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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I filled up my tank with petrol today, 145$. Three more to go this month, for more than a quarter of my paycheck. I'm getting murderous thoughts towards the hippies in government. The Nazi-party suggested lowering taxes on fuel, and if they go through with it, **** it, I'd vote for them.
  2. I'm still trying to think of what song the intro reminds me the most of
  3. So that is why so many bad guys in written campaigns have such unintentionally hilarious names in Swedish https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Elak_Sarda https://translate.google.com/?sl=sv&tl=en&text=elak&op=translate
  4. Well, said people didn't understand the concept of an engine seizing either, and I had to explain that to them aswell. And then I had a bit of a moment where I wondered if I wouldn't be better off working with special needs people instead. -.- I'm honestly quite amazed how inept young people are with mechanical things today.
  5. I had to explain to people why it's a bad idea to fill up the oil tank on a truck engine when said oil has been standing outside for 3+ months in the weather and looks like babypoop, and that it's not advisable to drive said vehicle either.
  6. This made me think, I wonder if Blizzivision is going to ditch the Battle.net, or if Microsoft will move their ****ty store to it instead.
  7. My cats completely ignore any scratchingposts, climbing stuff or anything of that sort, but they do love the leather chairs and corners of the sofa and recliner. -.- The only time I've actually managed to get them onto the climbing tree was with catnip. But they do love climbing up the walls of the house to my bedroom window
  8. I love that 3.5 had ready made systems for scaling monsters to the difficulty level that you needed, instead of having to find monsters that are the CR that can stand up to the players.
  9. More like Grima got kicked out to be replaced by Sauron himself...
  10. I thought that the drone flyovers and sightings would end once the russian ships had left, but it seems reports of drones above protected areas keep showing up. They ought to be pretty stable craft aswell since they've been used in heavy winds, so it's not some small rotordrone going about.
  11. Wooooow, that was painful to watch...
  12. I'm not complaining, I found something better than any Bioware game I've ever played bar Jade Empire!
  13. I've been headbutting with the Social Insurance Agency about my reimbursement being pitifully low. It's supposed to be 80% of my wage of 24k SEK, but they're somehow only paying me 14k. That gap of 6k is really hurting. Also need to get a second opinion from a doctor about my condition, the pain from my shoulder is stopping me from getting any meaningful rest, and I have to drive to work to drive an 11 tonne tractor with trailer behind it, a combination length of about 25 metres. I've been doing it for a good long time, and I'm fairly certain I can drive and reverse it in my sleep, but I'd rather not put this to test. In Sweden being sleep deprived while driving counts as driving under the influence, but my first doctor disregarded this as ludicrous. So technically speaking I drive drunk every single workday and that feels kind of bad, besides the point of risking falling asleep at the wheel. An upside of the pain though is that it keeps me awake, but I doubt that it counterbalances the sleepdeprivation.
  14. I couldn't find any game called Troubleshooter there, so I stepped back on the letters and found a game with nearly 2000 likes, so Trap Quest it is!
  15. How did you do to unknow what tfgamessite is? Asking for a friend.
  16. https://www.gp.se/nyheter/sverige/uppgifter-förhöjd-hotbild-efter-drönarobsevationer-1.63931770 So a black painted winged drone was captured on film above Stockholm on saturday, and SÄPO(Swedish Security Service) has taken over investigations from the police.
  17. I tried to watch the Aurora last night, but... low fog clouds
  18. Well there are guards and other surveillance systems that did spot the drones, I don't know if there are any more immediate systems in place that weren't used because that'd be classified information.
  19. During friday night, unidentified drones were spotted in the areas of all Swedens nuclear powerplants, Forsmark, Barsebäck, Ringhals and Oskarshamn. The Swedish police is investigating at the moment but they have no suspect. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/uppsala/stor-dronare-flog-over-forsmark-polisen-utreder-brott With the Russians doing their thing it is hard to not suspect though nothing official has been said yet.
  20. Yeah, that's why I'm, despite my general disdain for Steam, am holding out a bit of hope that they will be able to get something going with their Steam OS. It's really the only hope I see on the horizon. Nice, how does it work for things like gaming?
  21. I wanted something like that since I saw this
  22. Yeah, it bugs the hell out of me. I don't want to upgrade to Pro either. I'd switch to Linux, but... I enjoy playing games more than I do troubleshooting, I play VR games and, well, I watched Linus Tech tips linux challenge videos. Maybe in a few years, maybe it will be worth it if Valve invests more into it. I usually just use the killswitch and imagine that it's a 25kV shocker connected to Satya Nadellas testicles.
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