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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Oby you have confirmed what I have always suspected, Sweden was created by powerful Western corporations in the last 100 years in order to breed hot blond women that will conquer the known world and force us to follow one government . Its not a real country !!!!  



    Hey, Sweden is doing what we've been doing the last thousand years; Exporting furniture around the world, having you furnish your homes in the fashion we find appealing, so that when the day comes, and we take over the world - we'll find it homey!


    Ikea is'nt a company; It's a tactic!

    • Like 1
  2. As my name is in Swedish order it'd be; Beware! The Windy Vampires.

    If I turn it into the american order of names, it'd be; Death by Flying Vampires.

    Or my very full name with all my last names, in the Swedish order; Beware! The Windy Muffin Vampire Werewolves.


    For something completely different;


    Aaaaah! No, Frodo! That's not what I meant with "You must destroy the Ring"!

  3. Yay! I'm a great ape! 7/9!


    Then again, I've watched alot of Roslings talks and such. I answered wrong on lifespan and literacy rate.


    Also, Rosling is a pretty damn great TED talker, I've never had someone make statistics fun! :D

  4. Pathfinder per se, is a rules set. Paizo ran with it when you had all the fan kick-off over Wizards creating DnD4th Ed. (Which I have to say has some pretty art, but some pretty goddamned awful mechanics).




    However, Paizo have also created a Campaign Setting to go along with it. Part of what helped push it is they had the big online shop set up, and they print the books but also publish pdf versions are much reduced prices as well. They also do the "loyalty" thing that if you have an account and set up a subscription you get reduced prices.


    There's the "Pathfinder RPG Books" which are pretty much core mechanics and interesting variations, the "Campaign Books" which are purely setting stuff, the "Player Companion" stuff which are a mix of player options, ideas, and more fluff all wound around the Campaign setting but a lot can be used easily enough outside, and the Adventure Paths they run (which are long arc stories, publish one adventure a month, done in 6 month chunks).


    Clever move! We're not for want of fantasy RPG's up here, what with DoD (Drakar och Demoner / Dragons and Demons), Eon and others, so we never did go to that ruleset except for licenced games and just to own the books for sake of having them.


    Sounds like a pretty neat book to have though, we might have to get some of them. For free. Because Sweden? It's fricking pwnge.

    If you can be bothered with beaurocrazy that is. ;)



    I wanna give up, not in a depressed kinda way, just in the "ugh, adult life is waaay too much responsibility" kinda way.. and I don't even have kids, so I'm also kidding myself..


    Oh well, back on the horse (or whatever the equivalent English idiom is).


    Snel hest?


    Oh, right, and about the doctors from yesterday; They looked at my left eye and shrugged. Said that if it gets worse, use meds. If I run out of meds, call them for more.


  5. After much hemming and hawing, Bungie finally gives a "no" on Destiny for PC


    Apparently they can easily do four different console versions, but a PC version would destroy them. How shocking after they couldn't even be bothered to port the complete Halo trilogy to Windows, just stopping at 2.


    Why would they want to have to do actual work when they can easilly coast on the consoles?


    It's still not a definete no though, what he said is more like it's not going to be a PC version released along the console versions, but might come later on.


    Games can have their own built in memory management systems actually.  It can really help with things like memory fragmentation and the like (more of a concern on the consoles than on the PC, however.  On Eclipse we had a memory manager called the Small Block Allocator that dealt with the requests for very small amounts of memory and the like.  So while the OS goes "Oh you want a 4 MB memory block? Okay."  Internally, we work with that 4 MB memory block in a way that the OS is oblivious to because as far as the OS is concerned, it handed us a chunk of memory and it's ours to do with what we want.


    For DAO and DA2, it was pretty much required to prevent excessive memory fragmentation (if you have 100MB of memory but your largest block is 5 MB, you'll fail a memory request for 6MB which typically results in a crash).


    Whether or not this is genuinely the issue with Ghosts I'm pretty oblivious to (for obvious reasons), but games definitely do handle their own memory allocations from time to time (there may also be potential performance optimizations depending on the level of control the software may exert on how it structures its memory).



    Thanks Alan! :)

  7. Ah, cool. Is it a world in itself or just a ruleset in the same vein as D&D?

    I've never had much contact with D&D since we've mostly been playing local games of the fantasy variety. I'm personally not a fan of systems that take actions away from the player (Such as Defence as a passive stat). We do have things like Star Wars, Wheel of Time and Midnight, but they've never been our most played games.

  8. Pathfinder.



    Ah, not heard much about it, D&D3.5 variant or something, right?


    Got a scheduled appointment to the hospital to check my iritis on the right eye, wich is'nt clear yet annoyingly. And friday evening I noticed some reddening around my left eye aswell, so I'm pretty damn certain it's started there aswell.

    Started selfmedicating at once since the opthalmologists department was closed when I noticed it, and since it has'nt progressed like it did the first time and actually started to look better with the meds I'm going to assume that it's iritis.


    Oh, and after going to the hospital I'm dropping in on my friends for some Only War RPG. :)

  9. I smell something rotten and disgusting 



    From a post in that thread;


    As we discussed a couple threads ago this is purely to mimic the porting and memory allocations that are available in the next gen consoles without having to do anything with the actual engine. It is a useless limit for sure.


    I think that the sales of RAM modules will spike this month, rather than CoD sales going down. But I'm just guessing.

    • Like 1
  10. My woodworking teacher I had in school was so touchy feely that the majority of the guys changed to sewing class instead, including me, and the girls went to woodworking class and wore low cut tops and passed with B's and A's.

    Then again, the sewing class teacher was hot. And really flirty. >_<


    Somehow, he's still employed there.

  11. you know, I've heard and seen this come up a bunch of times, and I don't think it's true


    When you break up an asteroid into a lot of tiny little pieces, you increase the surface area by such a large amount, that I believe it would burn up a significantly larger portion of the meteorite in the atmosphere, rather than if you can one big chunk with a limited surface area.



    Thing is, you're not going to be able to determine beforehand if your impact is going to turn it into essentially dust, or if you're just going to blow off some 30% of it or whatever. Sure, if you can turn an asteroid into gravel, that'd be awesome. But at best, you're going to turn it into a slightly smaller impact that'll still be a killer.

  12. When i was a kid I had a problem with needles. But when I was ... I guess 16/17 I decided enough was enough.


    I was in for some travel inoculations and a blood sample. I forced myself to watch every single instant of the process, eyes not wavering one millimetre.


    Cured me instantly. What bothered me was needles in the abstract. In reality the whole thing is fascinating. That realisation changed the abstract and hey presto!


    I'm happy for you, for me it just won't let go. I can't stand it, feeling the needle going through the skin and then moving around underneath it. And this is despite having hundreds of bloodsamples drawn and shots taken.

  13. Was put under for when I tore open my leg and had to sew it together, also for an endoscopy and before getting my tetanus shot. I was quite unruly all those times.


    Does fainting when taking a bloodsample count? >_>'

    • Like 1



    Bugbear tries to kickstart their next demolition derby game. I must say that their demo video looks quite good

    The problem with Bugbear's games is that they are pretty short on content. I did like Rally Trophy and the first Flatout, especially RT, but I saw everything they had to offer in just a few evenings.


    Maybe this one gets a bit more to play if it's kickstarter succeeds.



    I want it, looks nice and the first game was great. But has anyone seen or heard them mention anything about DRM? I'm not putting money in if it's going to be on Steam only.



    What happened to year 2000? Did all women beam over to Venus that year without me noticing?



    Y2K happened.  All the computers rose up and started killing people and burning down houses.  It took the entire year and countless lives to put down the rebellion of the machines.  Don't you remember?



    No, I was 15 at the time, I've suppressed those years memories - I'll take your word for it.

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