceived-with-false-corona-documents-1.39822317 There's a clinic that offered COVID tests, never sent anything to the lab, but gave certificates that they were tested and free of the virus.
  22. I brought it to my sanctuary. I mean, cool fresh beer in the wasteland? Yeah, I'm definetly taking that. That said, I'm looking forward to Fallout New Vegas; The Frontier, it's supposed to come out soon, and it looks cool! To add to my little rant from monday by the by, I've been telling the night shift to stop using their ****ing dirty ass gloves inside the tractors. Every day this week I've had to spend upwards of thirty minutes to wipe every ****ing gripping surface; the steering wheel, control joystick, the knob to move the armrest with the joystick out of the way. But. Not. The. ****ing. HANDBRAKE. I HATE the idiots working the night shift.
  23. It's so nice... unless I start hearing my tinnitus
  24. Weak. I mean, they should be thankful, there's alot of people who pay people to be their keyholder, this guys' taken it on himself without taking huge amounts of money upfront. Vice calls it ransom, I call it a steal! Honestly can't ever remember it happening to me, and backspace to go backwards I use all the time. Atleast I can reenable it.
  25. Been home from work for five weeks now, I'm supposed to start work today, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Only because I work the 15-24:00 shift. Any of the others I want to do, but I hate working with the night shift since their jockeys are moronic dip****s that I always have to dress down. Then again, at the moment I'm blissfully unaware of them destroying any of our stuff, but that'll only last until I log into my work email. Edit; I'm also not looking forward to going to work with a cold, noone is going to be happy to see someone coughing and sneezing.
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