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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. My personal peeve with newer cars would be the DRL lights come dusk/night. The vast majority of people tend to forget to turn on the proper lights.
  2. I just never found a real need of them, I just squinted like Clint Eastwood instead. Not at all because I didn't realize there were sunglasses that don't hook behind the ears. If I could find a pair that doesn't rest on the nose aswell and just hovers infront of my eyes, I'd buy that. How do you even do stuff? I get bent out of shape when the temperature goes above 20C, at 30C I get fatigued from walking between the front door and my car... Now at 10pm the temperature is about 23C outside, and it's expected to hold there, so no real rest for me tonight. I hope you do get some nice rains soon. But not too much, no need for floods!
  3. We've had almost 30C the past two days, and I'm low key dying ... On another note, bought sunglasses today. First sunglasses in my life, they're kinda nice actually, got a pair that doesn't hook behind the ears
  4. I'm glad I'm a bachelor
  5. I find that it helps, pushing 1000hp puts a big smile on your face
  6. Not bad, needs some more SLAP tho'
  7. My mother heard The Weeknd's Blinding Lights for the first time today, and it's bugging her that she can't remember where she heard "that song" before. This amuses me immensly
  8. I'd have glassed the entire continent!
  9. I'd have burned the house down...
  10. I started playing some Necromunda; Hired Gun yesterday, had some great fun with it, I did have one script bug that forced me to reload the last save point during my 7 or so hours and one instance where a takedown had me starting to clip through the walls which caused a bit of poopchute clamping. I really love the art of the game, and the design of many of the places one visits, the game reeks of that 40k feel.
  11. I'm pretty certain that I'd be dead after 15 metres, impressive
  12. Atleast nVidia didn't have the gall to charge 50% extra for the 2080 Super
  13. Chinas facial mass surveillance system is called "Skynet". But it's ok, because it's a "good" AI.
  14. Might aswell wait for Star Citizen then. Not that that's going to release either but atleast there's an alpha
  15. Those Brotherhood missions
  16. You are both Heathens, nothing comes close to the glory that is Saints Row 2 and Septic Avenger!
  17. couldn't decide wether to post this in the gun thread or here
  18. Azdeus


    When I was a kid, there was a firing range on the other side of the lake where I live, my grandfather did a stint in the army, and joined the homeguard afterwards. He had me tag along a couple of times to the firing range to practice, and let me shoot a couple of times, and I loved it, enough that I joined the shooting club there for a couple of years, spent many weekends shooting even though it was hideously expensive. I shot 5x5 series with an old Swedish Mauser and it cost about 250 Swedish crowns for the ammo (Adjusted for inflation, 40USD today). About two years into shooting and getting pretty good at it, our neighbour tired of the shooting range, so they bought the land and discontinued the range. The only shooting I've done since then was when helping an aquaintance with their computer, and instead of money I chose to shoot his benelli shotgun instead, the trixy bastard mixed around the shells so I wouldn't know what was coming, birdshot, buckshot and Magnum Slugs
  19. Azdeus


    Never leave home without your thumbs
  20. You know, I REALLY wanted to mount a 3 inch straight pipe exhaust-system on her little Toyota Aygo, it would've been absolutely hilarious But no, I just bought a new clamp to hold it together and stop most of the leakage so she could pass the CO2 inspection.
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