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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Not before they release Beyond Good and Evil 2, after that, I don't much care what happens to them.


    (Though Watch Dogs is shaping up to look pretty impressive)


    But tell me, aside from sports games, which I could not care less about, what was the last qualitatively good game EA released?



    Does any of these; Battlefield 2142, Dead Space, Dragon Age; Origins, Brütal Legend or Mass Effect qualify?

    • Like 1
  2. Getting increasingly depressed while there's seemingly no reason for it. Getting stuck in that "everything is meaningless" detachment is no fun. I wonder if I have some sort of chemical imbalance. How would one go about figuring that out? Can doctors tell if you have a chemical imbalance?


    Sorry to hear that, but you should'nt worry quite yet I think.. As Ros said, If it keeps at it for a longer time you should go see a psychiatrist though, but before any of that; Maybe try mixing things up a bit? Might just be that you're getting subconciously bored by being to routine?


    Also, any chemical "balance" in your brain is what causes you to feel things, so... yeah, you could say it's chemical imbalance. ;)


    "I'm NOT drunk! I'm chemically unbalanced!"

  3. .......

    I drink my tea with milk only.  I'm a softy. 


    Pfft. I have tea in my milk. I'm a wuss.


    Come to think of it, I'm going to try and have some mead in my tea tonight... Honey in tea is nice afterall.

  4. I'm holding high hopes for Russia at the moment. They've got tank racing. Tank. Racing. Do you know how long the step to Death Race is from there?

    Do something good with all those surplus guns you've been hoarding, instead of selling them to rebels and turdflies all over the world!


    They've already got a government so corrupt and the amount of crazy billionaire mobsters that they can go for it. Just let a mobster buy an old complex (Russian government has already sold military bunkers before, so hell, it's not that far off) or something of that sort, big in size though - that's important - and start building a massive prison out of it, build a racetrack on the grounds and get some internet cables pulled there, then mine the hell out of the area surrounding the prison; Voila! Let criminals build monstercars with guns and then have the various criminals duke it out for their freedom while livestreaming to the internet!


    Save us from bad reality TV!

    Please, Mother Russia, you're my only hope! :(

    • Like 2
  5. It just started here now, but not to bad yet. I'll probably be sleeping before it starts proper. I've made a decision to stay away from the news media for an undeterminable amount of time (Retaining my sanity and not popping another nosebleed) so I have no clue how it's affected people.

  6. No this one was about a baity Austrian fellow with one testicle who had his dreams of being an artist thwarted by War.


    Actually, put like this it sounds like the kind of thing they'd invent to win a Palm D'Or.



    That sounds quite nice, is it based on a true story?


    And what would you recommend to drink to be able to watch that movie?

  7. Came home from work in a storm. Reading now that a Class 3 warning is issued. Thanks a lot, Not So Great Britain! All trains are cancelled and it was dark as night at 3pm. I hate the fall.


    Decided to have some fun at work and scare the kids. They weren't looking forward to the storm, even less so when I was done.


    Told them the wind would blow away their eyebrows and they fell for it. A girl told her mother, which made me laugh like a luntatic.


    You evil, evil man.


    I love that. :D


    Nothing near me so far, I've been waiting for it and it's only been a little bit of rain and some light breeze. No actual winds yet, at all.


     When he saw it was me that ordered a beer, he dropped the glass in his hand in shock! :)


    Why? He didn't expect you? ..


    Also damn, you know it's Scandinavia when it's 5:10pm and completly dark..



    Heh, I think it was the second time I ever went into a bar, and he knows it. Oh, and it was the first time he saw me without a beard in ten years, that did'nt help. I think he got a flashback to the teens. ;)


    The bouncer interrogated me for two minutes about my ID...


    I hate daylight savings, it's the year 2013... we don't have to rely on sunlight for work nor candles! How about letting people get a few minutes of sunlight after work instead? :/

  9. Man I wish I could've gone out last night, I got 3 text from a friend, the manager and a bartender of the bar asking where the hell I was.. haha, you know you're a regular when that happens.


    Hahaha! I've had the opposite reaction, I went to a bar where the bartender was a longtime friend of mine. When he saw it was me that ordered a beer, he dropped the glass in his hand in shock! :)

    • Like 2
  10. Apparently the god damn stuttering issues with the DX:HR directors cut are because of the DRM.


    Thanks again, useless DRM mechanics.


    Is it that Windows 8.1 **** that was reported to happen to DXHR and Call of Pripyat among others?



  11. "Buy Anvil Aeospace Hornet! Keeps you safe as long as the person hunting you is the worst shot in the galaxy!"


    I'm so torn about that game. I want it, and I don't want any online ****e, so getting the game will get me an hamstringed experience because I'm pretty damn certain that they will make the game fully expecting you to keep it online.

  12. They should give Aliens to Telltale to make a game in the style of The Walking Dead. With their writing and comparatively cheap production plus the Aliens name they'd make so much money.


    I'd rather have a direct copy of Colonial Marines. With the bugs, crashes plus added Games for Windows Live, Steam, Starforce and hardcoded mouse acceleration and lefthanded controls. :p

    • Like 1
  13. Bruce Lee vs. Clint Eastwood is awesome aswell; "I'd beat you in round two, but that'd be unbelievable - no one in your family ever lives to see a sequel." Youwch!

    Sinatra vs. Mercury is great too!


    Something I'd like to see would be Carl Sagan vs. Neil Degrasse Tyson!

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