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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. I'm damn annoyed by all the commercials on just about every Youtube video, get's annoying and it's a big reason why I stopped watching TV.

    I'm glad that I never got on the facebook idea, and never had to worry about it. Kind of annoyed that facebook and twitter seemingly has killed some forums I used to attend though.

  2. Hey, I know it's hard being the underdog and inferiour in every way, but that's no excuse for insulting our glorious language or numbersystem..


    Now give me 5 3halfdusins pushups!


    Hehehe, I remember the first time I was in Fredrikshavn, I was pretty young and had never met or spoken to a dane before, but my uncle reassured me that it was easy to understand them. Walked around the town and got hungry for a hotdog and saw a stand with a cute girl manning it, went up and ordered myself two hotdogs wich she prepared, no problem understanding her questions or anything.

    She handed me the dogs and told me it'd cost 54 kroner. In Danish ofcourse.

    I stared at her in shock, pure shock, so pure shock that she could'nt stop laughing and gave me the dogs for free. \o/

    • Like 3
  3. How do you figure?  Each state in the US is very different, with separate constitutions.  Size wise they also are more comparative to countries than districts.  I would expect most Europeans could label California, Alaska, Texas, and maybe a few of the Eastern seaboard states.


    You all speak the same language, have essentially the same cultural background and history. If I travel 150km west I end up in a country without human speech OR undertsandable counting method.


    Detailed explanation; http://satwcomic.com/just-a-number

    • Like 2
  4. Same as South Africa, you need a license for all pets



    But, why? It does'nt make any sence. It's not like you have to get a license for a child even, and they're the same thing. Feed them, make sure they poop in the right places, and if they misbehave you drown them.

    • Like 3
  5. Had that thing, where you don't want to sleep, because sleep is like dying. Up, now. Really just cannot be arsed to go into work.


    This 'shop floor' time is ****ing ruining me as a manager, long term. I'm never going to be able to honestly discipline anyone ever again.


    "Simpkins, you're late!"


    "I know, sir."


    "I know, too, Simpkins. Here's a fiver. Just go to the pub, will you?"


    How very English of you!

  6. From what I've been told of my genealogy from my family, and what little I remember of it, is that my fathers side of the family has some walloon blood, but is otherwise as far as I remember from Sweden. It's also ridiculously large, my grandmother is one out of thirteen siblings, wich each has an average of ten kids, with an average of 6 kids with her being the weird one with only two and two...


    On my mothers side, my grandmother is from Finland, came here during the war, while my grandfathers family has been from around here for pretty much eternity.


    So, yeah...

  7. Today I did an outline for a paper. Putting it off till tomorrow because I work best under pressure.


    The plot thickens.

    A bit off-topic, but I sort of feel sorry for whatever bloke has to sort through all of the porn usage. I'm sure some things would drive a normal man mad.



    They'll just go to /d/ and hire someone, problem solved. ;)


    Found my old lego and got this strange urge to build something, might actually do that later.

  8. Also not a river in Egypt:


    Wisła  :p


    Back to the subject of Dragon Age.  From the video, it seems they're sticking with two-handed sword/axe/maul and long/broadsword or hand axe and shield for fighters.  So, likely no spear?  Not even just Dragon Age, but a lot of RPGs, and just fantasy games in general, are sticking with sword, axe, and mace/hammer mostly.  Why do they gotta be hatin' on spears?  Can a gamer get a spear up in this piece?



    **** envy?


    Or just cost, you could possibly use the staff animations for spearfighting, but that's likely to end up looking a bit silly at times.


    I miss weapons like halberds aswell, they're sorely lacking from every game out there except Mount and Blade really.

    I wish games could have more detailed and realistic handling of swords and such aswell, using the entire sword, edge, hilt and point instead of just hacking like they're chopping wood or flynning about. Proper swordfights actually look way cooler than the flynning kind we usually see.


    If anyone else has been following, the Mayor of Toronto admitted to smoking crack.

    Probably a shocking surprise for many :p


    It's really weird how we can hear so much about what some fat bastard is doing with his own time and money, while I heard just now how youth sports organizers want to remove scoring from football for players under the age of 12.

    Now that's something that can really damage future peoples lives...

  10. I'd have gone if it was'nt for the fact that I live in Sweden, value my life, and more importantly that I have no constitution. :p

    You call this life? You're only alive when you're at least 6 feet under 3500 meters above sea level, knee deep in snow, climbing a 45° slope with icicles hanging off you beard so long you could use them as climbing sticks! Everything else is just mere ''existence''.   :aiee:  :wowey: [/fanatic]

    (I'm only half joking)



    Haha! Highest I've been above sealevel in my life is some 500 metres, in a Cessna! ;)

    Kneedeep in snow, with icicles coming of my beard is what I get when fetching firewood! (On a really cold, proper, winter that is.)

    If anything, life is sitting on the middle of the lake ice, by drilled holes - waiting for the fish to bite, sitting absolutely still and quiet and listening to the wind and ice...


    I probably would love to do mountain climbing, if it was'nt for the fact that I have really bad health, most importantly a bad stomach, and don't want to stay away from modern... facilities, if I can help it. :)

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