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Everything posted by Thorton_AP

  1. I'll agree that ME is on a whole other level. In that it's a different style game It's more of a shooter (especially ME2). I prefer AP over both of the ME games so far though. (And I really liked both of the ME games, as evidenced by my posts on this forum that show me considering the comparisons to ME prior to release as being a good thing).
  2. Here's the irony of your comment. You criticize Deus Ex Machina because "you didn't have any issues with ME1/2, Oblivion, or Fallout 3." It's possible that people don't have issues with Alpha Protocol too. I haven't found any bugs yet (but it's still early for me). Huh? Where did I criticize Deus Ex? That's in my top 5 games of all time I never said you criticized Deus Ex. I was talking about the user "Deus Ex Machina" (which you even partially bolded and underlined. You said that he was being a fanboy because there are clearly issues with AP, while you had none with ME1/2, Oblivion, or Fallout 3. You failed to recognize that maybe he didn't have issues with AP. As an update, I played the game last night and at the end, my Steam said that I had been in the game for 586 minutes for that current session Loving the game so far. The subtle (and not so subtle) responses to your actions are just awesome.
  3. I am preferring this game over Mass Effect. I <3 the conversations and dialogue.
  4. You can change them just from your inventory screen (at your HUB) as well.
  5. Here's the irony of your comment. You criticize Deus Ex Machina because "you didn't have any issues with ME1/2, Oblivion, or Fallout 3." It's possible that people don't have issues with Alpha Protocol too. I haven't found any bugs yet (but it's still early for me).
  6. I am playing the Steam version and have not had any technical issues through the tutorial. Just arrived in Saudi Arabia.
  7. LOL don't feel stupid You want to play the game and were afraid you couldn't! That is understandable
  8. Wait, North American Gamestops got the PAL versions?
  9. Wait what? That doesn't really make any sense, does it?
  10. Seems to be up now!
  11. Hello, Just curious if anyone knows when the Steam version will be unlocked. I am antsy!!!! :D
  12. I think the idea is that it's supposed be just an RPG.
  13. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon But not fast enough! :D
  14. This strikes me as a "This very interesting woman taht is otherwise intriguing has weird looking toes. I'm out!" If this is a deal breaker for you, then that's that. On the plus side, I'm sure you get a mountain of value for your typical games because the playtime for them must be enormous.
  15. I guess my impatience has always ignored the "lack of immersion" that comes from not walking everywhere. I can't think of a single game where I walked around everywhere instead of just moving at the max speed I could in an area (unless I had a tactical reason for walking).
  16. You probably walk while in your safe house or something. Like in Splinter Cell: Double Agent you didn't run at full speed, but walked briskly instead (when at the hideout). I haven't played the game yet so I don't know.
  17. I don't find it that surprising that the PCs are able to get the top notch visuals, given their current capabilities.
  18. Didn't some people get it at
  19. My thoughts are that he probably posts scores to create a buzz, and probably tends to go in extremes. I mean, from his Deadly Premonition review, he actually said: "This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect" 10/10!
  20. I don't know what to think about the Destructoid one. This is the same guy that was pimping up Deadly Premonition while at the same time spending good chunks of the review totally ripping on Heavy Rain (to the point where it seemed like it was more of a review of Heavy Rain than Deadly Premonition). A bit of me thinks he might post crazy **** for laughs and/or hits.
  21. My condolences to those that are unable to look past graphics.
  22. That's them slow ass Americans for you
  23. New York (according to Wikipedia) had to come to a compromise, but the Law basically said that schools cannot restrict the Kirpans, because they are a religious symbol.
  24. Kirpans were banned by New York and Ohio, but it was deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Though I believe Kirpans have become areas of contention in places where security is higher.
  25. Yeah, it's bad on Patrick for agreeing to it IMO.
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