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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. AFAIK it's FPS costly to do, and bigger games avoid it for this reason. Picture-in-Picture is usually used for that, which means rendering something twice. 


    I do want to try and make this kind of scope in Arma 3 with RenderToTexture and see how it affects performance online



    I could easily imagine that it would be, but when modders do it successfully I tend to look at the bigger publishers and shake my head. They can use a simpler version for consoles instead.

    I've never noticed any drops when using the scopes though, so it ought to be able to compensate somehow. Would the computer really care what is behind the scope? It still has to render the same amount of pixels and textures, does'nt it?


    I think that Delta Force had separate zoom for its scopes, and thinking about it some more Battlezone did it aswell.


    I'm quite interested in knowing if you actually succeed with doing scopes like this for ARMA 3. :)

  2. I hate iron sights, when you shoot in reality your vision, eye movement, ability to move your head means you're not tunnelled down a scope or barrel like you're using a remote turret with a camera, the best representation is to not have iron sights. Of course on console FPS your FOV is so narrow in the first place your vision is already tunnelled quite a bit so people don't mind. Scopes are for zoom.


    Same here, what I also really hate about it is the zoom the majority of games apply to iron sights. There are far too few games that deal with scope the right way aswell, with just the lens of the scope as the zoom point. I can think of Outlaws and Red Orchestra 2 that got it right;


  3. Yep, I shoot muzzleloaders and I totally know what you mean, one shot and the barrel looks like a dirty chimney. Thank gods modern powder is much cleaner, modern powder combustion rate is around 98-99.5%. But it also has to do a lot with pressure, if you raise the pressure even blackpowder burns a lot cleaner. This can be seen in blackpowder cartridges which create more pressure than BP muzzleloaders.


    Then again, it is common knowledge that the majority of the power behind muzzleloaders comes from the fact that the bullet is simply that scared of someone with the balls to stand infront of a firing squad and is simply running away from him.



    I remember listening to a distant gun battle when I was a kid and thinking it sounded exactly like that, actually! :lol:



    Gun battle?! O.O

  4. So yeah, turned out that reinstalling my computer and fiddling about did'nt help ****. But turning off the computer. But... Turning off the switch for the extension cable, then holding down the power button for a minute and waiting a minute or two more solved it.


    Seriously, WTF? I'd never, ever, think something like that would be the solution. Especially since I could clearly see the connector light turn on when the network cable connector is seated. It did'nt even matter that I went into BIOS and turned off the onboard network card and then turned it on again. Nope. Unplug the computer and hold down the power switch.

  5. I'd offer up my Samsung MP3 player, but I suspect that'd break some Geneva convention about unusually cruel weapons. :p


    I'm currently using my mothers incredibly uncomfortable laptop while I'm reinstalling my main computer. For some inexplicable reason, after a crash, my network card... vanished. The computer hardware registers that the cable is in, but there is/was no communication with windows and the hardware manager could'nt find it, realteks driver installer could'nt find it, I found nothing about it on the net and as it is this is my only option.


    I'm hoping the card is'nt busted though, that'd be annoying as hell. I would'nt be surprised though if that was the case...

  6. I'm glad they didn't at my school. I don't think I'd have got any work done!


    Well... I did flunk... :p


    Do peeps still dress like that? I remember it was a big thing 10(?) or so years ago, but since then it was more and more drifting out of my viewpoint.


    Yeah, they're rareish though, but as you say, it was more popular around a decade ago, the time when I went to school. Awesome times, lovely friends... Awful music.

    I loved the visual style, but I'll pass the vampire stuff. Still can't stand Blutengel and similar music. Or vampire stuff. :p

  7. blowfish encryption is the best. But you need an identical codecard on either side


    As for legalisation of drugs, I disagree with you bruce. For easy to produce drugs like alcohol, tobacco or weed, yes. Because these cannot be effectively banned. one of those three isn't even that harmful (the weed)

    But harddrugs as they're called here, should remain banned. Coke and Meth destroys lives.

    It's also been shown that a secure supply of softdrugs prevents 'gateway' behaviour to heavier drug use.

    (Though it's been shown that Alcohol, not weed, does function as a gateway drug. But good luck banning something every person with yeast, sugar and water can make.)



    It's not only the problem that it's easy to produce, the problem is that noone really views alcohol as problematic since it's "always" been there and everyone uses it.

    Opiates, cannabis and 'shrooms are much less used and does'nt have the cultural background, so even if some are less dangerous both in long term and short term you can easilly ban their use. There would be public uproar, murder, mayhem, jaywalking, riots and revolution if there ever was a ban on alcohol.


    And weeds does actually have some effect on your lungs and throat, though comparatively mild effects and TBC can cause psychosis in some people with tendencies for mental health problems. So it's not harmless, but it is much less dangerous than normal alcohol.

  8. We had a PnP session tonight, and that friend wich has "some" issues being on time was supposed to drive me home tonight.


    He said he should be there quite late(And we'd started without him, as was agreed), 8.45pm he tells us that he's too tired and won't make it.


    Great fun, I asked another guy who was there and had a car if he could give me a ride home instead, he proceeds to whinge about how he's tired and has to go up early tomorrow and drive his dad, and so on. I had to jump on a train, wich is great "fun", and then had to walk from the nearest trainstation home, roughly 8 kilometres (Or 4371,6 Montes if you will) in pissing rain while wearing a hoodie and thin cloth pants.


    I'm pretty certain, but waiting for verification, that my "oh so tired" friend actually stayed until roughly 2am when we usually end our sessions (So most of the others can go to work).


    I must've gone to the Finnish version of your school. :p


    I had to hit thirty before I understood that sometimes in the long term its better to stay home than go to work.



    Hahaha! Atleast you managed to make it out of that, while I'm still stuck in the black hole that is unemployment. :)


    I've never felt real want to not go to work, whenever I've had one, no matter how bad the job itself was - but I've never worked in an office, and I've always had great people to work with. I'd probably had gone ballistic though, if I had been subjected to something like you were, but I've been raised to have this sort of... naive and childishly absolute loyalty to my employer.


    Onwards! For the EMPLOYER!

  10. I've done that myself, it was called 3'd year of school. I was about to kill my teacher for wanting to send me back one year for failing PhysEd.


    Does'nt help that he and my father used to beat the living crap out of eachother when they were kids, and have hated eachother since then. Once I got him as a teacher and he learnt who my father was, my grades mysteriously fell from A and B to D's and F's (Not certain about the grading scale, but from very high to very low anyway).


    Word against word and ****loads of nepotism in that school, so I'm never getting that fixed.

  11. Took a mental health day.


    Bit late for that, is'nt it? :D


    I've never heard of such a thing, you just called in sick or something?

    Euphemism! That was the bloody word! Is it that?

  12. I am now picturing Obsidian employees fleeing from small change being thrown at them by hordes of fans.



    Completely related; My PnP group once got accosted by beggars that wanted our spare change, to the point of us being so angry at them that we went to the bank, exchanged some of our moneyz into copper pennies stored them in our mental magical containers and then proceeded to dump 65 tonnes of copper coins ontop of them. Greedy bastards.


    Needless to say, we felt pretty damn good about ourselves afterwards.

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  13. Is that Bismark in the middle. lols. 


    By the way you should be careful, the emperor doesn't have a sense of humor and will happily fine or imprison you over a painting.


    In the grimdarkness of Russian future, there is only *BLAM* and no fine or prison.

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