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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. Today I've started planning a 4-day winter-hike/camping trip to the top of our highest mountain, the Grossglockner (~3800m) for mid-January. Turns out I need to upgrade my equipment for such trip, I need better climbing-snowshoes, a new jacket and a sleeping bag for temperatures below -30 Celsius, two ice picks and a new cooker and a portable snow shovel. I hope my Christmas bonus is big enough so I can afford all that essential stuff.


    The biggest problem however is not the money but finding somebody who accompanies me on that trip. Going alone would be too dangerous and all of my friends don't feel able enough for that climb in winter conditions. :(


    I'll be sure to be thinking about you, when I'm sitting infront of my fireplace with warm cocoa. ;)

    • Like 1
  2. Genetics are funny in that way. For example, we share up to 50% of our DNA with a banana :)


    But i can't help wondering on how he didn't know that he had a black ancestor? 



    Hmm... Illegitimate child perhaps? And maybe noone in his family saw fit to tell him about it, because they did'nt think it relevant?


    14% ain't much, but it's enough to put a black eye on a white supremacist.

  3. I'm pretty sure the ending shenanigans wouldn't been anything next to apocalypse the talimancers would have raised if Tali would have looked like that :p



    That would've been awesome, would've been really nice to show the shallowness of people that way. ;)


    Then again, Bioware would've had to hire Secret Service (SS? Really? XD) for protection. You don't get between a nerd and his fapping!

  4. What? And get my hands dirty? Such nonsense!


    Militant! Make ready the troops; Voidmaster; Order the crafts to make ready, Master of Gunnery prepare the batteries and be ready for orders!


    Seneschal, will you take care of the rest please, I've got a fine dining ready and waiting for me that I must attend, important guests; You know.

  5. My wife wants to get an Audi or a BMW but I'm not a big fan


    Porsche and Land Rover are the go to midlife-crisis-and/or-douchebag-mobiles here in Denver


    I have a hybrid but I refuse to eat soy paste and wear birkenstocks*



    *unless they are certified organic, sustainably grown, cruelty free, and ethically made


    Oh god it's happening!


    Instead of driving a hybrid laden with batteries, you could just continue to run your old car instead. Don't know if it's still valid to be honest, but batteries are horribly toxic to the environment, not to mention that you spend alot of energy to build a new car. So you get to choose between toxicity in the environment, or greenhouse gases. Yay.

    Still, this could've been made better the last few years, but I'm pessimistic enough to very much doubt it.


    I wish they could've gone and made ethanol production more efficient personally, best use of alcohol ever. :)

  6. It's all smoke and mirrors. You guys are so easily manipulated that Tzeench wins by default. Change is inevitable.



    Well, ofcourse, you can't just stick to one drug, one position or one tune for that matter. Variation is good, it's niiiiice. :yes:

  7. :banghead::aiee:




    Furry (pl furries) - people who identify with and/or dress up as anthopomorphic animals


    Furrier (pl furriers) - One whose occupation is the dressing, designing, selling, cleaning, or repairing of furs




    Jawohl, mein furrier!







    This explains so much! ;P

    • Like 1
  8. Latest update on kickstarter:


    Hey Everyone!

    We just want to send out a quick update to share some good news. Thanks to a new agreement we were able to negotiate with our partners at Microsoft, Harebrained Schemes is pleased to announce that we are now able to release fully DRM-free versions of Shadowrun Returns and future expansions such as Berlin.

    The DRM-free versions of SRR and Berlin will continue to be fully supported. You'll be able to download all game patches, use the Shadowrun Returns editor and experience user-generated content downloaded from third-party sites such as Nexus.

    We’re starting work to get Shadowrun Returns available on GOG.com right now - not sure how long that will take but we’ll let you know as soon as we have an answer.

    We’re very excited we’re finally able to offer Shadowrun DRM-free to everyone and look forward to making it available!

    Take care,



    YES! YES! YES!


    I'm getting my wallet.


    ...After I fill it with moneh.


    "Combat intensive" - *sigh*


    While I think it'd be great if we went away from this too, the legacy of BioWare's games has always been very combat intensive.



    If I had'nt associated "combat intensive" with the arcadey style of combat myself, I would'nt have as much of a problem with it. I get push A for Awesome vibes.

    I much preferred DAO's slower style.


    And DAO not hideous artstyle. It was plain, perhaps, but you could look upon it without disdain.

    • Like 4

    Sex and alcohol make you happier than kids and religion


    Kids are said to fill our lives with poignancy and inexplicable joy, yet it appears many parents would rather be tossing back some bourbon and rolling around in their skivvies than taking care of their beloved offspring. A new study by Carsten Grimm from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand has found people rate sex as the top activity that brings them happiness, followed by drinking alcohol or "partying." Caring for kids (yawn) fell down the list at number five. God also got the cold shoulder, with people rating meditating and religion at number four



    This is good science, and I approve!

  11. I should say that my impression is based primarily on the degree to which drivers pay attention to pedestrians while in a relatively urban environment.  Highway behavior might well be very different.  The Land Rover drivers that I most often find myself at odds with tend to be trophy wives looking for parking spots near the nail salon. 



    Land Rovers are really rare around my parts, I've only seen one, and it was modified for extreme terrain driving and used as an tractor more than an car really. I live on the countryside and the most common car here is just a normal roadcar, the only exception is my uncles King Cab.


    When in town here, you're not able to actually get anywhere near the shops with a car, you have to walk there really. Small town and all. But when I was working in Gothenburg I lost track of how many times they did something insane; Like ignore the warning lights on our truck.


    Ironically, the most careful people on the road here are the racers... They atleast try to make certain they're alone on the road or block the road before trying some crazy stuff.

  12. As somebody who lives in a town inundated with luxury vehicles*, it is my opinion that the Luxury-SUV-Wanker-Factor is highest with Land Rovers.  Particularly Land Rovers with "Diplomat" license plates. 


    *  I have, at various times, tried to make little metrics of this, for example, by comparing the number of Mercedes versus the number of Fords I encounter while walking home.  Another shorthand illustration I use in making this point is that my house is within walking distance of a Bentley dealership. 



    P.S., I drive a 2001 Corolla.  And the most lesbian car is a Subaru Forrester. 



    Really? Over here, the Wanker factor is universally the highest amongst Porsche owners, then it moves down to Audi/BMW tie, with the SUV owners being the king of the hill of the respective brands. Merc owners are owners of pizza shops here, and they're pretty nice guys actually!


    The best drivers here are owners of old yankee cars. Probably because any turn is associated with mortal danger. ;)


    I don't agree about the Forester, I'd say Suzuki Samurai.


    I don't drive it, but I have a Volvo Amazon (Volvo 121) - the only sexier Volvo is the 1800 (If you've seen The Saint, Roger Moore version).



    ^ A friend of mine died in an accident driving a Porsche Cayenne on the German Autobahn. With 200 km/h he hit another car while trying to overtake, hit a guardrail which made the car roll itself into oblivion. The sunroof opened during the roll overs and the centrifugal forces forced him through the sunroof, he got stuck there and the heavy car rolled over his head and torso a couple of  times. His friend on the passenger seat who used the seatbelt was unharmed. 

    The moral of the story: Use seatbelts! And sunroofs suck. And last but not least: avoid accidents. DUH!


    What I did today; I chopped firewood. All day long. And then I chopped some more firewood.... *groan*


    Sorry about your friend, but I can't believe someone in this day and age would drive without a seatbelt. Getting rolled over by an SUV ought to do it, damn...


    It's saved my life several times.


    I had to stop chopping by hand, and use the hydraulic splitter instead. The religious neighbours hated seeing my semi nude self chopping wood, when they had their singalong-BS-for-youth. Was a bit of an self confidence injection to turn around and see three teen girls stare at me (When I had just turned 18, and was fit).

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