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Everything posted by C2B

  1. Every women/man is introduced with a shower scene for no other reason than A: Make it in a twisted way sexual B Lulz. And there is as good as no exception. (Oh, I forgot no its "realistic" and absolutly needed to build "atmosphere".) Heavy Rain managed to get me into a rage with the introduction of Lauren. It just had to be in a shower and with her half naked. Nope, they couldn't bring the point across any other way. Not to mention how he charachterizies women. Madison? Wants to have sex with the main charachter after the only interaction she had with Ethan was bandaging him up two times and reading about him. Not to mention they do it while his son is drowing. Don't forget all the sci-fi bull**** that was thrown in for the lulz. Theres a big load more of the stuff I hate about it but thats a short overview.
  2. If you want to play an Assassins Creed play the second one. You don't have to play the first to get out most of it Uncharted 1 like said before is a mix between Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider. I never made it past the first half of U2 because of the Himalaya sections. Because it IS the most ridiculus thing I have ever seen. Indy4s Atomic Fridge is more believable. At least there its pretty clear why it wouldn't work. Here? Its a mind**** in how many ways the main charachter would die. And pretty much an insult for everyone who climbs themselves in extreme condition. None of those games have a remarkable story. Entertaining charachters though.
  3. I want to see David Cage hiring Writers first. Or at least someone who punches him whenever he thinks of anything regarding showers. I also highly doubt he could do the theme justice.
  4. Sorry for asking but,.... Whats exactly the joke?
  5. George Ziets http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/1018...-siege-iii.html
  6. Who else wants to hear about Dungeon Siege III co-op by a half naked lady on a video magazine called PIMP Daily Dose?
  7. http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/1017...-siege-iii.html Good info there. All pretty good except a few things i noticed. 3. No item requirements of any kind. (other than character). May be a good thing, not sure. Where did you get that from? Didn't notice it.
  8. Rich Taylor QA is up (also has a little info on BIs BG3 http://www.gamebanshee.com/interviews/1017...-siege-iii.html
  9. That was already posted a while ago. But thanks anyway.^^
  10. MOST games can be played by Children. I hate to burst your bubble but Action Game #343234 isn't so complex that they can't play it. (And you can't honestly tell me that you didn't play these sort of games as a kid) Nearly EVERY Game isn't as complex if we don't talk about educational games. This does not mean it was designed only for children in mind. It's a purly aesthetical choice anyway.
  11. If your definition of a kids/adult game is how much blood and gore is in a game you may miss the point. Its a design choice and Nathaniel explained well enough why they did it.
  12. Radiant Historia just arrived on import. It's very good so far.
  13. new article regarding it from Destructoid http://www.destructoid.com/obsidian-explai...ns-195120.phtml
  14. So, we are back to "not knowing anything"?
  15. Yep. Now. Not when I jumped into that damn article.
  16. "Whole big new world" doesn't really make sense for a action rpg XBLA title.
  17. Not sure I like those ideas. Ultima has run it's course and Storm of Zehir did not make for an promising demonstration of what Icewind Dale 3 could look like. That was more the fault of the NWN2 engine than the game though. Edit: Also about AP. AP's fault was that it was too hybrid traditional with its combat actually. It was basically the same thing that was used in Bloodlines/Deus Ex. Combine that with poor balancing and you got what you got. I didn't found much fault regarding the ambiouts things in the game actually. The choice system worked well. Technically (Stability) I was actually impressed. It wasn't much worse than other UE3 titles. And given that its Obs and an RPG (Squares xbox version of Last Remnant was much worse) even more.
  18. Hard to say if that's the "Sauron won" fantasy setting, but it could certainly be. They also seem to think that the "Can't pass up" IP is the Wheel of Time game we already knew about. Ferg's been talking to Atari about IWD3 but seems to indicate it's not in the cards. He also wants to make an Ultima game. Man, reading the Joystiq preview and now this. Do they have something against Obsidian? It seems awfully negative written. @Tale: That was the "Defiance" Project that they pitched to Square Enix.
  19. I just reread the cheatcc preview. Thats a very interesting part
  20. You've described about any WRPG that came out in the last.. what.. 15 years? Yes. I think we just figured it out. This game is an RPG. Just like all those ones we have been playing for years. You can compare them all. They are all share this thing we like to call a "genre". Yet Fable doesn't focus on its combat. DS3 does. There are literary hunderds of action-rpgs/hack n' slashs that are closer and related to DS3. And I still don't get the connection. How did it reinforce your argument?
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