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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. I smell something rotten and disgusting 



    From a post in that thread;


    As we discussed a couple threads ago this is purely to mimic the porting and memory allocations that are available in the next gen consoles without having to do anything with the actual engine. It is a useless limit for sure.


    I think that the sales of RAM modules will spike this month, rather than CoD sales going down. But I'm just guessing.

    • Like 1
  2. My woodworking teacher I had in school was so touchy feely that the majority of the guys changed to sewing class instead, including me, and the girls went to woodworking class and wore low cut tops and passed with B's and A's.

    Then again, the sewing class teacher was hot. And really flirty. >_<


    Somehow, he's still employed there.

  3. you know, I've heard and seen this come up a bunch of times, and I don't think it's true


    When you break up an asteroid into a lot of tiny little pieces, you increase the surface area by such a large amount, that I believe it would burn up a significantly larger portion of the meteorite in the atmosphere, rather than if you can one big chunk with a limited surface area.



    Thing is, you're not going to be able to determine beforehand if your impact is going to turn it into essentially dust, or if you're just going to blow off some 30% of it or whatever. Sure, if you can turn an asteroid into gravel, that'd be awesome. But at best, you're going to turn it into a slightly smaller impact that'll still be a killer.

  4. When i was a kid I had a problem with needles. But when I was ... I guess 16/17 I decided enough was enough.


    I was in for some travel inoculations and a blood sample. I forced myself to watch every single instant of the process, eyes not wavering one millimetre.


    Cured me instantly. What bothered me was needles in the abstract. In reality the whole thing is fascinating. That realisation changed the abstract and hey presto!


    I'm happy for you, for me it just won't let go. I can't stand it, feeling the needle going through the skin and then moving around underneath it. And this is despite having hundreds of bloodsamples drawn and shots taken.

  5. Was put under for when I tore open my leg and had to sew it together, also for an endoscopy and before getting my tetanus shot. I was quite unruly all those times.


    Does fainting when taking a bloodsample count? >_>'

    • Like 1



    Bugbear tries to kickstart their next demolition derby game. I must say that their demo video looks quite good

    The problem with Bugbear's games is that they are pretty short on content. I did like Rally Trophy and the first Flatout, especially RT, but I saw everything they had to offer in just a few evenings.


    Maybe this one gets a bit more to play if it's kickstarter succeeds.



    I want it, looks nice and the first game was great. But has anyone seen or heard them mention anything about DRM? I'm not putting money in if it's going to be on Steam only.



    What happened to year 2000? Did all women beam over to Venus that year without me noticing?



    Y2K happened.  All the computers rose up and started killing people and burning down houses.  It took the entire year and countless lives to put down the rebellion of the machines.  Don't you remember?



    No, I was 15 at the time, I've suppressed those years memories - I'll take your word for it.

  8. but but but, aren't we all friends here?  ;( look how many of us are interested! 


    Aww! :<


    I would'nt have minded playing with americans or people from other places in the world, but you always want to be so "special" and insist on having your evening when it's either night or morning over here. If you just adjust your days inline with our and there would'nt be a problem! ^^

  9. I'm torn. It does look great, the premise is lovely. But it's Ubisoft, and the simple fact that it initially was'nt even mentioned coming to PC makes me think it'll be pretty **** control wise. Even though that might just have been some PR **** going on, because PC gamers are unbelievably gullible.

    Also, what with all the F2P gimmicks and such going on, I'm not holding much hope for them not doing bad decisions there aswell.


    And I'm a pessimist overall. And it's not World of Warcraft, Star Wars nor does it presumably have vampires in it, so I won't be able to get my friends interest. :(

  10. When I clicked in on the thread, I felt that something was wrong, not quite right... and then it hit me.


    Random Video Game News.








    I'm not highlighting journos for argument's sake, it's just I've never played one second of an Assassin's Creed game, but I want a fun day one title on PS4. Rumor is Target is having a Buy Two, Get One Free deal on next-gen games during launch week ... if so, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Killzone Shadowfall, and perhaps Black Flag.


    Ars made it sound like, if you've played AC games before, Black Flag is kinda bland and samey, with terrible AI. IGN made it sound like a big-ass oceanic sandbox game, that improved a lot over previous editions.  


    Wich page has the most ads for the game? ;D

  11. Bill Shatner is the best.  These days it's intentional comedy, but he is still the Undisputed Heavyweight Unintentional Comedy Champion of the World:


    Oh dear... is it bad that I feel ashamed on his behalf? >_<

  12. If I hear that joke from people I make a point of saying that type of humour is unacceptable and not funny.


    To you maybe, but I'd rather not take something and make it "untouchable" in that way. It'll just give the opposition more fuel for their fires.

    And deprive the rest of us some good laughs! ;)


    A classic for you;


    You know what the difference is between a black guy and a basketball?

    You're not allowed to kick the basketball.


    For me Mass Effect does not. Brütal Legend was interesting, but severly lacking in gameplay. I don't have an opinion on the Battlefield series as a whole as it does not interest me; same goes for Dead Space.

    Dragon Age: Origins on the other hand, I completed four times. I believe it could have been better. Especially some of the writing that railroads characters too much, forcing responses onto them that can be completly out of character, just so that specific npcs can be forced to play the role the writers envision (Wise Wynne...). But that didn't stop me from finishing it with a human noble (twice), a city elf, a daelish elf, a mage...



    I liked ME1, the rest of the series went down the ****ter in both writing and gameplay in my opinion. The Battlefield games were awesome when they were released, and I don't remember any other shooters wich had as good gameplay as they did. Dead Space and Brütal Legend were'nt my cup of tea, but close to everyone I've spoken with that have played them have given them very high marks.


    I completed Origins a few times aswell, and I agree with your assessment that it could have been better, but it's solid for what it is.


    Also Alice Madness Returns is another game from EA that was very entertaining



    True, that one totally slipped my mind! :)


    Edit; The deparment of Redundancy departments clerks came to fix something.

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