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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Things like this is why I do enjoy Karls content (Jump to 3 minutes if you don't want to watch all of it)
  2. Yeah, thereabout's, I'd never go for a quickjack myself, it's just unnecessary money spent on doing exactly what I've been doing up until now; Using jack stands. I'll admit that I almost have a panic attack every time I drive over a grease pit They scare the living daylights out of me! Also those trenches work fine for regular maintenance and such, but I really ought to have pillars for the suspension work that I'm probably going to need to be doing in the future, a grease pit won't help that much for those kinds of jobs. And my father will probably fall into it Also depending on the garage size, pulling the engine out can be problematic unless you have a hoist in the roof. Gah, I'm getting annoyed that my friend busted my T6 engine again. -.-
  3. I'm not letting a Volvo mechanic touch my car again. Just before I bought it, it had been in a Volvo service shop for maintainance, and they used an impact wrench to tighten both the sparkplugs and the oil plug, so I had to rethread those. I have a severe distrust for certified mechanics now. I bought new tyres this summer and sepcified that I wanted them torqued to 13kg, no more. This winter I had to use a 1.5m long pipe to loosen the nuts, and I had to exert force. I have a "4 way" tyre iron, and I couldn't for the life of me get the bolts of. I reckon they just set those ****ing wrenches to max torque of 70kg and go for it. I'm not even going to go for the rant about what happened when I left my car to a certified shop after my radiator tried to mate with a badger... Aaanyway, I don't think Geely wants to promote Swedish cars You'd want a good lift though so you can actually work properly underneath, and those cost alot, and the garage would have to fit it aswell so you're going to basically need a barn because few people build garages that high. Yeah, the only place I could ever afford to buy a house myself would be in Swedish Lappland or something like that. And yeeeah, my Saami isn't up to snuff
  4. The irony though
  5. I do but I do get help from a friend and my father with working on it, both have extensive experience with old volvos so it's a big help. It's going to hit 430k km soon so it's definetly showing some wear and tear. I'm much annoyed that the image doesn't show the bronze and purple tints in the paint. Yeah, I don't have a garage of my own either, I pay my friend to loan his garage which is also his workplace for his company, so I need to work fast No lift either which makes everything a bit more tedious aswell, it's kind of annoying to work underneath the car and barely being able to move your arms.
  6. It's a 98 Volvo 940 Classic, 2.3L low pressure turbo, so 135hp stock. I've lowered it 4cms with a suspension kit and raised the boost to what a full pressure 940 turbo has (0.6 bar instead of 0.3) and mounted a 3" exhaust system from the turbo and back. I've got an extremely unflattering picture from before I bought it.
  7. That sounds like a good cause, but unfortunately since you've admitted to using what according to my government is the most unholy of unholy, worst drug in the world, the gateway to pcp and crack, then black-tar heroin, and strip clubs which is demigrating to women and punishable by death, I can never do a transaction with you, sorry :< In fairness, it'll probably go to a new turbo for my car, a standard one is about 500€, but it can only push 1.4 bar and then it'll probably break, if I double the price I could possibly get a Borg Warner EFR 6758 which'll bring me up to about 3 bar. This'll net me about 500hp for 2.6 seconds until my pistons go flying about 20 metres straight through the side of the engine block.
  8. Yeah, InRange is mostly firearms tests, mud-tests and different competition shoots. Then some history ontop of that, and a few pieces about cybersecurity and privacy. I do enjoy C&Rsenal aswell
  9. You dissin' Karl?!
  10. @Guard Dog I thought of you when I saw this video; Handcannon derringer, best concealed carry ever.
  11. Oh, FFS! https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/anders-tegnell-om-vaccinstoppet-rapporter-om-fler-biverkningar-an-blodproppar Sweden's stopping aswell.
  12. Did my taxes, I'm getting 700€ back from my 3300€ I spent on going to work, yay.
  13. We needed that, thank you
  14. Hey, for once the Swedish government isn't going full retard. We need some cred!
  15. I got a new favourite pistol I want. Not that it's like to happen, but still;
  16. There was an attempt That's not funny though. Got links?
  17. Good question, I'm thinking Blini or Syrniki, I mean it's not like he's going to be dead hungry later
  18. Because it's Russia, if he had leaked those documents he'd find himself drinking polonium tea in the morning.
  19. I do hope you notified the Ordo Hereticus!
  20. It seems they're getting real close to an eruption in Iceland
  21. I considered growing some produce this year, buuuuut, my sister has freerange kids, soo. Yeah. No.
  22. Drinking tea, "Gold of the Mountain King" from a local shop. It's delicious, love the citrusy twang at the end.
  23. No deal, the program wouldn't hold up in court, but during the several years that the case would need in court there would be rampant surveillance and backdoor implementation, ruining lives of innocent people because some try-hard zealots think that AI and algorithms on unencrypted communications platforms are what pedofiles use to share their content.
  24. It's absolutely not a good thing, and I can't believe you write something like this the very same year that an orange muppet wanted to become a despot of the USA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Horsemen_of_the_Infocalypse
  25. "Also in france, by the way, president Obama signed into law a four year extension of the terrorism fighting patriot act" - 2011 newscast It doesn't get helped when media are so blasé about things like this. It hurts media aswell with sweeping surveillance of all digital communications, but they don't give a **** generally since it also helps them stay in "power" so to speak.
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