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Everything posted by Thorton_AP

  1. I've seen my share of people criticize games that they enjoy simple because they feel the game must adhere to some never actually established rule that the game should be 60 hours long in order to be a good game.
  2. What is justice?
  3. Logistics?
  4. Is 12 hours that bad? I've never understood the fixation with "time played" as the prime metric for determining quality. Unless you're just playing a game to pass the time and not to enjoy it or anything like that. Sure, 2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute, but I've played some games with 60-100 hours of gameplay that frankly were just time sinks when I step back and look at it. Sure, I played a lot of Oblivion, but I'd much rather play a significantly shorter game that is of actual quality.
  5. There are a lot of factors at play. Did you mod a low level pistol down a whole lot on damage to favor accuracy and silence, and then shoot one of the buffer enemy types? In those cases, you might not take a guy down, depending on some of your skill ranks. Haha yeah I figured that. I was just joking around.
  6. Was she crazy? Way over the top?
  7. Didn't that result in a huge ****storm of people declaring the game a buggy mess, when it was really just pirates that suffered from the "bug."
  8. "Almost" always? I keed I keed.
  9. When you look at it with a look that "name whatever price you want for it" means that you can name that your price is 0 USD/EUR/Whatever aswell... That means the people downloading it for free are not pirates, but cheap asshats whothink that the price worth to pay for the awesome games is zero... If you offer something which can people get for random price from 0 to gazzillion, you can't complain, that some people decided to pay 0 and some hundreds of muneh... EDIT: Anyway, if the numbers are correct, 25% is very low number of free leechers... The number is considered a conservative estimate. And no, the "name whatever price you want for it" in this case DOES NOT include ZERO. You had to pay at least a penny. Way to justify and rationalize the pirates. Maybe they felt the DRM was too restrictive.... /facepalm EDIT: Just made a donation of $30
  10. Or that they went above and beyond the call of duty and let every dialogue response be unique and appropriately flow depending on your response. The branching factor would be immense, however.
  11. My favourite games tend to be games that I feel have both good gameplay and good stories. Games like Deus Ex and such.
  12. Am I one of the only ones that doesn't really find Sis all that attractive?
  13. What are the in game equivalent names for these guns?
  14. I don't think it's an unfair critique necessarily. It's a limitation of the medium though (video game), in that how you respond doesn't necessarily reflect what was said because you might be able to get there from different ways. Though the conversation system of AP is supposed to be better than most (hopefully all) in that regard.
  15. Does a "stupid" game have to be an easy game? Double Dragon is pretty straight forward, but I remember thinking it was damn hard when I was growing up. I bet I still find it hard today.
  16. I think the game looks fine personally.
  17. That is true. We're only able to take it at his word. Though his comments was a concern I had in the first splinter cell games (pre Chaos Theory). If it's like Deus Ex though, then yeah hyperbole seems to be the case here.
  18. It was probably more of a concern due to the range of the attack. If he really got as close as he said he did, it probably wouldn't require any pistol skill (i.e. me) to effectively shoot the guy in the back of the head.
  19. The one thing I like about the wheel, and it seems like AP is doing something similar, is that it lent some consistency to the motivation behind your comments (compared to other One-word/Paraphrase dialogue systems. Going as far back as Ultimas, or the ****ty wiki systems of Wizardry or Bethesda games). So if you wanted to be "nice" it was upper right, "direct" it was right, and abrasive was lower right. Room for improvement needed for sure, but it sounds like AP is going to help us make decisions without needing too much thought with somewhat standardized themes for each response. I.E. X is "Suave" Y is "Aggressive" and B is "Professional, while A is "End conversation in some way." Hopefully the flow is better than ME's implementation, though one previewer mentioned that Mike can seem a bit schizophrenic if you bounce around between stances a lot. This makes sense because I imagine there is some overlap to conversations, and a variety of different ways to get to a particular point of a dialogue tree, and that every dialogue node doesn't represent a completely new and unique branch down a tree.
  20. The thing I didn't like was the scaling. I'm actually okay if I just bump into the odd molerat or whatever now and then. When those Yao-Gui and Deathclaws and big radscorpions are all running around, it got old very quickly.
  21. Haha fair enough. I know this place is relatively "anti-BioWare" but hey, some of us like Obsidian games too!
  22. Figures, just another reason to keep Biowarians away no account for taste. It would had completely ruined the Feng Shuei of DA:O Thanks, I appreciate being judged! :D
  23. I remember reading fan reviews of Dragon Age that complained about the wheel's absence though :\ I haven't played Gothic. It wasn't really very big in North America. At least I don't think so.
  24. Ah, I was remembering areas within the sewers and whatnot. They were probably considered special.
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