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Posts posted by Azdeus


    "Combat intensive" - *sigh*


    While I think it'd be great if we went away from this too, the legacy of BioWare's games has always been very combat intensive.



    If I had'nt associated "combat intensive" with the arcadey style of combat myself, I would'nt have as much of a problem with it. I get push A for Awesome vibes.

    I much preferred DAO's slower style.


    And DAO not hideous artstyle. It was plain, perhaps, but you could look upon it without disdain.

    • Like 4

    Sex and alcohol make you happier than kids and religion


    Kids are said to fill our lives with poignancy and inexplicable joy, yet it appears many parents would rather be tossing back some bourbon and rolling around in their skivvies than taking care of their beloved offspring. A new study by Carsten Grimm from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand has found people rate sex as the top activity that brings them happiness, followed by drinking alcohol or "partying." Caring for kids (yawn) fell down the list at number five. God also got the cold shoulder, with people rating meditating and religion at number four



    This is good science, and I approve!

  3. I should say that my impression is based primarily on the degree to which drivers pay attention to pedestrians while in a relatively urban environment.  Highway behavior might well be very different.  The Land Rover drivers that I most often find myself at odds with tend to be trophy wives looking for parking spots near the nail salon. 



    Land Rovers are really rare around my parts, I've only seen one, and it was modified for extreme terrain driving and used as an tractor more than an car really. I live on the countryside and the most common car here is just a normal roadcar, the only exception is my uncles King Cab.


    When in town here, you're not able to actually get anywhere near the shops with a car, you have to walk there really. Small town and all. But when I was working in Gothenburg I lost track of how many times they did something insane; Like ignore the warning lights on our truck.


    Ironically, the most careful people on the road here are the racers... They atleast try to make certain they're alone on the road or block the road before trying some crazy stuff.

  4. As somebody who lives in a town inundated with luxury vehicles*, it is my opinion that the Luxury-SUV-Wanker-Factor is highest with Land Rovers.  Particularly Land Rovers with "Diplomat" license plates. 


    *  I have, at various times, tried to make little metrics of this, for example, by comparing the number of Mercedes versus the number of Fords I encounter while walking home.  Another shorthand illustration I use in making this point is that my house is within walking distance of a Bentley dealership. 



    P.S., I drive a 2001 Corolla.  And the most lesbian car is a Subaru Forrester. 



    Really? Over here, the Wanker factor is universally the highest amongst Porsche owners, then it moves down to Audi/BMW tie, with the SUV owners being the king of the hill of the respective brands. Merc owners are owners of pizza shops here, and they're pretty nice guys actually!


    The best drivers here are owners of old yankee cars. Probably because any turn is associated with mortal danger. ;)


    I don't agree about the Forester, I'd say Suzuki Samurai.


    I don't drive it, but I have a Volvo Amazon (Volvo 121) - the only sexier Volvo is the 1800 (If you've seen The Saint, Roger Moore version).



    ^ A friend of mine died in an accident driving a Porsche Cayenne on the German Autobahn. With 200 km/h he hit another car while trying to overtake, hit a guardrail which made the car roll itself into oblivion. The sunroof opened during the roll overs and the centrifugal forces forced him through the sunroof, he got stuck there and the heavy car rolled over his head and torso a couple of  times. His friend on the passenger seat who used the seatbelt was unharmed. 

    The moral of the story: Use seatbelts! And sunroofs suck. And last but not least: avoid accidents. DUH!


    What I did today; I chopped firewood. All day long. And then I chopped some more firewood.... *groan*


    Sorry about your friend, but I can't believe someone in this day and age would drive without a seatbelt. Getting rolled over by an SUV ought to do it, damn...


    It's saved my life several times.


    I had to stop chopping by hand, and use the hydraulic splitter instead. The religious neighbours hated seeing my semi nude self chopping wood, when they had their singalong-BS-for-youth. Was a bit of an self confidence injection to turn around and see three teen girls stare at me (When I had just turned 18, and was fit).

  5. What the hell does "lesbian car" even mean?  That it dates other cars?  WTF?


    I guess this is some sort of weird twist on the car as a status symbol - now it "tells people who you are, really" or some ****?



    It does work fairly well actually. You can be pretty certain that a person driving a Porche Cayenne is one MASSIVE wanker. They seem to act like they own the road because they're in a Porsche SUV...

  6. You like ''The Brick''?  :w00t:




    The Volvo 245/745 series? Hell. Yes.

    The turbo version is awesome, and my father and I have had some awesome amounts of fun with his one, drilled (Bore from 96 to 96.3) B230 engine with a 531 cylinder head with widened ports, 9:1 compression (For E85), piano wire in the block, rebalanced everything, sharpened cam, lightened flywheel, Garrett turbo (Can't remember the exact make, but good for 400-500 HP) Detroit-diff and an reinforced M90.


    8.788s/139KM/h on 200 metres dragrace.


    We lose alot of time in the shifting, the M90 gearbox has ****ty ratios and pop has'nt gotten the shifts down perfectly. We should be able to push under 8 with a better gearbox and better shifts.

    Also, we could lighten the car, pull seats and whatnot, but it's his normal day to day car aswell, so that's really not much of an option. ;)

  7. Well, it's some numbnut that has no perception of history, and presumably never had a familymember fight in the war. And he's wearing a kilt and bagpipe aswell. I was first going to post the video of the leader of the Swedish Democrat party getting a facefull of cake, but, there was no good video of it.

  8. So, I may be getting a Volvo V70 instead of a truck of any kind.


    One of my friends is declaring I shouldn't get it beceause it's a "Lesbian" car, but I'm thinking more along my dads lines in that it's a "Family" car.


    As a Swede and an Volvo enthusiast... it's a useless, crappy, overprised, crappy, capricious car, depending on exact model you can't use a spare tyre for more than some 20km before it eats up the differential and it's crappy.


    I'm not biased one bit towards the older models, not one bit. :p


    If you get hold of an R version it actually does become a semi-fun car to drive. Still FWD though. And the above statements still stands.


    Never would I pay a thousand euros for a game as bad as Witcher, pirated or not. The reasonable thing would be to ask for 50 euros. Then I'd be like "ok, you caught me, here you go". Thousand? Not gonna happen.


    I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen.



    Yes, copyright infringement is totally equal to actual robbing and stealing. Totally.

    • Like 2
  10. That's good to hear Walsh! :)


    I'm quite envious of your sleep actually, the last few days I've been getting very little, because everyone and their mother have woken me up hours before I was ready to. Really damn annoying to be honest, not to mention tiring.



    ...wife threw a bit o' a do fer me last night (40th is tomorrow), so had a few cold ones wit' friends fer the first time in a while...gettin' borin' in me ol' age, apparently...more's the pity... :p



    ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...


    Happy birthday! :)

    • Like 1

    You mean oby's not a high ranking history professor? ;(



    Hahaha! Yeah, who would've thunk it?! ^^


    Just would've hoped he could've actually put some effort into it, since in Swedish "Svear" is the old word for "Svensk(Swedish)". Any person calling himself king from the Svear tribe, is per definition a Swedish king. Swedes are'nt called Goths/"Götar" since that tribe got their arses kicked, by Svear. From Svealand.


    Little bit of a case of "What it says on the tin" here. :)

    • Like 1
  12. I bought an issue of PC Gamer (UK). I quickly realised why I hadn't done that in ten years or so.

    I wish journalists who want to sound fancy would first figure out what those fancy words mean, before they use them.


    I'm a longtime subscriber to the Swedish version, something wich will be coming to a halt soon. They're trying to act "mature", try to do original articles without actually making proper research and have lost their sense of humor.

    It's funny that the magazine was much more mature before they tried to be...


    And about Sweden... I cant find Sweden on maps even in XII century. How they can invited Swede in 862 AD if in this time nor Sweden, nor Sweden people yet not exist?




    By the way Oby, far be it from me to question your deductive/reading skills, but there are letters making up words on that map, and they say "Svear", "Götar" and "Gotland (Land of the Gutar)". Just for the hell of it, I typed it into wikipedia to see if the english version would recognize it;





    Svear and Swedes are names for the same thing... And it clearly points out sources mentioning Svear/Swedes from way before 800AD.


    Just thought I'd drop that in your lap and see where you run with it. :)


    It took me a couple of seconds to figure out where that long hair around your neck came from. First I thought its a creepy extra-long gravity-defying part of your beard thats growing over your shoulder down your back.



    I rofl'd at that, thanks! :D


    I did try growing my beard long for a while, but getting past that half-long really annoying state where it's practically hopeless to keep it in order was too tall an order for me.

  15. Brown eyes, never gotten a hangover, same with my pops. Still, Scandinavian heritage in general maybe? Kaine, got any idea about your family origins?


    Then again, my mothers side of the family have blue eyes and all have troubles (Staying away from, that is) with alcohol, so. *Shrug*

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