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Everything posted by Thorton_AP

  1. It is quite short. Honestly I don't think that that detracts from the game though. I think if it goes on much longer, it'd start to get old. I'd probably rather play Portal than most games which I would play for 10-20 hours.
  2. I can quite agree that probably the matter has been discussed or will be discussed by Bethesda & Obsidian but it still seemed strange to me, since I don't believe posting things like that was against the rules of the forum. Then again, box art or not, there will still be a lot of people that will give credit for the game to Bethesda, so I don't care that much. The timing of it may be a bit inconvenient, because there was a ton of verbal diarrhea going around with Infinity Ward not having Activision logo in the right places. Here's the KOTOR 2 boxart (in the Rating Pending stage too)
  3. I thought I was going for a kind of Jason Bourne build. Turns out I am going for an Alvin Nelson build! Brayko is TBD though
  4. It still says "Rating Pending" so it's obviously not the actual final box art.
  5. I didn't really feel it was trying to be funny. I did enjoy it though
  6. I misunderstood your perspective of Mass Effect then I guess. You certainly give off the impression that you don't care for BioWare's writing in that regard. Actually I have. Shreddies are gross!
  7. I am pretty sure that I've seen other press releases that talk about how some missions don't involve any combat at all.
  8. People can (and do) pirate console games too. Regardless, you're very clear on your position of not liking BioWare's game style, writing, and so forth. There are a lot of people that do, and to these people free Day One DLC is a definite positive to these people. Sounds like some of them post on this very board for that matter. And even focusing on the PC, I'm still exceptionally skeptical that the release of DLC undermine's BioWare's cause any significant shape. Maybe for those such as yourself that don't really care for BioWare writing and design. It's probably no real skin off BioWare's back to release DLC for the PC if they're already doing it for the consoles, and you know they'd get heavily criticized if they didn't bother releasing the DLC for the PC.
  9. He does say straight up "Super Tool"
  10. I enjoyed the metaphor
  11. So how do I load those up onto my 360 or PS3 again? That's what I meant by "most people don't have access to it." Origins DLC sales exceed $1 million in November 2009. Since you're talking about stuff being "more likely," I'm surprised you haven't recognized that it's more likely that a DAO player owns it for a console. Or am I just missing something?
  12. Did the kids do it as an example of social commentary?
  13. Interesting point. I wonder if there will be a significant enough spike when the DRM is patched out.
  14. Why is it arguable? Because you feel it is legitimate symbolism? Like I said, if I were to even notice that two flags were on the same pole, it'd probably be simply because two flags on the same pole is a rare occurrence. I wouldn't care if was my country's flag that was below, nor would I think it was disrespectful to the other country's if there's was below. It sounds like you just have double standards that adhere to your perception of the world (which isn't a criticism, we all do). To say that they aren't equally unreasonable is just stupid!
  15. If people consider that an insult, they're being just as unreasonable IMO. More reasonable than being insulted by people wearing American flags on cinco de mayo. No, everyone is being stupid. I'd consider it just the same to be perfectly frank. It's just a flag. I'm reminded of an Eddie Izzard skit. "More reasonable" is comparative for a reason. If I meant to speak in absolutes, I would. I'd contend equally unreasonable. People put too much stock in flags. I doubt I'd blink an eye if I saw my country's flag below another on the same pole. The only way that that is insulting is if you ascribe an intent that someone did it to symbolize that one flag (i.e. what it represents) is superior. The same way that kids wearing an T-shirt is insulting because you ascribe an intent that they are doing it to disrespect your celebration. Assumptions are being made all around.
  16. I think it's more that people hyperbolize like mad. It doesn't look as good as another game, therefore they are complete crap. Right?
  17. What is it about the DRM that precludes you getting it now, rather than insisting that you get it only when the DRM has been patched? Or are you concerned it won't actually be patched out?
  18. Most of the people playing the game don't have access to free mods. I doubt that the DLCs are hurting their causes that much. It's probably more likely that they keep doing them because it's more successful than you'd like it to be.
  19. If people consider that an insult, they're being just as unreasonable IMO. More reasonable than being insulted by people wearing American flags on cinco de mayo. No, everyone is being stupid. I'd consider it just the same to be perfectly frank. It's just a flag. I'm reminded of an Eddie Izzard skit.
  20. If people consider that an insult, they're being just as unreasonable IMO.
  21. Perhaps he was agreeing with you for being around so many Hispanics?
  22. I like the humor and cheese. I know some didn't care for the pop culture references in FO2, but I enjoyed them a lot!
  23. Well, it's not like these games were cracked
  24. Wasn't so funny when Iron Lore did it with Titan Quest... Iron Lore did a big mistake of not making this a public information... i never played Titan Quest, but 1st time i've heard that the game was intentionaly bugged for pirates, was about 2 years after they got bankrupt... Instead of some random bugs, they should just have a sign pop up saying that you have a pirated copy(and if not, send an email to this address). WOuldn't that be as effective as saying "The game is not yet cracked properly. Go back and try again!"
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