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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. What the hell does "lesbian car" even mean?  That it dates other cars?  WTF?


    I guess this is some sort of weird twist on the car as a status symbol - now it "tells people who you are, really" or some ****?



    It does work fairly well actually. You can be pretty certain that a person driving a Porche Cayenne is one MASSIVE wanker. They seem to act like they own the road because they're in a Porsche SUV...

  2. You like ''The Brick''?  :w00t:




    The Volvo 245/745 series? Hell. Yes.

    The turbo version is awesome, and my father and I have had some awesome amounts of fun with his one, drilled (Bore from 96 to 96.3) B230 engine with a 531 cylinder head with widened ports, 9:1 compression (For E85), piano wire in the block, rebalanced everything, sharpened cam, lightened flywheel, Garrett turbo (Can't remember the exact make, but good for 400-500 HP) Detroit-diff and an reinforced M90.


    8.788s/139KM/h on 200 metres dragrace.


    We lose alot of time in the shifting, the M90 gearbox has ****ty ratios and pop has'nt gotten the shifts down perfectly. We should be able to push under 8 with a better gearbox and better shifts.

    Also, we could lighten the car, pull seats and whatnot, but it's his normal day to day car aswell, so that's really not much of an option. ;)

  3. Well, it's some numbnut that has no perception of history, and presumably never had a familymember fight in the war. And he's wearing a kilt and bagpipe aswell. I was first going to post the video of the leader of the Swedish Democrat party getting a facefull of cake, but, there was no good video of it.

  4. So, I may be getting a Volvo V70 instead of a truck of any kind.


    One of my friends is declaring I shouldn't get it beceause it's a "Lesbian" car, but I'm thinking more along my dads lines in that it's a "Family" car.


    As a Swede and an Volvo enthusiast... it's a useless, crappy, overprised, crappy, capricious car, depending on exact model you can't use a spare tyre for more than some 20km before it eats up the differential and it's crappy.


    I'm not biased one bit towards the older models, not one bit. :p


    If you get hold of an R version it actually does become a semi-fun car to drive. Still FWD though. And the above statements still stands.


    Never would I pay a thousand euros for a game as bad as Witcher, pirated or not. The reasonable thing would be to ask for 50 euros. Then I'd be like "ok, you caught me, here you go". Thousand? Not gonna happen.


    I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen.



    Yes, copyright infringement is totally equal to actual robbing and stealing. Totally.

    • Like 2
  6. That's good to hear Walsh! :)


    I'm quite envious of your sleep actually, the last few days I've been getting very little, because everyone and their mother have woken me up hours before I was ready to. Really damn annoying to be honest, not to mention tiring.



    ...wife threw a bit o' a do fer me last night (40th is tomorrow), so had a few cold ones wit' friends fer the first time in a while...gettin' borin' in me ol' age, apparently...more's the pity... :p



    ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...


    Happy birthday! :)

    • Like 1

    You mean oby's not a high ranking history professor? ;(



    Hahaha! Yeah, who would've thunk it?! ^^


    Just would've hoped he could've actually put some effort into it, since in Swedish "Svear" is the old word for "Svensk(Swedish)". Any person calling himself king from the Svear tribe, is per definition a Swedish king. Swedes are'nt called Goths/"Götar" since that tribe got their arses kicked, by Svear. From Svealand.


    Little bit of a case of "What it says on the tin" here. :)

    • Like 1
  8. I bought an issue of PC Gamer (UK). I quickly realised why I hadn't done that in ten years or so.

    I wish journalists who want to sound fancy would first figure out what those fancy words mean, before they use them.


    I'm a longtime subscriber to the Swedish version, something wich will be coming to a halt soon. They're trying to act "mature", try to do original articles without actually making proper research and have lost their sense of humor.

    It's funny that the magazine was much more mature before they tried to be...


    And about Sweden... I cant find Sweden on maps even in XII century. How they can invited Swede in 862 AD if in this time nor Sweden, nor Sweden people yet not exist?




    By the way Oby, far be it from me to question your deductive/reading skills, but there are letters making up words on that map, and they say "Svear", "Götar" and "Gotland (Land of the Gutar)". Just for the hell of it, I typed it into wikipedia to see if the english version would recognize it;





    Svear and Swedes are names for the same thing... And it clearly points out sources mentioning Svear/Swedes from way before 800AD.


    Just thought I'd drop that in your lap and see where you run with it. :)


    It took me a couple of seconds to figure out where that long hair around your neck came from. First I thought its a creepy extra-long gravity-defying part of your beard thats growing over your shoulder down your back.



    I rofl'd at that, thanks! :D


    I did try growing my beard long for a while, but getting past that half-long really annoying state where it's practically hopeless to keep it in order was too tall an order for me.

  11. Brown eyes, never gotten a hangover, same with my pops. Still, Scandinavian heritage in general maybe? Kaine, got any idea about your family origins?


    Then again, my mothers side of the family have blue eyes and all have troubles (Staying away from, that is) with alcohol, so. *Shrug*

  12. You just haven't hit 30 yet.  Enjoy :)



    My mother's 54 and she still never gets hangovers, and boy... she does drink alot. Probably could take drink Ros and Kaine under the table after each other and wake up at 9 the morning after without any sign of headache. :p


    I've read or heard somewhere that it's in the genes, but I'm usually to busy to feel ashamed about stuff the day after to feel if I have an headache...

    • Like 1
  13. I'm just going to point out that you don't need to be that stringent about the amount of water, don't force yourself to drink too much because that'll probably cause feel like vomiting. Just drink until you feel it's enough, any amount will help.


    It's best to drink some extra fluids while you are partying. :)

  14. I liked WoW best before the Honor Kill patch. At that time there was so much socializing around and much more mature communication, after that the server started to fill up with jerks or more like the people started to behave that way. I was playing on PvP server from start, but before the Honor patch, there was the nice feel of danger everywhere. After Honor Patch, there was the feel, "who's gonna corpse camp me now"... Which ruined one part of WoW for me, but right after that, I joined a guild, and a new possibilities opened up. I ended, with my guild on a server, where Nihilum was playing (the wolrd first dudes) so this brought a lot of jerks as well, but communication outside of guild was pretty common, and finding a PuGs was never hard, even without dungeon finder. Then they added cross realm for it and it became boring. It pretty made even guild chat more silent. No one needed anyone else besides big raids and achievement farming... yeah, became bored a lot. I bought Cataclysm, but haven't even activated my serial key after that... sighs, never touched Pandaria


    Mirror imaged essentially. I was on Earthen Ring RP from the beginning though, so the HK patch actually helped things a little in my case, because suddenly people were interested in PvP in a whole 'nother way.

    I can easilly believe how the mood would've changed on an PvP server though.


    Never bought Cata though, but it was a close call for a while.

  15. It's something those in long-term guilds may not come to realise for a good while. By late 2005 I'd joined a raiding guild and more or less left the public channels forever. In early 2007 I accidentally ended up co-leading a new guild and became even more isolated from the 'outside', apart from recruiting exercises. It wasn't until about 2011, near the point where I quit for good, that, as an experiment, I started up a new character on a 'local' (i.e. Oceanic) server and went 1-85, somehow never communicating with a single other person. Granted, I didn't even try to talk to anyone myself, but when last in that sort of situation, more than half a decade prior, there'd be no shortage of people initiating some sort of contact (random pop-ups to join someone's random guild don't count).


    I did more or less zero PvP in my last four years of playing so I can't say anything about that.


    When you factor in Phasing into that... double-whammy. Alot of people can't even see your toon, just because you finished a questchain - hence you can't even go back to help people. Wich was really annoying on a RPPvP server where we were starting anew. I got corpsecamped and eventually asked for help; Noone in the channel that was interested in helping out and my friends could'nt even see me when they came there... Great stuff.


    I remember Barrens general chat. Hot damn, there was alot of chatting going on. 'Course that was also because it was such an annoying place, but it was bearable because of social interactions there. Hell, you even got HELP from PEOPLE! You did'nt have to tab out to look at guides back then...


    They've really succeeded in taking the Massive out of their MMO.


    I did Wow for half an hour and Guildwars for about 6 month. That is the grand total of my MMO experience. 


    Although come to think of it now I'm playing Path of Exile. The first thing I did was turn off all the channels, there was nothing going on there except various spams. I wonder if that dynamic could be changed if there was no economy and no incentive to farm. There would just be a practical need to work together as a team. 


    Possibly, you could get guild recruitment spam and such though, but yeah. Removing the opportunity to trade would help with that bit.

  16. I have just remembered another gripe about World of Warcraft. It's lost the community.


    Something that actually bothered me when they first introduced the crossrealm dungeon/raidfinder, was that people stopped socializing on the server. You never had a chance to build up a reputation on the server as being a competent player, good person or funny. There was nothing of it, all the channels were dead besides the oafs that noone wanted to listen to and goldfarmer spam, so that did'nt compensate for anything. You rarely had the chance to meet an interesting person while pugging because they all came from different servers and you could'nt reliably start guilds or anything similar.


    That goes double for PvP! You never really get to find build up any form of relationship with the other faction on the server either, even with the open BG areas. You never really find your nemesis or such either.

    Though, people having to wait 30 minutes for a BG was'nt fun either, especially if there was a steamroll waiting to come down on them.

    My opinion on this is somewhat screwed though, since I played on an PvE server, where the alliance players usually came over to chat/whinge and plead to get some scores.


    We did steamroll through Arathi Basin 99% of the time, wich often led to the Alliance staying in their base sulking or going fishing. Wich in turn led to us running around naked inviting them to get some free HK's atleast...

    Or us jumping into AB fighting an Alliance premade. In dresses. And winning. xD


    TL/DR, Crossrealm killed WoW for me.

    • Like 2
  17. I always want to get into WoW but the graphics and the players always turn me off by level 20 or so


    I've recieved roughly 80 text messages today from my RL friends trying to get me back into the game, that's the real danger in that game. Not that you get hooked yourself, but that you either drag your friends into it with you or they drag you into it.


    I've never had problems with the graphics or art-style of vanilla WoW, I actually loved Eastern Kingdoms style. What really got to me was the ridiculously ugly and silly gear that came later on in the expansions, and to a small extent in the late vanilla times when Ahn'Quiraj and Zul'Gurub with it's semi-organic stuff came along.


    The players really can be an annoyance though, can't argue with that. The memories that are flooding back are... interesting to say the least, especially when my friends and I decided to start on a new server... where it seemed all the rejects had gathered.

  18. The secret to a clear conscience is a bad memory.


    Thanks for the spelling correction, that one was really bad, even for me. :S


    I always had a bad case of moral hangovers, until I realize that everyone actually needs to see you screw up once in a while. Now I always go for what will make a great story.. 'Cause the people we tend to love the most, are people we've seen in situations we hope never to be in ourselves.. Be stupid, you only have one chance and it's usually a lot better to regret what you've done that what you've missed.


    The moral of the story, you convinced me to drink tequila tonight. ;)


    tThe problem is... I also feel ashamed for my friends actions. I've seen my friends do things that are ludicrously embarrassing... but I feel worse about it than they do. >_<

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  19. I wish I had a memory blank from when I had that much to drink... It's close to ten years, and I still cringe and feel shame. I wonder how my mates manage doing worse things than I did and keep a clear conciense.

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