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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm still having fun with it aswell, trying to get that 2 FASTDRAW's in a row skillshot and I've been nowhere near succeeding.
  2. Definetly worth it! Bought the game the day before yesterday, and I love it. I'm going to start a replay tomorrow after some sleep, and hope I suck less at skillshots and be more flexible with the weapons.
  3. I think the new animations look immensely stupid, that twohanded sword looks like it weighs about as much as a toothpick, so does the sword and board. Not to mention the stupid "art" or "design" if you wish. Atleast in Origins your equipment seemed to have some sort of mass, and it was'nt stop and go animations all the time. Better flowing if you wish. And here I was thinking I'd never praise Origins, guess Einstein was right about his relativity theory.
  4. @Virumor; Something like that, there is a distinct lack of weight in the conversation. The first sequence with the dwarf is better.
  5. This... It's very, very impressive.
  6. That is a good question, something I'd like to know myself. Is it some kind of decryption key for the gamefiles or some key for the DRM?
  7. I think that would be drifting myself, but it's pretty fun playing F1 games. I just wish that F1 2010 was good. Atleast it's not as bad as the Dirt games. 5 minutes of loadingtimes for 2 minutes of fun.
  8. I do agree with the sentinment at the heart of your comment, but I don't agree with using actual figures for it since there are'nt that many accurate surveys done. But saying that each download is a lost sale is bollocks, many "pirates" would'nt have bought the game in the first place, some are swayed by the download and buy it, and a bunch buy the game and then download it. If you upload a copy of a video game to the net so others can download it without paying, you're involved in video game piracy. Being an employee of the developer or publisher doesn't make it not piracy. If you steal from your employer, it's your employers fault. It's not fair publishers don't trust us and treat us like criminals with their invasive DRM schemes, but how can they be expected to trust gamers when apparently they aren't expected to trust their employees? lol gamers and their rationalisations. There is a difference, subtle as it may be, between pirating a copy of a game and leaking a copy of a nearly finished game. I don't see this event really hurting crytek too much, if they bring a good product people will buy it - if not - they'll blame pirates again and not step up and say "We do really great graphics engines but worthless games, we should've expected this".
  9. MEH. What wankers, this is getting silly. First Mafia 2, now this, dunno wich is worse personally. Read on their forums that the clutch works like an on/off switch, and has done so since the beta stage. Does your G25 have the ability to lock the H-shifter into sequential mode? Should've pointed out that I meant braking and throttling at the same time, between two corners - instinctively just to throw the car around. I'll blame that on the time. I've got to get my hands on rFactor... That sounds like too much fun!
  10. They messed up the forcefeedback? AGAIN?! SNAFU.. I've been hoping it'd be a decent crossover between simulation and arcade. I'd really like a sandbox driving sim, but, heh, there does'nt seem to be much of a market for that. Have you tried out TDU2 yourself or is what you know about it from forums etc? Went from RBR for a long while to F1, was'nt a terribly clever idea to try left-foot braking.
  11. I'm playing Richard Burns Rally actually, waiting for reviews of Test Drive Unlimited 2 that I trust. About RBR though, fiddle about with settings - it can make a world of difference when you figure out what's good for you. I've ended up not doing Scandinavian Flicks though, they just send me careening into trees. Or rocks. Or bloody photographers.
  12. They're going to remake it to a RTS type system that sounds similar to Fallout Tactics.
  13. Atleast Bioware is around to make Obsidians games look even better.
  14. You forgot the Old Lace.
  15. As an alternative fuel for some rocket in an early quest. That and as gifts to kids later on in the game.
  16. DEBATE One of the many cultures many inherent paradoxes is that, despite its universal claims, is a mono-cultural phenomenon which is only found fertile ground in the post-modern, oikofoba * West and who therefore also has its basis in Western phenomenon and experience in assessing and analyzing the world. The Western experience is seen as a higher stage of development, as the rest of the world, just not had time yet to achieve. This is also why today's multi-cultural Swedish power elite is so totally blind to the dangers of Islam and Islamization. It is assumed that Muslims do not want anything rather than adapt to a Western lifestyle and Western standards, and that Islam is basically the same as Christianity, with the only difference is that Muslims have a different name for the god. Thus it is assumed that you will be able to tame Islam the same way that secular forces tamed for centuries of European Christianity and relegated it to the private sphere. Islam differs from Christianity in several crucial areas, for example, regarding the distinction between spiritual and secular power and the approach to use of force. Islam has no equivalent of the New Testament and no universal human message of love. These differences have also been made to Islam and the Muslim world have actively rejected the Enlightenment and humanism. This, together with almost 1400 years of war and conflict between Islam and Christian Europe, believes he is now today's policymakers to overcome in a hurry. This is how far you are forced to observe that Islam has affected Swedish society in a much higher extent than the Swedish society has influenced Islam. Mass immigration from Muslim countries, together with the relatively high birth rates in the Muslim community speaks to this trend will continue unless a change in policy occurs. Of course, a significant proportion of Europe's Muslims are not literal believers, although most studies performed in this field shows that the fundamentalists are a large and growing minority. Upheaval of which the multi-cultural social order fueled by many second and third generation immigrants, have led many to look to Islam as an identity-building and unifying force and we are now experiencing a process of radicalization among Muslim youth in Europe. In Sweden, my knowledge, no known studies in this area, but in a British study from 2007 said 37 percent of the young, British Muslims that they would prefer Sharia law in UK law and an equal number felt that anyone who converts from Islam must be executed. In other studies from France and Germany the same pattern can be discerned. 20 years ago, I think that most Swedes would be very difficult to imagine that Islam would become Sweden's second largest religion, the Swedish artists who criticize or kidding with Islam would live under constant death threats, that dozens of Islamic terror organizations would to establish themselves in Sweden, the leading Muslim representatives would make demands for the imposition of Sharia laws in Sweden, the Swedish county councils would use taxpayers' money to cut off the foreskin of perfectly healthy little boys, that Sweden would have the largest number of rapes in Europe and the Muslim men would be highly overrepresented among the perpetrators, the Swedish bathhouse would introduce separate sauna time for men and women, the Swedish municipalities could consider the introduction of gender-segregated swimming in schools, to freeze the disks in our grocery stores would offer ritual slaughtered meat while Swedish nursery schools stop serving pork, the Swedish schools would introduce new holidays to celebrate the end of Ramadan, while church school closings banned in more and more schools and so on. All this is now part of the Swedish reality. The question is how it looks on a few more decades, when the Muslim population, if the current pace is maintained, has multiplied in size and many of Europe's major cities including Malmo, in all likelihood have a Muslim majority. The multicultural society may see little of this future that a colorful interesting change of Sweden and Europe that we too often deny one's ever been "Swedish" or "European". As sverigedemokrat I see this as our biggest foreign threat since World War II and I promise to do everything in my power to reverse the trend when we go to the polls next year. *) Oikofob is under the British philosopher Scruton a person who despises his homeland. (Red. note.) Jimmie
  17. Yeah, they're talking alot about making things better for pensioners, increasing the amount of police on the streets and other similar things that sounds really good to the average person. It's a bit funny aswell though, because any rational person would have troubles believing someone describing anyone as "Arab-sounding", and I seriously doubt they'd be speaking arabic while doing something like this. There's been a bit of joking about giving Sk
  18. Oooh, i am scared. Really scared. Five percent voted for a bunch of national romantics? Sounds like any national-[insert some political ideology here]-party anywhere in the world. Damn you media for drumming the beat of a party of Belzeebubs and Azraels awakening in Sweden. Yeah, you might want to read their manifesto, listen to their speeches and look into the background of the politicians involved aswell. They're not only national romantics but are also racist islamofobes and leaders/politicians in the party have ties to Nationalsocialist parties. Edit; Also, sorry for missing your post, but I was a bit distracted back then.
  19. It is, considering that 94% of the other voters did'nt vote for them, and that the majority of the elected parties are strongly anti-racist it goes both ways I reckon. I don't really see anything wrong with bullying them down a bit and refusing to work with them due to them being racist. Their political views are quite narrowminded, and their rethoric goes on about muslims being a danger to "Swedish culture", while they don't mention anything that actually could be a danger to our culture. Yeah, there is shortsighted and narrowminded people in Sweden, but thankfully they are in a minority - Gr
  20. Could'nt agree more, Alliance continued government and the Swedish Democrats in the middle. Frickin' scary. Then again, I think they've always been there lurking, just spread out amongst more parties while they've now rallied under one banner. Was hilarious hearing different politicians insults against SD; "They're coming into an civilized arena now, a place they've never heard of before" and things like that. 'Tis a bit sad that people don't want to go vote, they unwittingly aid people like the Swedish Democrats. Even though a few percent of those are possibly completely incapable of voting a few percent. I wonder how they deal with demented persons and so on though, I'm not learned about those details.
  21. Quite true, I remember that from Duke Nukem 3D! Small joys atleast, eh?
  22. I reckon that's a scripted event though, but it's a nice touch! I won't go further, I pwomise. And yes, the loss of manual shifting is an annoyance, if you use the limiter the sound the engine makes becomes really boring and monotone, and if you try to hit the sweetspot the game downshifts. Some might say it's an minor annoyance, but it's all in the small details. I hope so, but I'm not really holding my breath - it might be a legacy of the multiformat production, GTA games has this problem aswell.
  23. I know. The PC pirates, on the other hand... Can't really blame them if they don't want to bother with steam. Not saying that's the only reason they'll do it ofcourse, just as a thought. Have'nt tried Sim-driving yet, since they did'nt include Steeringwheel support for PC.. (Seriously, wth?) Annoyed that they don't have manual gears and that the shooting felt really, really easy. Plus that the game seems to have really short "memory" so to speak, cars dissapear really fast for instance, if you spot one you want, turn around and it goes behind a corner - it's gone. Don't remember that from the previous game.
  24. Jacobstown; I wonder if we'll get a new Francis aswell? My only complaint about Marcus is that his face is a bit too smooth, but nice work overall!
  25. Sorry to hear that, that's pretty fricking annoying :/ During the past two weeks, just counted this, I've had 9 different emails from "Blizzard" and their various different "departments". And two different emails from "NCsoft"-support about Aion, wich is really interesting since I've never ever used or bought Aion.
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