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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'd be dead without modern medicine, but if I was able to control all variables? Maybe hunter/gatherer I suppose. If not, I'd like to be born in about 40 years. Either we've advanced quite a bit or things have gone all way to post apocalypse. Either way, win/win.
  2. Yeah, now that you mention it. Maybe. I had it down to my computer being overloaded.
  3. It seems he's even trimmed his nails for this fine occasion!
  4. I missed it because of weather. It pisses me off to no end, I really wanted to see it.
  5. First real unrecoverable bug just happened for me. Fought a gangoon that had an electric katana, and wanted to take a photo. Happened to press M for map at the same time, and the game became unresponsive, it was running but I couldn't get out of the map menu or interact with anything, no keyboard commands either :<
  6. There were no people there when I went past. I had to look up a fix for it, but it is possible to get it running without the quest itself.
  7. Never really liked christmas either, I hate the consumerist hype that builds up, my family start their drin-ners and what not. They even started playing a "gifting game" instead of actually giving presents to people, and that is when I had enough and just plain refused to participate. And the last few years it's been a ****ton of work aswell. I do feel sort of bad for my dad though, he doesn't have anyone to meet or hang with, and now that I'm in quarantine...
  8. Been home from work for two weeks because of my back, but I've got that sorted out. Though I've gotten sniffles and a cough, so I had to see a doctor to get sick leave. So now I'm in quarantine for a week. Yay. Oh, shineypunk!
  9. Just as a heads up if you didn't know, many Freesync monitors work with nVidias cards nowadays aswell. I'm using an ASUS MG279q that I can freesync with my 3080
  10. I was a bit nitpicky It's not more than an interesting fact really, but the Xbox One had just slightly more theoretical power than an Radeon 4850 at 1.3 TFLOPs.
  11. I have to say though, that Skyrim when it came to PS4 was basically what CP2077 is now... I actually looked up that a while ago, and it's more like a 7700 gpu and cpu clocked 1.7Ghz
  12. I'm at 135 hours now, and **** me if I'm not lovin' it.
  13. Well, I've got well over 50000 crafting mats total and I'm at about 6.7Mb and down to the last few missions. And I've exploited quite a bit to get those numbers, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  14. I should go check through my wardrobes, I know I've got two Voodoo 2 cards around here somewhere
  15. I think the link is broken mate
  16. Well, they always fall back to goddamn GTA V. As if the two are anywhere remotely comparable except them both having vehicles and a city.
  17. Just for the hell of it, once I got my ol Vega 64 out of the rig I laid it side by side with the 3080 replacement. Goddamn was the Nitro one big.
  18. Ryzen users should match the internal fclk with their RAM, almost all (newer) ryzens can hit 1800, but you will need to start raising voltages to get 1900 or 2000, and that's not worth it. Once you break the 1:1 ratio of the fclk you lose alot of performance.
  19. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Haha! When I bought it the 2TB one cost around 600$, so I didn't feel it was worth it, and my motherboard only has 1 slot for m.2's(And didn't come with an m.2 screw either >_<) so I can't get more without an add-in card. I'm getting a new MB and CPU sometime early next year since I'm silly amounts of CPU bound now, so at that time I'm getting one of the addins so I can have a bunch of them. I really hate the mounting position of m.2s as it is, so it'll be worth it for just that. If you know what you're doing you can get some good speeds of them. My motherboards been finnicky, but a friend had them up to 3400 CL14 and 3733 CL16. I only run them at 3200 CL 14 DOCP
  20. So I got the 3080 today, took out the Vega 64, left the anti-sag support bracket because the cheapskates at ASUS didn't send along... well, anything in the box. I feel a bit like a heathen, but it's all AMDs own fault by now! So the computer is now as follows, Case; Corsair 900D PSU; EVGA 750W Supernova Motherboard; ASUS Prime X370 Pro CPU; Ryzen 1800X Cooler; Fractal Design Celsius S36 RAM; 16GB G-Skill 3200 Flare-X CL 14 Soundcard; Creative Soundblaster Z GPU; ASUS TUF 3080 OC Storage; Seagate BarraCuda 3TB 7200rpm An age old 750GB Western Digital Black 7200rpm Kingston 120GB Sata SSD Samsung 1TB 970 Evo m2 Optiarc DVD-RW burner
  21. Inet Edit; My colleagues at work outdid themselves, and got the card to me today instead. I changded the delivery from door to pickup aswell to save more time, so here is the RTX 3080 in my ****-compensating case. Sorry about the dust, my back is killing me enough that I didn't bother to properly clean the inside of the case for now. That's for a time when I can actually bend and lift. Not pictured is the extra sag support curtesy of my Vega 64 Nitro that was there before. Surprisingly, it's a smidge bigger than the 3080, and I'm glad to only have 2x4 pin powercables! And worried at the same time. The Sapphire did have the same power draw, but over three rails, so we'll see if the EVGA 750 Supernove can keep up with it, or if it'll go supernova and poof on me. IT'S SO TINY!!
  22. Well, they did design with ps4 and xbox in mind, so I'm surprised 8mb isn't the total allowed size. It's likely unintentional, so who's to say. It might not be related to the total size of the file but rather some internal counter that goes bollocks around the time. Don't know about that deleting items doesn't decrease size though, took a look at a savefile before and after a cleanse and sure enough I did shave off about 200Kb.
  23. I'm a pretty good long way in and I'm at about 6Mb at the moment, though I do keep a relatively tidy inventory. Now it's going to be way more so
  24. Got a text with an update on my 3080, it's being picked and sent today. So I expect something early next week.
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