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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. We did that to ourselves once, another player found a bag of beans and used them all at once, and she managed to spawn 5 mummylord lairs at the same time.
  2. Meanwhile, somewhere in Sweden...
  3. It's about the same price as what I spent on my summer tyres, you can never overspend on tyres, it's the most important part of staying on the road afterall
  4. I just finished changing to winter tyres on my car, since the temperature dropped quite a bit suddenly and there's a chance for some decent snowfall the coming days. Rear wheel drive FTW! Also, changing tyres completely knackered me, and my shoulder hurts like hell now.
  5. Heh, you know what the best part is about being tall as **** and living in a house built in 1800? If I don't duck I knock my teeth out.
  6. FWIW, boughtit, and just started downloading ARMA. Just 4 u
  7. Thanks alot! I didn't much reflect on the fact that you're thrown cars at you all the way thought the game, one of the first ones I unlocked was the Ferrari F40, which was nice, but yeah, the sense of progression was never really there in the game.
  8. Mmm, I remember that game, good fun! An aquaintance of mine told me to try Street Legal Racing: Redline, it's supposed to have alot of customization. Otherwise I think that NFSU is the cream of the crop. If you want to build your car from scratch you should try My Summer Car
  9. I'm only getting some "agree to cookies" alert from what you posted there, could you just post a headline or something that I can find it?
  10. I've been playing forza horizon 5, and so far the best thing about it is the memories about Test Drive Unlimited that it evokes sometimes. I just finished a race that goes around the entire map and I was done with it in 15 minutes, the game lauded me for finishing the gruesomely long race, and all I could do was remember the 200km "Around the Island" race that took me the better part of 45 minutes if I recall correctly, and it was awesome. Forza is definetly newer and has alot less of the geometry issues and such that TDU had, but the racing is so much less interesting. And Forza also feels very sluggish, not performance-wise but driving 200kmh feels closer to 70-100kmh or so. Also, TDU had less ****ing lootboxes, less nagging about online activities and was less silly. That said a big + for Forza is that you can drive a Volvo 242 Turbo Evo and a Volvo 850R. So there's that, well worth 60$.
  11. Oh, I've always been drinking ludicrous amounts of coffee, getting free coffee at work just meant that I had a couple hundred crowns extra a week to spend on more coffee.
  12. This is great news incase I ever lose myself
  13. Good luck finding actually helpful/good content
  14. I still think that nVidia should've made their RTX demo with a digital version of this. It would've fit perfectly
  15. I've never really listened to Infected Mushroom as music before, I've only ever had it as background music in PnP playlists, but they're pretty damn good I think
  16. That looks alot like a volvo 7/240
  17. Glamoured Armor, you choose the appearance of it to be pasties and a thong, you still get the full benefit. As for enchantments, it'd depend on what game one is playing, I had one of my Shadowrun players enchant rubber bouncing balls with timedelayed explosion magics. Fun was had.
  18. I actually start up theHunter Call of the Wild some nights and jump to the African map just to have it as background sounds while I fall asleep Not today, but yesterday I went to the garage to fix a missing bolt on my cars exhaust and the valve cover gasket. I managed to break the boots latch. It's a sedan. FML.
  19. Sweden is looking to forbid mining aswell, because of the greenhouse effects. Funny how they don't use this arguement against the stock market, but oh well...
  20. That sounds about right though I was a bit younger. I spent every summer with my grandparents and they lived next to the lake, like, door to water is 4 metres, so they taught me and my sis how to swim really early, I know I could swim well when I was around 5 without floatation devices. Did you guys also have swimming medals?
  21. I demand my surveillors be CE-marked.
  22. It's not too different here really, the weather is unstable enough that 2 day forecasts has 75% accuracy and 50% at three days. As a bonus, driving means a radically lower risk of getting the virus aswell
  23. Not live in the path of one, ofcourse, but see from a respectable distance? Yes. All I can do though is binge Pecos Hank, Reed Timmer and Severe weather australia on youtube.
  24. I'd hate for being a teen in Shadowrun, imagin goblinizing in school... Yikes.
  25. One thing I'm really jealous of you Americans for is your weather, I really love extreme weather, I would love to see things like tornadoes!
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