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Posts posted by Azdeus

  1. I got a tooth removed, it was nothing spectacular, it was over before I knew it though it bled a little afterwards and hurt like mother of god for about 20 minutes when the local anesthesia was gone. But then it was all fine. 


    I did'nt get any real pain at all afterwards when I removed mine, but I bled like a pig for a day. And then I saw the bill...


    I have a friend who is now a bit of a prepper, but who in a former life was a sniper.


    We often have spotterish discussions about 5.56 versus 7.62. His view is simple - 5.56 was adopted because of weapons procurement politics around NATO and the M-16 in the 1970s. OK, you carry more, lighter ammo and it supports automatic weapons better vis a vis recoil... but they're too damned fast and not designed for longer ranges. It zips through bodies and bounces of level 2/3 body armour. Back in the day of 3 Shock Army swarming over the Fulda Gap this was viewed as no biggie: a wounded soldier is more of a burden than a dead one to the enemy logistics train... but nowadays your average Muj doesn't have a logisitics train and isn't that bothered about his wounded either.


    Recent experience in hot sandy places suggests you need a dedicated marksman rifle capability at squad level (which is why the venerable M14 is back in fashion), mainly because it delivers a big 'ol 7.62 man-killing round at the best part of a mile. Everyone was impressed with Muj marksmen armed with ageing Dragunov / SVR class rifles.


    Lastly, my friend The Sniper believes the most viable calibre for modern military firearms, which is often mooted, sits at the 7mm mark. This is the best trade-off of killing power, weight and recoil in his (rather credible) opinion.



    Sounds alot like the reasoning behind the 6.8mm Remington development.

    • Like 1
  3. It's TWIN-LINKED, ffs!


    No, no, no - that's clearly a Storm weapon system; It's two barrells built into one rifle afterall! :p




    Ironically its exactly other way around, the 556 fragments like mad, the 7.62x39 makes relativity clean holes. Theres two reason for that, the 7.62 x 39 bullets have thick jackets thus making them much less prone to fragment and the muzzle velocity of the 7.62 x 39 is very low. The 5.56 is extremely fast and the bullet has a very thin jacket making it prone to yaw and fragment. However, the 7.62x39 is MUCH better penetrator than the 5.56 and thats why I still like it better.


    I don't like the 556 but i would not underestimate it, thats what it does to a thigh. (Graphic)




    Ouch! I'd have thought that was a bad ricochet or something and not a direct hit.

  4. It is totally necessary to re-establish the canon, it's pretty much a mess right now.  I'd say the Old Republic stuff will be safe, but all the stuff after Return of the Jedi is in danger.


    Too bad, I actually kind of liked the new era. Even yuuzhan vong.

  5. That's okay, you knock around with Thor and the others in Valhalla,  I'll go out drinking with Loki and have cunning plans.. :shifty:



    If you do, I'd advice you to be careful, drinking with Loki has been known to cause; Chronic back(stab) conditions, massive worldshattering headaches, waking up with extremely weird partners in your bed (Including, but not limited to; Wolves and snakes), waking up as an extremely weird partner (Including, but not limited to; a Mare) and waking up bound by your kids guts and being a incapacitated massive pain in the butt to your loving partner, until the end days.


    Then again, the alternative is rather boring, and involves drinking mead :x ... Bring on the patron of furry pron and BDSM!!

    • Like 2
  6. Hope your back eases up soon Wals! :)


    I don't know if it's throwing one or not, I seem to remember sickdays mostly being there to make certain you don't get the other employees sick from the beginning. In any case, I think you've got reason to stay home.

    • Like 1
  7. It's pretty natural to hallucinate stuff while you're half asleep, I wouldn't worry about it.


    Edit: yupp, looked it up, hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations are present in about 37 and 12,5 percent of the population, respectively, and while they may be more prevalent in people with narcolepsia, they're nothing to worry about in itself. If it's any reassurance, I also have them occasionally.



    I've never really experienced the hallucinations, but I do occasionally suffer from sleep paralysis, wich is some scary stuff. Occasionally when I'm sleeping on my mates sofa I get it, and usually end up kicking the table next to the sofa while trying to get back control.


    That frickin' table hurts by the way.

  8. The Price of Tech:





    ....gas on top of that is another $40(summer) to $110(winter)

    ....this is with us living literally in the dark as far as lighting is concerned (low-watt florescent bulbs too) and having a very small house etc. It's probably almost all computer/TV/media related, electric dryer, and in summer, some A/C use.

    ....lately every month the utility company likes to send us (and everyone else I'm sure) graphs showing us how far beyond what they think of as "low" and "normal" household-use we are re:kwh consumption. :lol:



    1629kWh during november. And it's a warm winter. :p

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah, they do charge a crazy amount of money, today I'll probably get some temporary fix, and it'll cost me 200 euros or something, but could go for just 100 euros if I'm "lucky".


    Just a normal checkup is 100 euros... for something like 30 minutes of work. And that does'nt include x-ray...


    Still two hours to go until my time, but atleast the pain is gone for the moment.

  10. Spent a couple of days with my mates, celebrating christmas the way I like to. They got together and got me a christmas present, World of Warcraft Mists of Pandas. Wich is kinda cruel actually, to buy WoW for me after being clean for 2 years and 28 days. :p


    Good couple of days to bring my mood up from the gutter. Sadly not going to get any sleep today, but **** it, I'll live through that!

  11. Nah, my ear was itching so I tried to clean it with a q-tip, unfortunately I pushed whatever was itching right onto my eardrum.  Now I'm deaf as can be on one ear.   :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


    Oh great, blood is running out of my ear. Now my day is officially ruined. 


    1. Welcome, for a day or two, to my life! :p


    2. Nothing smaller than an elbow in your ear...


    I get clogged up in my ear sometimes, and I know it sucks, but next time you should just put up with it. The itching when a scrape heals is much worse in my opinion.

    Sometimes it helps to pull on your earlobe a bit if you push earwax into the ear, but trying to dig it out is just futile.


    Hope it's gone by the time you read this. :)


    The exact number is: not enough.  :>

    Aha, ok. But what is this stuff that seems to be oozing out of the rocks and forming small streams? I mean those NASA guys always say its probably water even though its not possible.

    Alien goo? :w00t:



    Haha! Let's hope it's Elerians if that is the case! ;)

    • Like 1
  13. Oh man, I have zero respect for people who have unprotected sex and then get 'accidentally' pregnant. Its so goddamn easy to avoid yet it still happens, it simply boggles my mind.  :facepalm: 

    What I did today: went to the shooting range and had so much fun, shot like a laser, my reloads worked like a charm, the wonderful smell of burned powder in my nose. Since my reloads worked so well I can now begin manufacturing a couple of hundred rounds for each rifle which gives me something to do on the coming dreary boring winter days. Today has been a good day.



    Yeah, I don't have any respect for it either. It's not much hassle compared to either an abortion or 18 years of hell.


    ****s sake sis, why did'nt you go anal?! -.-'


    How many rifles do you actually have?

  14. Yeah but Mars is really just a tad above vacuum, in fact 1% or less of earths atmosphere density is labeled as ''trace gas'', and Mars' atmosphere density is 0,6%. I really doubt its enough to keep liquid water from boiling.

    The only way to keep water from escaping the planet or asteroid via vaporization is to keep it frozen, like the poles on Mars, or under lots of pressure. It can't turn into a liquid state without vaporizing in a near vacuum environment.


    Gonna have to send this question to NASA.



    It does'nt stay liquid for long though, according to Wikipedias Mars page under hydrology;

    "Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars due to low atmospheric pressure, except at the lowest elevations for short periods".


    Today my sister said she was pregnant and it is'nt planned, wich makes me pissed off, because a) I hate kids, b) could've been avoided if she and her boyfriend took precautions and c) I don't know if she's actually serious or not.

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