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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I've got a long time friend that got me the job I currently have, he used to be a marshal aswell, and is working over the summer, told me that if I quit my job, he's not going to cover the bosses asses and work in the yard instead of me. He's going to call them on their ****ty managing abilities not having improved since he stepped down as leader at that place. When he was a leader over there that place ran pretty well, and it's been going downhill since then. I think I'm going to look for some fine whisky to buy him.
  2. RIP Barticat Irreplaceable, no, but extremely difficult to replace. They'd need to find a lorry driver that is interested in working more hours for less money than he can get from any freight company, freight companies that are so desperate for drivers that they've offered me a licence. It takes at least two weeks to train someone new, during which time they need to pull one of the normal marshals from their job to train someone, if anyone volounteers to do it; We've been looking for extra marshals for months and only two out of 150 people stepped up. At the moment we are 3 full time marshals and one reserve that has only done this for one month, next week the bosses in their infinite wisdom has sent the other regulars on 4 weeks vacation, meaning if I quit they only have one marshal and also noone to man the gatehouse, because they also have gone on vacation. And I'm not training a replacement. They will have an interesting couple of weeks ahead of them.
  3. My boss has done f'd up by me today, so unless I get a 25% raise on my salary and my work hours I need on monday I'm quitting. Already have a new job lined up that will sustain me for a while incase that happens. Let's see who needs who the most, if they want me to come in and save their asses it's 500$ per day. I'm going to enjoy f'ing them in the ass after all the **** I've put up with, but I do feel bad for the guy that was supposed to become my new boss (The old bosses has continuously kept pushing the date forward for when he's supposed to take over) that is going to be left with one hell of a mess to clean up. (A 25% increase would put me at a little less than what a lorry driver would make working 9-5, which is essentially exactly what I am, except I have more to keep track of)
  4. Gog Galaxy does the same kind of auto-updating —AFAIK. (I don't use it myself, and keep finding the thing installed by default more, and more often these days). It's the first thing I uninstall after installing a GoG title. But it is for providing some of the the social and auto-update features that Steam provides; from what I've read. well steam has the workshop for mod thats..what I was thinking about auto-update lol when you have alot of mods installed..its so very useful when it does it on its own.... Except when a new patch bricks some of your mods and they are auto-updated.
  5. Gog without a doubt. If I pay money for something, I own that copy, not dependant on the goodwill of valve and The Fat Bastard.
  6. What about the rest of you ? Well, besides kidneys, all I can say is the adrenal glands, the liver, lungs and trachea, and gallbladder are all fine
  7. Kidneys are normal.
  8. If you want to skip the intro talk, jump to 2:55
  9. Not really no, nothing that comes close to causing liver cirrhosis atleast. I average 2 times a year that I drink, proper, and now and then(Once a month maybe?) a beer or glass of rum. Some years I go without even touching it, but when midsummer and midwinter comes around I can sometimes feel an urge. Mostly because my mates drink. Since everyone on my mothers side of the family are functioning alcoholics (In my POV) I have a worry that I might fall into that, so I limit myself. Not going to limit myself this weekend though, since the doc's told me that I might have cirrhosis I abstained from alcohol this friday (Midsummers eve is a very important holiday afterall! ) so I'm going to have a proper drunken blowout. Aiming for blackout drunk, but I doubt that will happen. :D The doctor did say that my liver might be a bit swollen from my bloodpressure though, and having high BP for a very long time can cause cirrhosis. I'm not massively overweight, have had basically no chance of contracting hepatitis. Apparently I don't have any gallstones to worry about either, wich is also a possibility. *Shrug* Hey, Aluminiumtrioxide are you still around? >_>
  10. That sucks TN, hope it's just a strain and nothing else Did an ultrasound on my liver today, about a month ago I did a CT scan on my kidneys and adrenal glands and they turned out to be fine, but the doctor thought that my liver was swollen and suspected cirrhosis. So atleast that is not a thing. Going to do a, uh... fluid throughput ultrasound of my kidneys. Also, despite taking double my bloodpressure meds my BP hasn't dropped any significant amount. Missing my potassium pill does more for my BP than anything else.
  11. If you were so inclined there is a lot of work for someone of your education and skills in Russia. I'll need some Adidas suits first
  12. While it's still legal ._.
  13. Might aswell drop this here to; https://juliareda.eu/2018/06/not-giving-up/
  14. It passed, and suddenly people around me start waking up when it's to late. We'll have to try again before the next vote in the beginning of July. https://saveyourinternet.eu/ https://juliareda.eu/2018/06/not-giving-up/
  15. Come on, man. It's Herbie! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbie Whaat? I don't like hitlermobiles I really miss a Trans Am, Firebird and a GMC Van from that lorry
  16. Hope your cuz get's well, cancer truly is a B.
  17. Anyone know what movie that beetle is from?
  18. I just heard about it from a pirate party friend of mine, so I don't rightly know. It's been going on for atleast a month I think.
  19. Ooh... Tzeentch may be very disappointed in you... or not. Depends on the bigger plans The beauty of playing a Tzeentch-aligned army. Your losses are victories, and victories are losses! Heads, I win, tails you lose. Always been a White Scar man myself. ----- Also, calling all EU members on this board! The EU is about to **** things up for us again, doing errands for the lobbyists. There is more information here; https://juliareda.eu/2018/06/saveyourinternet/ I really enjoy the internet and free flow of information, and I'm sure you do to, so let's try and stop this **** before we all have to prep USB-sticks with a TOR reader... So do please take some of your time to try and stop it from happening.
  20. You need to pack the family up and move out of that suburban hell. If you live out in the sticks going fishing may be nothing more than a short, pleasant walk. ´Soo much this. I've got a hundred metres to the lake. It's awesome for warm days too. GD, did you ever share any images of where you live?
  21. Woo! Sweden! AK4s and Volvos FTW! Though the Volvo has the American headlights... for shame.
  22. I prefer Siehorse myself.
  23. Fallout. Jagged Alliance 2. Vampire Bloodlines.
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