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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Very much this. I shaved quite a bit of my bill by getting heat exchangers.
  2. Haha, sorry ^^
  3. I'm looking greedilly at the abundance of 5800X's, but I can't decide on motherboard. This vexes me.
  4. There's some debate about exactly how old the house is, but the official papers says it's from 1799. The roof is new, but there's only so much the roof can do when the four walls don't really hold up.
  5. Yeah, everything I have runs on electricity here, water pump, heating, water heating, I've also got electricity keeping my water pipes from freezing. I've got two heatpumps, both are set to 23 degrees, not that it reaches above 18C, so they're almost constantly working. 16000 kronor, or thereabout. For the last months period I used 4003KWh. Edit; I think, Vattenfalls site gives me headache if I'm not pumped full of coffee Keep in mind, my house is on a stone foundation with holes in it to prevent rot, the floorboards are insulated by their thickness basically on the bottom floor, if there's wind you can feel it around your feet.
  6. My mother has similar braces, but hers extend to the entire bottom of her hand
  7. Oh, and to keep to the theme; https://www.ar.admin.ch/en/armasuisse-wissenschaft-und-technologie-w-t/home.detail.news.html/ar-internet/news-2018/news-w-t/lethalmicrodrones.html
  8. Now, I don't know where you're at, but we might actually be starting to vaccinate 65+ people in a few weeks. Some of them atleast, small scale, baby steps you know, just incase.
  9. The house I live in is "k-marked", meaning you're not allowed to make any changes that alters the look of the house, so no PV systems or anything of that sort is allowed. They threw a hissy fit when they saw the installed heatexchangers and forced us to hide them and paint them red. I pay about the same for my 100Mb fiber that I have. Though I live in the countryside so that is expected.
  10. I pay nothing for water, except it goes on the powerbill because I pump directly from the lake, nothing for sewer or any such things. The house is about the same age as the USA though, so there is that. Still, I get decent insulation with a bit of tape and some extra glass. I've never paid any attention to the powerbill during the summer, but I reckon it's a bit less than a fift of what'll show up. That said, since the last coldspell was here and I recieved such a bill, we've had a new roof done, so it's likely to have improved a bit.
  11. No, you're reading it right, but it's quarterly, so I should've written 500.
  12. I'm lucky in that I hava a wood burning stove, that saves me alot of electricity in these times. I'm still not looking forward to the 1500€ bill (for this quarter) that will show up next month. Sure, geotherm works, many houses has district heating, but about as many don't. And then we have alot of industries that need electricity aswell. SSAB has been looking to stop using CO2 heavy processes in forming steel and converting that to electricity processes instead, and they're counting on increasing their power consumption by over 30%. That'll end well. One of the teachers at my traffic school has a Tesla, he's got no problem as long as he can plug the car into a socket so it'll keep it's batteries warm. It didn't end up working to well when he got stuck in some traffic after driving a while though. He brags his car can go from ambient to +20C in 5 minutes, my Volvo 240 goes from ambient to uncomfortably hot in the same time.
  13. Swedish environmentalists; "We can't have nuclear power, think of the dangers! Chernobyl, Harrisburg, Windscale! We'll only have green renewables instead!" Realists; "But we live in the northern hemisphere, often when it gets cold, there is no wind, and there is no sun at night when temperatures drop..." *Holds a vote about nuclear powered future with 3 "no" answers*; Mentals; "Ok, here's a we'll keep our nuclear power until their designed end of life and green energy is better" December 31, 40 years later. Mentals; "Yay! Look at us! We've closed down 4 of our 10 reactors! Go us! We'll not have a Swedish Fukushima!!!" Realists; "But we still can't move hydro-power from the north to the south, we're exporting power from the northern parts to Finland because we've got an overabundance of power up where noone lives." Mentals; "It's fine, we'll build better infrastructure!" Que coldspell of Feb 2021; Realists; "Bit nippy, innit? What's that? We don't have enough power in the south? Oh, my, wouldn't it be nice to have had some nuclear power? Oh, industries are going at reduced capacity and even shutting down because of a lack of power? Who could've thunk. Wait, we "thunk" of it when we refused to build datacentres and other industries in the south because of a future lack of electricity? We're importing power from coal power in Poland and Latvia and firing up old oil powerplants to boost capacity? Much green, very environmentally friendly" Mentals; "Shut up, just don't make coffee in the mornings or vacuum and stuff in the afternoon. And don't shower in the morning or evenings. And turn down the heat when you leave home." Swedish TV recently went out with news that people should not use appliances with a heavy load in the mornings, like water boilers, water heaters and several tips to reduce the load on the powergrid. Brilliant strategy to not use power when everyone else is home. How unfortunate that people have to work though. Well, not the ones that get sent home from some heavy industries that litterally can't afford to keep the lightbulbs on.
  14. Fun stuff social security. I was out of a job, didn't yet have unemployment benefits, applied for social security and it'd take two months to get it, after a month I got a temporary job from a friend for the duration of a month, so the waiting period for social security benefits was reset because I made too much money, and I couldn't attend the mandatory "classes".
  15. I hope you get lucky with that fluid and it doesn't create to much deposits, it's a problem with coloured fluids I've heard. I like it though
  16. "Kurwa! We're falling behind schedule on these patches... Hey, Wojtek, drop the IT security **** you're doing and help us with this!"
  17. Thanks everyone. After walking a bit through the woods, and noticed how many dog tracks are about from people letting their dogs run of their leash, I've decided to buy a pickaxe. I got a couple of days of work to dig I've gotten permission from a neighbour that bought our land a while ago to go digging there since it's still pretty few trees there.
  18. No, no, that came across wrong, the hunter has already put her down. It's not like I'd bury her alive
  19. When I woke up today and went to fetch coffee I heard some weak miowing and found one of my old cats underneath the kitchen sofa, it seemed that she couldn't use hear rear legs anymore. She's loosing alot of weight lately, not that she had much to begin with, despite deworming pills. She'd not touched her food either. I asked the local hunter to put her down. I'm off into the woods for a few hours to see if I can find a secluded place to put her, and let nature take it's course, the ground is way to hard to dig through. You will be missed Sally.
  20. Well, it's pretty much my version of that ^.^'
  21. I needed to change to winter tyres on my Volvo 940, but I don't own a floorjack, and since it's very wintery conditions I can't drive the car to where I have access to a (giant) floor jack, so I went to buy one. And while there they also had water separators for compressors, and I like cleaning my computer, without having to buy cans of refridgerants. But since the cheap compressor doesn't have normal fittings I had to buy some fittings aswell, and then I also I had to get a new hose. And I needed a socket wrench kit, so, I bought that too. And my 940 has been on maintenance charging for the batteries with an old battery charger that is meant for indoor use, but I found an IP65 battery charger! Aaaaanyway, I'm 350€ poorer.
  22. Well, that's my daily wage gone
  23. Yeah, they this afternoon the forecast had changed to -10, and at around nine it was -8. *sigh* Why do I trust the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute? Should just throw some bones or something. They missed the temperature forecast by 8C in less than 24 hours. Was starving after work, and didn't feel like cooking, so I went and got a burger. The store was surprisingly crowded so I waited outside in my T-shirt, because I was too tired to fetch my jacket, they all stared at me through the windows like the freak that I am that like the cold.
  24. Considering all the bio-weapons they've engineered, it'd be shocking if they didn't have people competent in modifying viruses.
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