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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. We're not melancholy really, but yeah, when it's pitch black outside at 4pm and you and your friends want to do something, you get creative, so we do indoor stuff like RPG's, music and videogames. This is also helped by the fact that we used to invest alot of money in schools to encourage youths to develop their musical interests (For instance, you could borrow an instrument for up to a year, for free), we went heavy into computerization in the 90's with subsidising home pc's and (then)state owned Telia expanded ADSL capabilities heavilly. You become well motivated to build safe cars when the likelyhood of traffic accidents are high. Swedish cars before recently didn't have the ability to completely turn off the lights on the car, to avoid accidentally leaving them off in twilight. Elk are good at hiding in darkness, collide with one and it tends to land on the cars A-post and roof, so you build sturdy roofs, collisions are pretty common due to slippery road conditions aswell. If you're not interested in nerd stuff like music and videogames, you can always drink, **** and party. Edit; Should also say that I like winter and autumn best, and despise spring and summer, I really dislike when it's warm, so I'm atypical.
  2. First, it's not really an actual thing, you should note the part of the text that says it's from a satirical book from the 30's. That said, it does follow our culture a bit that is all, if anything you're taught that you are special and valuable in school. We don't like braggarts really.
  3. I'm pretty certain that I am the one more likely to be arrested, for breaking the Law of Jante
  4. I've got coworkers that didn't know there's a war in Ukraine. So, yeah. Swedes. Lives on Tiktok and Instagram, they make me want to put my head underneath a lorry and tell the driver to floor it.
  5. It's not impossible that they avoid talking about Soviet failures. It could also be that the people that join the army just didn't do well in school.
  6. We are, as always, ready to defend our lands to the last FinnScanian.
  7. Unless they die in battle they go to Niflhel, there are some people debating that if they die in childbirth they go somewhere else, but there are no real sources for it.
  8. Well, unless you get in on the "party" in Ukraine and get yourself killed like a proper Viking, you're likely headed for Niflhel together with 99.99% of Scandinavians, a place which the name suggests is likely neither sunny or warm.
  9. Had he kept his cool for one or two seconds it'd have actually exploded, shame
  10. Meh, always online, they can go **** themselves with a spiked bat.
  11. That's some impressive muzzleflashes, and I've yet to see Ukrainian forces with Hexagon handguards on their rifles
  12. Oh, no offencetaken, or meant, I was very bitter about the available choices. We didn't have a referendum to stop conscription or any such thing, the politicians decided that they wanted to lower the taxes for "everyone", it went through with 153-150 votes. They also wanted to suck some US ****, that wasn't possible with the conscription law in place, so after that they were more free to send people to wars we shouldn't have put our noses in. Yet now that Ukraine could use some help from fighting forces the politicians **** their pants and don't use this availability to aid a country that actually needs it. Guess it's easier to shoot brown people.
  13. The Swedish total defence has been that way since 1995. We stopped mandatory conscription in 2008 and replaced it with volounteer military training instead, but you still have to fill in some forms on your 18th birthday so that they can call on you for total defence. I don't disagree about your friends assessment, the reason being that our politicians are monumentally retarded.
  14. It's not really the time to go and full on criticize at the moment, since they're at war and the law is in place. It'll come though. If you're a Swedish citizen, or if you are a resident in Sweden ( @Pidesco In case you don't know this ), between 16 and 70, it's your duty to take part of our total defence if war comes. Conscription for Swedish citizens 18-48. Not matter your gender identity.
  15. It's a The Clash cover, Kiev Calling A different channel
  16. I'm waiting for steam deck 3.11 myself
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLCiA38No3Y It's a really good cover!
  18. A friend of mine is currently going through university to get a payraise, he works alot with kindergarten kids, and is spending much of his days game mastering different adventures for them. The kids love it, and are immensly well behaved to get invited to his sessions.
  19. Theres Ride of the Valkyries atleast; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52295?tab=description https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53448?tab=description
  20. I read at Swedish Radios webpage that her lawyers can't get in touch with her. "Enligt människorsättsorgansitionen OVD info är det under tisdagsmorgonen oklart var Ovsiannikova befinner sig, men hon är inte vid tv-stationen eller vid polishuset. Hennes advokater inte lyckats lokalisera henne, enligt OVD info." "According to the human rights organization OVD info it's unclear during this tuesday morning where Ovsiannikova is located, but it's not at the TV-station or the policestation. Her lawyers have been unable to locate her, according to OVD info"
  21. A nice thing about my job is that the scheduled start and end times all avoid any kind of rush hour.
  22. Funnily enough, we here in Sweden have such high taxes on diesel and petrol, over 50%, that just by removing the VAT on the fueltax, we could not notice this pricehike at the pump at all. Not that they'd do that, the hippies don't want to stop people from being "motivated" to switch to electric vehicles.
  23. Considering what the Russians use for communication, that laptop looks hyper modern to them.
  24. Took me way to many seconds to see it
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